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Pakistan's Service Rifle (G-3, Type-56) Replacement Competition 2016.

Which rifle should win the competition?


    Votes: 241 42.9%
  • Beretta ARX-200

    Votes: 62 11.0%
  • CZ-806 Bren2

    Votes: 116 20.6%
  • Kalashnikov AK-103

    Votes: 127 22.6%
  • Zavasta M21

    Votes: 17 3.0%

  • Total voters
I am not dumb enough to tell you exact who is my source nobody is that dumb. Even a journalist when writes only say source says he never says which source or who is he or she. And yes BREN failed the trials mainly endurance test.
Hmmn...I believe you But its POF that signed the LoU/MoU with CZ :disagree::disagree:
Hmmn...I believe you But its POF that signed the LoU/MoU with CZ :disagree::disagree:
Yup they did and I still think in x39 BREN will come but some changes will be made so it can go through our endurance test and x 51 SCAR is coming. What I am hoping for is if Pakistan goes for both SCAR and BREN than Pakistan goes for entire series of both Rifles not just one caliber
Yup they did and I still think in x39 BREN will come but some changes will be made so it can go through our endurance test and x 51 SCAR is coming. What I am hoping for is if Pakistan goes for both SCAR and BREN than Pakistan goes for entire series of both Rifles not just one caliber
Hazrat @Zarvan when is MoU/LoU being signed with FN? as per your belief it is coming and as you are the patron of SCAR then you can enlighten us about it.
Hazrat @Zarvan when is MoU/LoU being signed with FN? as per your belief it is coming and as you are the patron of SCAR then you can enlighten us about it.
With FN soon directly entire contract will be signed they are already given a green signal at IDEX 2017. Also SSW and SSGN have already placed there orders for SCAR and few other forces may follow the suit. Army guys are also being prepared so things are moving forward fast.
With FN soon directly entire contract will be signed they are already given a green signal at IDEX 2017. Also SSW and SSGN have already placed there orders for SCAR and few other forces may follow the suit. Army guys are also being prepared so things are moving forward fast.
hmmn.....but still there is no official confirmation for SCAR! is it being kept secret?

GIGN selected CZ BREN 2 in 7.62x39mm, not CZ 807 that PA trialed.


hmmn.....but still there is no official confirmation for SCAR! is it being kept secret?

Peep into his dream tonight. You have the confirmation.
GIGN selected CZ BREN 2 in 7.62x39mm, not CZ 807 that PA trialed.


Peep into his dream tonight. You have the confirmation.
French GIGN's operate in close quarter combat in urban areas most oftenly.But Pakistan Army has to get all in one moderate package to operate in diverse conditions,that really needs an affordable,reliable and advance weapon to clear the mess with precision and accuracy.
FN is bringing a 7.62x39 SCAR rifle next years.

View attachment 388773
I had it my hand last year in US..and trust me you dont want this. Heavy as hell - somwhere around 3,8kg and it does not have slide stop. Result: same characteristics as old AK with less reliability and much higher price.

And with 7,62x51 I have experience- yes.
I had it my hand last year in US..and trust me you dont want this. Heavy as hell - somwhere around 3,8kg and it does not have slide stop. Result: same characteristics as old AK with less reliability and much higher price.

And with 7,62x51 I have experience- yes.
how it went with scar
Administrator (#Horus?) has banned my previous profile for pointing out that one of the discussed rifles was selected by French GIGN. I am just asking why? It is so childish. My point is simple #Zarvan and #Horus are constantly spreading fiction and fairy tales in which other rifles than FN SCAR are exploding, or are inaccurate and more. Don't you think this is just wishful thinking? There are no evidence of any of this info. But when somebody doubts about beloved SCAR they are both silent or talk like robots: "SCAR is perfect it was tested in outer space and it worked perfectly it even shoots without ammunition because SCAR is the best and it is comping..ehh soon.."

Come on..this is really ridiculous

what you are trying to say is; SCAR is the best performing rifle in Trials:partay::partay:
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