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Pakistan's 'secret' war in Baluchistan

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Forgive my ignorance, but i am quite worried about the 'broad daylight' syndrome..


BTW, coming back to the topic; 10s are killed in almost every city in Pakistan and world over, no doubt the LEAs and the govt is responsible for their failure to preempt, but then his doesnt absolve the perpetrators from their sins, or may be it does?!

Enlightenment me.
Lecturer Agriculture College Quetta killed

QUETTA: A lecturer of Agriculture College Quetta was found dead in the city’s Rahim Colony area on Saturday.

Police say Syed Wali, who was serving as a researcher and lecturer in the college, was shot and beaten to death at his residence on Friday night.

There were several bullet wounds on his body.

His body was shifted to Quetta’s Civil Hospital for a post-mortem. Police was now investigating the incident.

No group has so far claimed responsibility for the killing. – DawnNews

DAWN.COM | Provinces | Lecturer Agriculture College Quetta killed


May Allah bless his soul. PM Gilani has just invited all Baloch leaders from exile.

So keep working against Pakistan, have your own army and armed it with anti tank missiles from foriegn funds and to top it off, kill innocent teachers BUT we will still invite you with open arms!!

shabash PM!!
Taliban are blowing up schools and their other killer brothers are killing academics and educators, thus end goal, same. Not to let people have education.

Someone is making them do these things to achieve the desired goals.
Well i am waiting if someone would also term this recent incident (target killing) a result of 'dictatorial' attitude (oh i love this phrase ;)).

i never knew Balochistan did have some bad-a$$ teachers!!
Well i am waiting if someone would also term this recent incident (target killing) a result of 'dictatorial' attitude (oh i love this phrase ;)).

i never knew Balochistan did have some bad-a$$ teachers!!

Bad teachers are every where, but killing a teacher for that, no matter whatever the attitude is, not humanly.
Bad teachers are every where, but killing a teacher for that, no matter whatever the attitude is, not humanly.

Yeah, but some still think its a guud idea to kill someone just if he had given you a lower grade or may be shunted you on some mistake (which you presumed to be of dictatorial nature).

i have heard that students screwed around with teachers at universities in Karachi and incidents like keeping a gun on your table while attempting the board exams (so that no invigilator will 'disturb' you) had been quite common, but guess what, no one killed the poor (and respectable) lot. Unfortunately you find a different story in Balochistan, or perhaps that's what some want us to believe!
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Lecturer Agriculture College Quetta killed

QUETTA: A lecturer of Agriculture College Quetta was found dead in the city’s Rahim Colony area on Saturday.

Police say Syed Wali, who was serving as a researcher and lecturer in the college, was shot and beaten to death at his residence on Friday night.

There were several bullet wounds on his body.

His body was shifted to Quetta’s Civil Hospital for a post-mortem. Police was now investigating the incident.

No group has so far claimed responsibility for the killing. – DawnNews

DAWN.COM | Provinces | Lecturer Agriculture College Quetta killed
Syed Wali Shah hailed from Mardan, Khayber Pashtoonkhwa and not from Punjab. It would be unrealistic to assume that anybody who is 'shot and beaten to death' in Balochistan is exclusively target killed by BLA terrorists. It is possible that he had some personal dispute with someone from his home town, maybe a family conflict, maybe something else. Only because he was an academician and got killed in Balochistan does not automatically qualify his fateful murder be carried out by some terrorist organization. Certain criminal elements take advantage of a prevailing situation and because of the current bloodshed by BLA, it is very easy to even up a score to settle out a personal or family dispute and let the blame be fall on BLA and getaway from one's crime.

A few days ago I was reading a news that almost twenty Professors from Balochistan University got themselves transferred to other Universities and that included Professor Masoom Yasinzai. Prof. Masoom is a Pashtoon from Kuchlak near Quetta and his family is settled in the area for centuries. He did not get himself transferred because he was a 'foreigner', but only because he was offered a much better position in the Quid e Azam University as the Vice Chancellor back in February of this year. Before this, he was serving as an 'acting' VC of Balochistan University. Well, if you offer me a full tenured position, I would do exactly what he did yet the foolish folks made it as if he got himself transferred because he was NOT FROM Balochistan.

Bottom line is, its good to get information from the newspapers or other media outlets but the insiders know that reality is not always what is reported in the national media.
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Balochistan: a flawed policy
By Sanaullah Baloch
Wednesday, 12 May, 2010

The situation in Balochistan has reached its lowest ebb since the military operation that began in January 2005. The entire province is besieged: the provincial government has been abandoned while the centre is directing policies according to its will with the gun and the stick, terming this ‘development’ for the people’s betterment.

The establishment has itself opened up a war inside Balochistan on all fronts. This has resulted in increasing polarisation and radicalisation of Baloch society. Though socially and economically underdeveloped, Balochistan was largely a peaceful province before Musharraf’s aggressive policy of what can only be called ‘colonisation’. Regrettably today, Balochistan is marked with nationalist, sectarian, ethnic and racial violence, which has resulted in the killings of hundreds of civilians.

Islamabad’s half-hearted efforts have failed to calm the situation. However, the central government is very quick to blame ‘foreign hands’ and ‘miscreants’ for the deteriorating situation in the province. Yet there is very little tolerance within the establishment when it comes to admitting and rectifying defective policies, which have resulted in a fully fledged war between the Baloch and the central government.

Obviously the killing of unarmed civilians by the militants and indiscriminate use of force, disappearances and torture of political activists and human rights abuses by the military and paramilitary forces are inhuman and widely condemnable acts.

But there is much to understand about the causes behind the anger and despair of the Baloch people. The absence of the rule of law, lack of justice, transparency, awful governance, endless exploitation, the centre’s unwanted control over Baloch wealth, militarisation, erosion of human resource, lack of clear and long-term social, economic, education and development strategies and denial of basic human rights is creating more insecurity among the population, instead of respect and support for the state.

Islamabad has to rethink its policies, including governing Balochistan through the outdated ‘control’ policy. Control is based on a set of mechanisms used in multiethnic states by the dominant ethnic group to contain and retain its hold over dissident ethnic minorities.

Control is based on the principle that one ethnic group takes over the state, imposes its culture on society, allocates to itself the lion’s share of resources and takes various measures, including violent means (military operations), to prevent the non-dominant group from organising politically.

Control works through three interrelated mechanisms: a) divide and rule — internally creating rifts and divisions among the non-dominant groups; b) economic dependence — making them permanently dependent for their livelihood on the dominant group and central government; and c) co-option — involving the non-dominant elite like greedy tribal chiefs, feudals, drug barons, corrupt intellectuals and politicians through dispensation of benefits and favours.

Over the years, the state apparatus in Islamabad has been endeavouring to systematically wipe out the popular indigenous Baloch leadership and replace it with loyalists. This tactic was implemented by imprisoning the top opposition leaders, carrying out a brutal crackdown against political activists and secretly bribing pro-establishment tribal notables to contest elections against the committed representatives.

Boycott by popular, secular and democratic political parties of the last general elections paved the way for ideologically shallow, politically unpopular and inherently corrupt elements to return to power. As a result, the province once again came under the control of Gen Musharraf’s cronies, the pro-Taliban Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam (JUI) and the Pakistan Muslim League.

Musharraf’s friends did not only ensure the continuity of his repressive policies, they also overburdened the provincial exchequer by promoting corruption, mismanagement and bad governance. Thus, 50 people in the 65-memebr Balochistan Assembly were inducted in the cabinet of the country’s poorest province. Absence and systematic exclusion of the genuine Baloch leadership has plunged Balochistan into a horrific crisis of governance. While bad governance, rampant corruption and exclusion of middle-class educated people is one reason for the unchanged situation in the province, some other depressing indicators further dim prospects of peace in Balochistan.

While no headway has been made on the implementation of the so-called Balochistan package, the chief minister complains that the Frontier Corps has established a parallel government in the province, which does not provide ample breathing space to the provincial government to enhance the process of reconciliation. With the governor and chief minister of Balochistan admitting that the province is not being run smoothly either due to hindrances created by the security establishment or the incompetence of the provincial government, the Balochistan policy in Islamabad needs a rethink.

While remote-controlling the province via civil armed forces may breed more resentment and violence, support for apolitical tribal chiefs as an alternative against the popular Baloch leadership will solely promote corruption, bad governance and will lead to a harmful future. The ill-conceived policies and pattern of repression may have a human cost for the Baloch people. But looking at the larger picture, Pakistan will face, in fact is facing, the political and economic consequences.

The writer is a former senator.
baluchistan problem is many folds!

1) people of the land our deprived of there basic needs by federal plus provincial government!

2) separatist leaders just want a political move because where were they till 2005? so this a drama orchestrated by them along with ofcourse indian establishment!

3) All balochistan needs is job & basic necessities.

the problems can be solved only if the current government is WILLING to address them.
‘16,000 jobs to be filled under Balochistan package’

By Mohammad Zafar

QUETTA: The Balochistan government is ready to start recruiting against more than 16,000 federal and provincial vacancies under the Aghaz-e-Haqooq Balochistan Package, Chief Minister Muhammad Aslam Raisani said on Wednesday.

Raisani was presiding over a meeting of parliamentary leaders of coalition parties in the provincial cabinet on Wednesday to take them on board about the government’s plan of action. Those present were Balochistan Assembly Speaker Muhammad Aslam Bhootani, provincial ministers Begum Shama Perveen Magsi, Sardar Aslam Bizenjo, Mir Asim Kurd Gaillu, Syed Ehsan Shah, Mir Zafarullah Zehri, Mir Shah Nawaz Marri, Capt (r) Abdul Khaliq Achakzai, Mir Asadullah Baloch, Muhammad Younus Mullazai, Zahoor Buledi, Abdul Rehman Mengal, Muhammad Khan Usmankhel, Abdul Samad Akhundzada, Habibur Rehman Muhammadhasni and Muhammad Sultan Khan Tareen. Balochistan Chief Secretary Mir Ahmed Bakhsh Lehri, Additional Chief Secretary Qayyum Nazar Changezi and Finance Secretary Ruhail Baloch were also present. Raisani said a transparent and merit-based process would be ensured during the recruitments.

“No leniency will be tolerated in this regard and the officials engaged in the process have been issued strict orders to ensure transparency,” Raisani added. The parliamentary leaders reposed their confidence in the chief minister and assured him of their cooperation to make the process a success.

Explaining the salient features of the programme, the Balochistan chief secretary said all necessary arrangements had been finalised for conducting the tests and interviews of the aspiring candidates at the district level.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Raisani said a transparent and merit-based process would be ensured during the recruitments.
A meritorious selection would never benefit an overwhelming majority of Balochs because academically they are far behind than the settlers (domicile holders) and the Pashtoons. On the other hand if these posts were filled up by the incompetent folks, it will only result in a disaster in the province. No one at any level is interested in addressing the real problem and largely relying on short term measures. Balochs have to be convinced that they need to get themselves educated and the only reason they have such a low level of representation in various departments is their lack of quality education. Similar mistake was made by ZA Bhutto when his government imposed the infamous 'quota system'; even after thirty or so years, this unjust system is still imposed but what good came out of it?

Update: Candidates have boycotted the selection test/interview in Barkhan and Dalbandeen divisions. They are complaining that non-locals (I believe they are talking about the domicile holders) candidates are also appearing for the tests/interview. It was all expected as the jobs announced were not strictly for the so-called local 'certificate holders' but also for the 'Domicile holders' who are Punjabi speaking and to lesser extent Urdu speaking. I fear that this will eventually result in a fresh wave of violence against the domicile holder settlers in Balochistan.
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I agree - I personally hate quota system system..Anyone with merit should get the seat does not matter if he is Punjabi Sindhi or Balochi.
Balochistan Chief Minister Renews Dialogue Offer​

QUETTA: Balochistan Chief Minister Nawab Aslam Raisani has again offered dialogue to the political forces of the province for resolving “all burning issues” confronting its people.

Nawab Raisani said on Sunday that his doors were open for all tribal and political leaders to sit together and come up with a common agenda aimed at addressing the miseries of the people.

He expressed satisfaction over the smooth conduct of written tests across the province to provide 5,000 jobs in different departments under the Aghaz Huqooq-i-Balochistan package.

More than 38,000 unemployed graduates had submitted applications under the package, seeking jobs in various federal and provincial departments.

The chief minister said the completion of first phase of the process of induction of unemployed graduates into government service testified to the fact that the Aghaz package represented a positive development vis-à-vis efforts to remove the sense of deprivation among the people.

“Our youths need an honourable role to participate in the uplift of the province and the vested interests can no more hoodwink and detract them,” he said.

He said that coalition partners in Balochistan had a unified approach with regard to ameliorating the lot of the people.

“Over the past two years, our government has made remarkable progress with regard to securing the rights of people.

“As a result of our untiring efforts, the federal government has realised that it is time to deliver and the NFC award, the announcement of the Aghaz Huqooq-i-Balochistan package and constitutional reforms aptly display the determination on the part of the elected government,” he said.

The chief minister said that more than 16,500 vacancies under the federal and provincial governments would be filled through the Balochistan Public Service Commission for gazetted posts and by high-powered committees for the posts below grade 16.

He said strict orders had been issued to all deputy commissioners to hold the tests and interviews in a transparent manner. “No leniency will be tolerated in this regard and if any complaint is found valid the officer concerned will be taken to task,” he warned.

Nawab Raisani called upon the tribal and political leadership to shun their egoistic thoughts and beliefs and come forth to bring the province out of political, social and economic turmoil.

“It is our collective responsibility to serve our people without bias and prejudice because there has been much bloodshed and fathomless casualties in this part of the country due to the wrongdoing of successive regimes both at the federal and provincial levels,” he said.

DAWN.COM | National | Balochistan CM renews dialogue offer
A meritorious selection would never benefit an overwhelming majority of Balochs because academically they are far behind than the settlers (domicile holders) and the Pashtoons. On the other hand if these posts were filled up by the incompetent folks, it will only result in a disaster in the province. No one at any level is interested in addressing the real problem and largely relying on short term measures. Balochs have to be convinced that they need to get themselves educated and the only reason they have such a low level of representation in various departments is their lack of quality education. Similar mistake was made by ZA Bhutto when his government imposed the infamous 'quota system'; even after thirty or so years, this unjust system is still imposed but what good came out of it?

Update: Candidates have boycotted the selection test/interview in Barkhan and Dalbandeen divisions. They are complaining that non-locals (I believe they are talking about the domicile holders) candidates are also appearing for the tests/interview. It was all expected as the jobs announced were not strictly for the so-called local 'certificate holders' but also for the 'Domicile holders' who are Punjabi speaking and to lesser extent Urdu speaking. I fear that this will eventually result in a fresh wave of violence against the domicile holder settlers in Balochistan.

solve the problems in Baluchistan! Crush the feudal landlords/nawabs/sardars, and end government inefficiency and corruption, and enforce a strong tax collection rate --- and almost ALL the remaining problems are solved --- from there on its mostly social development such as state health care, improved education system and proper family planning --though that would apply more to Punjab than to Baluchistan where population is relatively low.

It really should NOT be so hard to solve the political problems there. Much of it lies in feudalism, corruption, poor law and order, and a failure of federal government to take initiative and invest in local infrastructure and schools

Once again, it is up to my Baluch Pakistani brothers/sisters to reject the feudal nature and embrace national approach. The only reason "Pushtoons and Punjabis" go there for technical jobs is because the illiteracy rate is appalling in Baluchistan. It makes a hell of a lot more sense for fed to invest a hell of a lot of money to equip the locals, instead of complaining about lack of skilled local labour.

When Baluchistan sees benefits from investment in their resources (and the royalties that would follow from resources and Gwadar transit fees) then they will be more empowered and less reliant on feudal nawabs -who have ties to bandits and drug lords in Iranian and Pakistani Baluchestan.

why is it so hard for people to understand this?

why why why?????

we cannot let ''nationalists'' and foreign agents undermine safety and sanity there....why are some of the student hostels there having weapons inside? Where the hell is the police and police intelligence? Army should not be there to be traffic wardens and police officers!!
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