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Pakistan's slice of the moon

because that doesn't make any economic sense to go to school when they can help their parents in their work. That's the reason in every country who have low literacy levels. It's not that their parents don't want their kids to be educated, but they need to feed the family than sending to school.

I was forced to resign when I asked who is going to feed such families, if you send children's to schools. That's why we started evening classes and income supporting programmes to poor families in rural areas.
Most people hate him on PDF because he speaks the truth directly with no sugar-coating.
He speaks of the fundamental flaws in our governence,society and ethics which always triggers people here

A few weeks ago someone posted about female mountainers from north making great achivements for themselves.
Then some retard here got triggered that they were showing the rest of pakistani wahmen in bad light and that the article was promoting division among pakistanis..
How are we supposed to move forward like this ????

Saying that it's pathetic, and being a one sided moron doesn't help though, does it?
Indeed a great step by India. Just by this Chandrayan project, tons of indian kids will be attracted towards science even more. Plus the international research and development groups will flood towards India. Both of these developments will be positive as kids will work hard to get education resulting in higher educated population whereas investments in science and technology will bring more $$$ into india.
There seems to be so many Indians commenting in this forum- mostly with a unifying sense of pride of "patriotism" and with the aim of castigating anyone who dares to genuinely criticize anything related to India or Indians- a very familiar trend in this era of Indian IT power. These people forget that almost ANY country (including Iran, Libya, South Africa, North Korea, Pakistan, etc.) can develop both Atomic & space research, if it gathers enough political will & money, mostly by curtailing far more critical developmental projects. That was true for USSR (Russia) & even the USA. USSR got its nukes only a few years after the USA. It handsomely beat the USA in terms of Nuke warheads. USSR also put its first satellite long before the USA. In fact, NASA was created after USSR successfully launched its first satellite. But none of it was translated into rising of USSR/Russia as a country & helped the prosperity of its people. Ultimately that mighty USSR crumbled. The space race between the USA and Russia was a race of madness. It was not a race of technical advancement and taking mankind ahead. It was a race of "Who will be first, it was a race of ego", but still a giant leap for mankind. Now check India's story. It first exploded Nuke in 1974. India's first satellite was in 1975, put in orbit by USSR. In 1980, India achieved its own capability to put satellites into orbit. All these are so impressive at any scale. But none of it made India even close to an either scientific or technological or regional geopolitical superpower. India hardly can solve its perennial security issue with tiny Pakistan. Quality of higher education and R&D output for India is steadily declining. Both innovation & social mobility is worsening too.
India like copy American technology and then say we are the best. I get the 'we are the best at tech' from a lot of Indians. Well then invent something new...anything! India has no world-class product in the last 60 years. It is true India's Semiconductor Laboratory runs at 180 nm capability while American and Chinese run at 5 nm, decades ahead, controlling all the chip industry from digital manufacturing to upcoming 5G technology.
India is wasting money duplicating spaceflight while it lacks clean water or modern sewerage systems and the air is unbreathable in its cities.
Indeed a great step by India. Just by this Chandrayan project, tons of indian kids will be attracted towards science even more. Plus the international research and development groups will flood towards India. Both of these developments will be positive as kids will work hard to get education resulting in higher educated population whereas investments in science and technology will bring more $$$ into india.

I don't think most parents of Indians, or Pakistanis for that matter, in their 30s or 40s want their children to put effort and resources into beginning human exploration of the Moon and Mars. These parents want their children to go the traditional desi way of school-college-job-marriage-children cycle.

Though I must say that there were quite a few Indians ( and Pakistanis maybe ) who put themselves up as candidates for the Mars One project. I am willing to do a one-way trip to Mars if given the chance.

@RealNapster @Levina @Zibago
Though I must say that there were quite a few Indians ( and Pakistanis maybe ) who put themselves up as candidates for the Mars One project. I am willing to do a one-way trip to Mars if given the chance.

Jo is dunya sa Tang ho ga wahi Jaye ga
India has no world-class product in the last 60 years.

That sadly is true and was reiterated by N.R.Narayanamurthy, the co-founder of one of India's five largest software companies, Infosys.

It is true India's Semiconductor Laboratory runs at 180 nm capability while American and Chinese run at 5 nm, decades ahead, controlling all the chip industry from digital manufacturing to upcoming 5G technology.

Yes, again it is sadly true about SCL.
It takes dollars to fix your flag on moon
And those countries who's more than half of the population is living under poverty line should spend their resources for the betterment of their people
Ya Nawabon walay shauk nahi palnay chahiye
This is one of the most misguided comments that everyone makes. India spends billions on welfare, just throwing away more money wont help their upliftment. Its better technology, jobs and self reliance that uplifts a society, if only people said that about every initiative, we would only be talking and not doing anything. The future is space. Colonisation of planets, mining and travel. If people cant see how over burdened the earth is and the future of civilization, its bad for them. India has the ability to fight poverty and do science at the same time.
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Countries have different priorities. Pakistan is oriented towards defense and their psyche is from a defense perspective which is why SUPARCO is run by Military as for India, it is to be independent from western or Eastern influence when it comes to science and technology and someday dominate those fields.
great article by PH. Sometimes I don't agree with him but he hit the bullseye. I also don't think it is so much about defence. That is just natural. The military's shadow is bigger in Pakistan because we are 7 times smaller. If the population increased by 7 times the shadow of the military would shrink.

However the real issue is who is looking foward and open minded. India is relative to Pakistan thanks to Nehru. When he was laying the foundation for a forward looking India our formative leadership in the 1950s was stapling our testicles to the past and thus making us prisoner to the failed recipes.

It's the mindset problem.
I don't think most parents of Indians, or Pakistanis for that matter, in their 30s or 40s want their children to put effort and resources into beginning human exploration of the Moon and Mars. These parents want their children to go the traditional desi way of school-college-job-marriage-children cycle.

Though I must say that there were quite a few Indians ( and Pakistanis maybe ) who put themselves up as candidates for the Mars One project. I am willing to do a one-way trip to Mars if given the chance.

@RealNapster @Levina @Zibago

Parents prefer

1. Grades
2. Engineering
3. Medical

One of mu relative done his F.sc and asked me which engineering uni you recommend for admission ? I asked him why engineering ? Have you ever looked for the words “psychology, philosphy, desaster management, geology, International relation, political science,” ? And he was like “why would someone study these subjects ? I want to be aj emgineer because you are engineer, on of my cousin is engineer and due to you guys my parents want me to be an engineer”. I asked him to go and tell his parents that the engineer bhaiya recommended me BS psychology.

On the motivation part, it wont work for us. 99 out of 100 things that gorra lead us in or provide us, don’t work here. Lets see...

Now, about the mars colonies. Its funny that every billionare be it musk, amazon owner or others, all want to build humans settlements on mars and shift us there, but no one is ready to help us preserve the world. That being said, I think the one way trip to mars is worthless and foolish to consider when you are aware of the ground conditions and ready to sacrifice your comfort for that... you will literally die in 2-3 years and will suffer from diseases like cancer, bone fractures, and others. those who says we ready for one way mars trip, i suggest first go spend some 2 months in gobbi desert or any other desert that have no human settlement in 100’s of miles .. mars travel sure but when i see humans spending some half million (500k) accident free man hours on mars. And tell me this, the way you breath freely, would you have something compare to that let alone other 1000’s of things that we enjoy here ?
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And I want to add I am not one bit impressed with this moon shot. This is just India trying to polish it's international image and at the same time giving bigger chests for all the poor masses inside India. A useless goodwill effort. Other than that it has no other import.
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