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I don't know some idiot says a russian officer named them that during their covert ops in Afghanistan but that story is straight up bull
The Russian movie the 9th Company depicts one such incident. It can be seen from 4:27 onwards. I do remember this being discussed on PDF long time ago and I don't think there were any objections.

When the Battle for Hill 3234 concluded, the Soviet paratroopers founded that the Afghan mujaheddin actually wore the black uniforms with rectangular black-yellow-red stripes, and suspected to be Army Special Service Group personnel; Pakistan's government has officially denied their involvement. The American author, Aukai Collins, identified the elements as "Black Storks" who crossed the border to join the Afghan mujahideen – a claim also backed by American author, David Campbell.:60–61[23]
Can the same be done along/across the LOC in sectors where we are weak?
certain quid pro quo targets are always selected by both sides in all sectors, some for physical raid/ occupation and some for fire raid/ interdiction... but that means the QPQ response will always come where own side is strong to deter the enemy from aggression where we are weak.
I was about to say the same thing.

In European folklore, the white stork delivers babies from the air. I always interpreted 'Black Storks' as those operatives who have been specially trained to hand deliver the nuclear baby. That would be a black day for the enemy indeed.
certain quid pro quo targets are always selected by both sides in all sectors, some for physical raid/ occupation and some for fire raid/ interdiction... but that means the QPQ response will always come where own side is strong to deter the enemy from aggression where we are weak.

I meant, rather than a retaliatory action, a very limited op to take a few ridges/heights to remove the dominating presence of the enemy - so that they can no longer target Pak posts at will and if in the future, there is approval for further incursion, it begins the enabling process for it.

Regarding your point about deterring the enemy from attacking your weak areas - that is logical, but wouldn't the enemy also follow the same logic of attacking where they are strong and the other side is weak?
I meant, rather than a retaliatory action, a very limited op to take a few ridges/heights to remove the dominating presence of the enemy - so that they can no longer target Pak posts at will and if in the future, there is approval for further incursion, it begins the enabling process for it.

Regarding your point about deterring the enemy from attacking your weak areas - that is logical, but wouldn't the enemy also follow the same logic of attacking where they are strong and the other side is weak?
we tried that in kargil, now after ceasefire of 2003, situation has changed. any attempt of capturing their territory or the same by them will escalate quickly. India is not a weak country militarily. and yes they ve similar plans thats why both sides mostly resort to cross border small arm, mortar and Artillery fire. unlike Afghan border, the whole LOC is heavily militirized and their are no gaps between posts.
Not our Guy in the first picture. He is probably from US MARSOC or maybe ANSF.

He is wearing a M-81 BDU with shoulder pockets which is a NATO thing.

Pakistani BDUs don't have shoulder pockets.

Camouflaged weapon.
The way he organise his vest. Like TQ on the vest NATO SOF mostly do this thing.
Trijicon ACOG, no one in Pakistan Military use a 1000$ optic.
we tried that in kargil, now after ceasefire of 2003, situation has changed. any attempt of capturing their territory or the same by them will escalate quickly. India is not a weak country militarily. and yes they ve similar plans thats why both sides mostly resort to cross border small arm, mortar and Artillery fire. unlike Afghan border, the whole LOC is heavily militirized and their are no gaps between posts.

Understood, but wasn't Kargil a full blown affair? I don't know to what extent things escalated to, but as far I'm aware, post-Feb 27th LY, ground situation along LOC escalated for a good few months. I can't comment on the veracity of the visual in the tweet below, but if true, it clearly shows that at least the other side did show some initiative:

Understood, but wasn't Kargil a full blown affair? I don't know to what extent things escalated to, but as far I'm aware, post-Feb 27th LY, ground situation along LOC escalated for a good few months. I can't comment on the veracity of the visual in the tweet below, but if true, it clearly shows that at least the other side did show some initiative:

it escalated yes but nothing happened, cross border fire intensified for a while troops were moved to forward locations and remained thr for few months. no operations were carried out by either side against any post/ ground feature, anywhere along the border or LOC.
the video shows exactly that, a mortar/ Artillery or ATGM/ RR strike on a bunker. same happens to indian posts all the time.
Understood, but wasn't Kargil a full blown affair? I don't know to what extent things escalated to, but as far I'm aware, post-Feb 27th LY, ground situation along LOC escalated for a good few months. I can't comment on the veracity of the visual in the tweet below, but if true, it clearly shows that at least the other side did show some initiative:

Or maybe maybe wind is blowing in opposite direction...
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