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Pakistan's president tells Palin she's 'gorgeous'


Oct 3, 2005
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United States
Pakistan's president tells Palin she's 'gorgeous'

NEW YORK (CNN) -- Pakistan's new president called GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin "gorgeous" when the two met in New York on Wednesday.

Palin has been in New York meeting international leaders in town this week for United Nations meetings.

On entering a room filled with several Pakistani officials Wednesday, Palin was immediately greeted by Sherry Rehman, the country's information minister.

"And how does one keep looking that good when one is that busy?" Rehman asked Palin, drawing friendly laughter from the room.

"Oh, thank you," Palin said.

Pakistan's new president, Asif Ali Zardari, entered the room seconds later. Palin rose to shake his hand, saying she was "honored" to meet him.
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Zardari then called her "gorgeous" and said: "Now I know why the whole of America is crazy about you."

"You are so nice," Palin said, smiling. "Thank you."

A handler from Zardari's entourage then told the two politicians to keep shaking hands for the cameras.

"If he's insisting, I might hug," Zardari said. Palin smiled politely in response.

The Alaska governor did not answer questions from reporters at her first two appearances on Wednesday, when she joined running mate Sen. John McCain in meetings with Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili and Ukrainian president Viktor Yushchenko and then traveled downtown to meet with Iraqi President Jalal Talabani.

But she did offer brief remarks to a reporter at the Zardari meeting who asked about her day.

"It's going great," Palin said. "These meetings are very informative and helpful, and a lot of good people sharing appreciation for America."

Pakistan's president tells Palin she's 'gorgeous' - CNN.com
Lol haha a old scamest playboy bunny with no honey dude is crazy !!
I was watching on the news, how she's very trendy and has designer everything. Obviously she's into her looks, butter her up! Zardari and Sherry Rehman's are like cunning foxes. They'll use every trick in the book!
Once a lAfanga , always a Lafanga/. There is no doubt about that. There are other ways of going on a charm offensive but this is not one to be employed by the head of a state.
In the line of Duty - the many sacrifices he makes - most impressive:cheers:
Outright shameful and unbecoming of the President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Look at the part in bold...he was lucky to not have been escorted out of the meeting for sexual harassment (at least in professional settings this would be considered an inappropriate statement):

Pakistani President Zardari gushes over Sarah Palin | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

ZARDARI: “You are even more gorgeous than you are on the (inaudible).”

PALIN: “You are so nice. Thank you.”

ZARDARI: “Now I know why the whole of America is crazy about you.”

[A Zardari handler tells the two to shake hands again for the cameras.]

PALIN: “I’m supposed to pose again.”

ZARDARI: “If he’s insisting, I might hug.”

At that point, the pool reporter was escorted from the room.
ZARDARI: “Now I know why the whole of America is crazy about you.”
[A Zardari handler tells the two to shake hands again for the cameras.]

Blainy where exactly the whole of America situated :what:

Dont forget zardari's wife is dead. Hes thinking of 're-marrying' probably.
Dont forget zardari's wife is dead. Hes thinking of 're-marrying' probably.


An SMS is doing round here in Pakistan.
According to that SMS

Before BB, Zardari was engaged to a girl named Fatima. The engagment broke and she married another man.

Afterwards she and her husband were found killed by someone.

His two uncles were killed by someone after a property dispute with him.

A union council chairman who won election against him was found dead.
Murtaza Bhutto was killed by someone.

BB was killed by ummm we dont know who.

An SMS is doing round here in Pakistan.
According to that SMS

Before BB, Zardari was engaged to a girl named Fatima. The engagment broke and she married another man.

Afterwards she and her husband were found killed by someone.

His two uncles were killed by someone after a property dispute with him.

A union council chairman who won election against him was found dead.
Murtaza Bhutto was killed by someone.

BB was killed by ummm we dont know who.

What are you suggesting ? Someones spouse is in trouble ?
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