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Pakistan’s sniper ops take a hit on Indian Army thanks to old guns, low ammo

I am sure this problem will be addressed shortly. Again, sarcastic posts are of no value.
Importing ammunition from Russia. Must be a mistake in article. "Suppowur" is exporting ammo to Russia, that's why shortages. Russia is desperate for Indian quality.
Wonderful strawman argument, you have decent sniper rifles and that somehow translates to diminishing India's superiority in possessing better warships, submarines, fighters, awacs, SAMs, tanks, missiles and everything else in between and pak not losing the arms race?

What superiroty ahole? We are gutting your men on LOC leaving big holes in their heads, and you lot cant even provide the basic armaments to your soldiers? You want to fight arms race? LOL. Most the items you mentioned, we build them inhouse, we don't need to go about shop for them.
International Line of Control (LoC)
There is no such thing as International Line of Control.. It's only Line of Control (LoC)

Indians and their logic always :rofl::rofl:
Didn't you hear an Indian stripped naked in an Air India flight from Dubai to Lucknow and when he was interrogated he said that he thought plane would land in Pakistan.. and he did this in protest of his Pakistani employer's harassment.. :lol::lol::lol:

Ok... let me put it like this... main focus was Olympic and other sport events... best marksmen were doing that...
You want to laugh... do it...
Did they win gold? If not, don't waste your time by sending them over to LoC... poor guys will only get a hole on their foreheads..
What superiroty ahole? We are gutting your men on LOC leaving big holes in their heads, and you lot cant even provide the basic armaments to your soldiers? You want to fight arms race?

You think just coz you have read 2 news articles on logistical problems of the IA and somehow that make PA a dominant force in the LOC? LOL.
What you don't realize is with what we have it is enough to punish and keep PA at bay.

The real gutting happens when we retaliate.
Are you pakistanis really that naive to think that a numerically superior force which is also armed more extensively than pakistan just sits back as pak snipers take pot shots?
Enjoy living in that lala land.

LOL. Most the items you mentioned, we build them inhouse, we don't need to go about shop for them.

Like what?

What does pakistan make that is even roughly close to the work HAL does in the Su-30 MKI?
What conventional submarine as advanced as the Scorpenes or nuclear subs like INS Arihant does pak make?
What tanks like the upgraded T-90s does pak make?
What surface to air missile has pakistan made in house?
What AESA based Early Warning system has pak made in house?

You think people are that unaware or something? Who are you trying to fool?
Literally all the info on the current condition of the pakistani military is 2 clicks away in pdf alone.
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