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Pakistan's 'secret' war in Baluchistan

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United Kingdom – London: Expressing his grave concern of the situation what he called extremely grim, volatile and provocative in Balochistan, the Baloch patriot leader Hyrbyair Marri has said that gross human right violation have reach to that extent beyond to imagination and we as a Baloch nation are worried and concerned for our future.

In an informal chat with ‘The Nation’ here, he was of the view that Pak Army has proved itself the worst enemy to Baloch people and our province is being victimised in every aspect. “Our people are being arrested, tortured, displaced and disappeared. No one is listing to our grievances which is a matter of great concern and shame”, he supplemented.

“Just a few days before, Pakistan Army arrested about four hundred people from Quetta, Sibi and elsewhere in Balochistan and no one knows their whereabouts. This sort of heinous crime has become a matter of routine and is completely hidden from the rest of the world”, Hyrbyair claimed in his interview with ‘The Nation’ at a seminar organised by the United Kashmir people’s National Party (UKPNP) in Southall.

Later addressing the seminar, Hyrbyair Marri said that this an opportunity for me to get to know the leaders of the United Kashmir People’s National Party. I have come to attend this meeting to gain more knowledge about the freedom struggle of the people of Kashmir. “I did however, read your party’s manifesto, according to my understanding your party is for the complete independence of Kashmir from both India and Pakistan. I also read the historical facts that how Kashmir used to be an independent and peaceful state. Unfortunately that Independence did not last long as Kashmir was occupied and divided into several parts”.

Hyrbyair said; “Although Pakistan’s occupied Kashmir is called Azaad Kashmir but I don’t think people of Kashmir consider themselves azaad, because when a country is free/azaad then there is no need to put the word “azaad” before its name. I think it should rather be called occupied Kashmir. I never heard or read any other country which has the word “azaad” before its name. Therefore in my understanding the word azaad is a deception. It is just a trick to fool the people of Kashmir that they are azaad”.

Baloch leader said that Even though it his first time he is attending a meeting of the Kashmiri people but our history and the events that led to the occupation of our countries seem quite similar. “Balochistan too was an independent state throughout the history up until 1947. The creation of Pakistan by the British colonial powers became anguish for the people of Balochistan just like it is tragedy for the people of Kashmir. Balochistan has under gone five major military offensives by Pakistani occupying rulers and in each of these operations thousands of people have been killed, captured and disappeared. Several people arrested in 1970s operation are still missing. The Baloch wounds of 1948, 1958, 1962, and 1970s had not heeled when Musharraf started yet another military operation across Balochistan starting from Marri Bugti regions but soon he expanded it all over Balochistan. Several thousand Baloch have been forcefully displaced from their ancestral lands, around 4,000 Baloch activists including women and children are missing and many are languishing in Pakistani jails under fabricated charges”.

Hyrbyair said; “The Baloch are struggling for a free and democratic Balochistan just like the Kashmiris. This time the Baloch struggle is more organised and widely supported by the Baloch Nation inside Balochistan and the Baloch in Diaspora. The Diaspora is a significant factor in every freedom struggle as they have more opportunities, freedom and safety than those back home. We have several Baloch committed activists who are trying to educate the wider world, the West, the UN and EU about the ground realities in Balochistan”.

Referring to Diasporas, he said; “I think Diasporas like the Kurd, the Baloch, the Kashmiris and other occupied nations should co-operate with each other in order to gain their independence. As we all know that these occupying states do have a common and national interest to keep us oppressed and occupied, they help each other on national and international level. The oppressed Nations should do the same; I mean to say they should work jointly for the sole purpose of their freedom and national interest only. Independence is our human right, our democratic right and our natural right. No matter however powerful and well-equip our enemy may be, they cannot keep us enslaved forever. The cruel invaders of our countries must know that their invasion will come to an end sooner or later. They know that they are unwanted guests and they are not welcomed on our lands. The more people they arrest, the more people they kill the more it becomes obvious that they are fearful of the occupied people to overcome some day”.

Hyrbyair Marri expressed his hope that the occupied nations and in particular the people of Kashmir and Balochistan will soon become free from the yoke of the slavery and once again become sovereign, peaceful and democratic nations. I hope that our people will once again enjoy the true freedom, peace and prosperity.

He ended his speech with raising the slogan; “Long live the freedom struggle of the Kashmiri and Baloch people”.

Source: Printed in Weekly “The Nation & and Kashmir News in London, UK
Now after living a life of luxury in london this dumb as* is also worried about Kashmiris also. Kashmiris don't even know who is this jerk anyways.

Hyrbyair Marri is a traitorous A$$ who doesn't even know what goes on in Balochistan, I suppose he knows all about the plight of Balochis while living in the UK. If he was genuinely concerned about the baloch people, he wouldn't be sitting in a comfortable palace in the UK, he would come down and help them. But that takes guts and balls(pardon my language), both of which this guy lacks.....................
The plight of Balochi people is at the hands of its own brutal tribals lords who attack and excute intellactual workers, blast gas pipelines, terrorize the government, campaign against development and generally want to keep the baloch nation subjugated under their brutal rule. The Balochis who refused to side with such traitors continue to prosper and grow and make great patriotic Pakistanis at home and abroad.

I hope this traitor knows that the very pattron (india) to whom he is crying foul about Pakistan also has history in millitarily annexing State of Junnagargh, State of Hyderabad and few other small ones.

it is true than Pakistan gov should be held responsible for not ending british leagcy of landlordship which continue to be the source of all corruption in our country.
yes, i know that india and other anti Pakistan elements are providing the BLA with weapons, but you have to understand that had the Baluchis been provided with their basic rights and had they not been mistreated then today india wouldn't have had the chance to support violent insurgencies in Pakistan and neither would BLA have existed!

It does hurt me to know that Baluchis want independence from Pakistan but its also painful to know how they are mistreated and don't even have basic human rights!

Its sad to see the conditions that the Balochis are in, it shouldn't be surprising that they are demanding independence!:disagree:

Disclaimer: When i say Balochi, i am referring to the 45-50% Pathans, 45-50% Balochis and 4-6% Sindhis, Punjabis, Sairaks etc etc who reside in Balochistan.

Can you please shed some light on these 'conditions' that the Balochis are in?

Anywaz, whatever 'condition' they are in today is primarily because of their own leaders and i also dont feel hesitant in saying that they themselves also has (some) hand behind their plight.

Balochistan have been funds (though less) from the center as other provinces have been since the independence.

As the funds based on population, obviously Baluchistan got the lowest share.

But always, my question have not been the rate of funds but that how those (less) funds were utilized by the provincial govt of Balochistan?!

Did the likes of Bugti just filled their tummies or were these utilized for development?

Unfortunately they were not!

So, in short, the blame should go to the leaders of Balochistan, though the center do have its share of stupidity in this.

Now coming towards my claim where i said that the fault also lies with the people itself.

i say so because people of Balochistan have been laying lul initially and by the time they realized that they have been left behind, they were already too late to cover the gap. Infact, they never did try to coupe up with their lag. Here's how;

i know of contractors in Balochistan who have been telling me after winning a contract for some road in Balochistan that they cannot finish the road! On asking why it was revealed that when the contractor tried to hire local labor from Balochistan no one was ready to do the hard work (like crushing stones, the bailcha-gaintee work etc etc) because the people there have been comfortable with their easy earning (smuggling etc) and didnt want to put in more effort.

The contractor then per force had to hire labor from Punjab and Sindh. And then astonishingly, he had to face another dilemma; the Balochis started boycotting the construction on the pretext of Balochi rights and claimed that; see, we told ya! they dont hire locals in here...

So, now the dude had to again hire locals (on a higher rate), fortunately this time he did get some success, but almost all of them (the labour) soon begged pardon and said that they be paid for those 2-3 days of work as they no more can do the job.


The last time i checked, the road was still unfinished!!

Not enough? Here's some more;

i know of people in Balochistan who have been rejecting respectable jobs just because they were interviewed more than once (first by the junior selector and then by the next one - how many interviews and test do you have to undergo in Punjab or Sindh before you are finally selected? A friend of mine was zaleeled for about six months and had to make 4 tours from Karachi to Isb at his own expense before he finally made into that multi-national company, he's earning a six figure salary now)

i know of Balochis who refused to leave their village despite the fact that they were selected for a job, and then ultimately they had to be dropped out.

i know of Balochis who were rejected after initial selection by a private company just because they never reached Quetta from Khuzdar for a final (formality type) interview - the reason cited was; manna hum nahi ja sakta Quetta Moetta nukari k wasaty.. - more of a Pathan accent..lolzz. BTW, how many of you have been traveling from Karachi to Kohat for ISSB??

i know of Balochis who rejected recruitment in Army because they came in initially with a thought they would be enrolled as clerks (who indeed has a 'easy' life as compared to a GD soldier), but when they were told that they do not fit in because a clerk needs higher education as compared to a soldier, they simply faded away because a soldier's life is 'tough' - i wonder why dont Sindhi/Punjanbi/Pathan/Kashmiri soldiers feel the same? Ok, they may need time, and many Balochis did get enrolled in the Army during the current recruitment wave, but then the results werent as high as they had been in other provinces where people had to sleep outside recruitment centers days before the process started just so that they can get in first.

i know that misdeeds have been done by the center regarding Balochistan, there have been neglect on the part us (the Pakistanis) and that the Balochis have been mistreated by the fed govt, but then their own leaders are to blamed equally of not more in this regard.

We the people of this country have accepted long time back the above mentioned lapse on their part and have been trying to undo the same with all the resources - both financial and physical that they can musters, but then the Balochis have to bear with us (the people).

They have to see for themselves that the like of BLA and BRAs would only get them into more trouble and would feed on them as parasites. So they need to wake up and shed away violence as Pakistan has learned it a hard way that everything doesnt have a military solution and things can and have been sorted out through dialogue in the recent past, in this very country!

BTW, only a few 100s (yes hundreds) of Balochi people wants the so called 'independence', the remaining 99.9 or or may be 99.8 % wants better living standards, more development and higher incomes, that's it! And believe me, when i say 100s, i mean 100s.
among them, Bramdagh Bugti who is living a life of luxury taking orders somewhere in Afghanistan.....very honourable of him.

as for better living standards, more development and higher incomes, more royalties from resource extraction --han those are genuine concerns and I would be first in line to lobby for them.

for those 100s demanding ''freedom'' -- they should demand freedom from the feudal nawabs who could gladly kill them and their family if they felt that their authority over them was being compromised

i wouldnt advise them to change their culture, but i would with all due respect advise them to invest in themselves and their future; no pain, no gain.

law enforcement and govt. should make their presence more known

p.s. gas and cost of living is so low there, i am tempted to move to Baluchistan

This may help:

10 Questions for any Baloch
By Jasmine Rafique

Millions of dollars were paid in Royalty to BUGTIs and other Baloch Nawabs… What have they done for their Baloch Qaum?

1. How much money they received?
2. How much they spent on Baloch people?
3. How much they spent on Baloch Education?
4. How much they spent on Job Creation?
5. How much they spent on Industrialization of Balochistan?
6. How much they spent on building Roads, Bridges and other Infrastructure?
7. How much they spent on their personal properties / expenditures?
8. How much they spent on aquiring Personal Militia and Terrorists?
9. How much they spent on blowing up the Balochistan Infrastructure?
10. How much they spent on building personal Jails for poor Baloch people and fighting with other Baloch Tribes.

I would love to have answer of all the 10 Questions but Question no. which should be answer which is 2, 3 & 4.

The Questions asked aren’t to prove the Baloch struggle wrong but to show them that these NAWABs aren’t really the solution, as they’ve never delivered in the past.
10 Questions for any Baloch | The Pakistani Spectator
crores, jack shyte, jack shyte, jack shyte, jack shyte, jack shyte, shyte load, a disturbingly high amount from various stake-holders, a disturbingly high amount for such cheap explosives, more crores

if you want to talk about feudalism, corruption, extortion manipulation & keeping people down-trodden -- go talk to one of the motherfucking nawabs
This may help:

10 Questions for any Baloch
By Jasmine Rafique

Millions of dollars were paid in Royalty to BUGTIs and other Baloch Nawabs… What have they done for their Baloch Qaum?

1. How much money they received?
2. How much they spent on Baloch people?
3. How much they spent on Baloch Education?
4. How much they spent on Job Creation?
5. How much they spent on Industrialization of Balochistan?
6. How much they spent on building Roads, Bridges and other Infrastructure?
7. How much they spent on their personal properties / expenditures?
8. How much they spent on aquiring Personal Militia and Terrorists?
9. How much they spent on blowing up the Balochistan Infrastructure?
10. How much they spent on building personal Jails for poor Baloch people and fighting with other Baloch Tribes.

I would love to have answer of all the 10 Questions but Question no. which should be answer which is 2, 3 & 4.

The Questions asked aren’t to prove the Baloch struggle wrong but to show them that these NAWABs aren’t really the solution, as they’ve never delivered in the past.
10 Questions for any Baloch | The Pakistani Spectator

Hmmm........ Dear sir... i have a simple answer for all these questions.
We recieved nothing more then fu..ng bull crap...

The ba..ds recieved indian Money,Indian passports and warm welcomin stay in indian consulates in afghanistan....

@ Abu Zolfiqar.... sir the so called traitors who ask for freedom are .00001 % ....

Remember our urdu sentence or phrase:
Atay mein namak k barabar?
of course the seperatists are a small minority, in fact media should be briefed to not give them attention

give attention to the Baluch who have genuine grievances, who arent taking money from certain nearby irritating countries
Shouldnt even give a shyt abt bla instead work on educations,jobs n health.
This is the right time to make Balochistan a seperate nation like BengaDesh. It was missed out in 1971.

Yes n for tht u need lots of traitors which in case of my province is pretty low so for tht u will have to send million indian women who can get pregnant by a few 0.000000000000001% traitors in the next 5000 years... then u might have a 0.0000000000000000000000000000000001 % chance.

But even bdfore u get a chance. the indian infection will be sterlized

By lover of the Land like this MARTYR N OTHERS LIKE HIM (including me)

Happy diwali... Just gave u an idea now start working on it... im not a traitor but please dont forget abt me and send me few hundred beautiful indian girls... as i gave u the idea for ur secret proxy mission.

Waitin for ur delivery.

Proud Pakistani Nationalist baloch.
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who the hell ru ??
we don't need your suggestion man
Balochistan is our part like a part of our body got it

He maybe a kid of Brahamdagh frm some indian women who might have worked in the indian consulates in afghanistan nd raised in some ANAT ASHARAM operated by hari sud or bhiart worm n likes.
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Good that you are not a traitor. I am sure RAW will find sufficient number of them.

Regarding India girls and women, I personally feel pakistani girls are lot better than indians. We had only one tennis playing good looking girl which your cricketer took, so nothing left. :hang2:

Yes but they dont marry traitors ...

Also our traitors have indian passports n live on indian finances...
and are lesser men even lesser then impotent mules.And thus u can provide them with indian women as they have low expectations,can make a buck and serve their country *(indias) interests........

And we all know indian women can die for Pakistani men be it Mohsin Khan,Imran,Shoaib or even Adnan the fatso and can even settle down with impotents like Brahamdagh....(atleast the impotent fag looks better then most indian men)

No offence.Truth hurts coz its DAMN bitter
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