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"Pakistan's political framework does not represent an Islamic system. Their system is not Islamic"- Taliban Spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid

Taliban have no manners on how to conduct themselves publicly. You are no one in the real world. Afghanistan has no standing, nothing to offer to the world. These people depend on aid and drug money.

These bums are ignorant about defeating NATO forces. They have to make friends, compromises and talk to different countries to help rebuild this country. They can't support anyone that harms the interest of other countries, it is time for Pakistan to act tough with Afghanistan for harboring TTP leaders.
afghans are last people to talk abut system . they have no system since last 80 years they are just fightiing like mad dogs to capture kabul . every few years they destroy the country which build by some foregn countery . including taliban they are part of problem too . they can not sit together and solve own civil war issue . but lecture others . paksitan have bad system but we did not fight with tanks missiles and civil war to change our gov . worse thing in islam is killing other muslim which afghans do daily without any issue .
These "Islamic" Taliban can't even stop huge numbers of their afghan women working as prostitutes in Pakistan........... :disagree:

I think most hilarious aspect of his comments is that so many Taliban lived in Pakistan along with their families but at that time it was all Halal. These cavemen are merely trying to distract people from their incompetence in governance. It been months yet they haven't been able to give afghanistan a constitution. These people never did their homework and now trying to project their own incompetence by calling us kafir.
I think most hilarious aspect of his comments is that so many Taliban lived in Pakistan along with their families but at that time it was all Halal. These cavemen are merely trying to distract people from their incompetence in governance. It been months yet they haven't been able to give afghanistan a constitution. These people never did their homework and now trying to project their own incompetence by calling us kafir.

IF Pakistan shut it's border with Afghanistan permanently and allowed nothing to go in or out, afghanistan would cease to exist. afghans would all die of starvation too. That is how MUCH POWER we have over afghanistan and afghans.
Donkey Taliban should worry about themselves and focus on improving the lives of afghans.
Truth is bitter.

Afghan Taliban also should be told that the systems they want to implement based on Fiqh Hanafi won't be Islamic either!
Whatever system it is, it looked after millions of Afghan refugees. Obnoxious bunch aren't they. They are also using the same language as TTP.
No difference between Taliban and the Khawarij Fitna

For Khawarij, the system of Ali's caliphate was also a non-Islamic and a Kafir system.

Ali pointed out, Khawarij raised the slogan of "La Hukm illallah", but they have no understanding of this Quranic verse. They kill Muslims for this, while they themselves don't know what Islam is.

And remember, ISIS say that the Talibani System is a Kafir system and should be destroyed.

Why we PAkistanis are so reactive? Just calm down....

Khawarij also started by calling Ali's caliphate to be unislamic, and ended up with killing of thousands of Sahaba and Tabaeen in the wars.

While TTP also started their rebellion by using this same excuse, and then went on to killing 70000 Pakistanis.

You seems to be a Taliban supporter, and thus want Pakistanis to not to react upon this statement (which is equal to the FATWA of Taliban regarding Pakistani Constitution and State).

It would be a mistake if Pakistanis don't react upon it just at this same moment, and don't end this Fitna of Taliban at the spot.

There is something called ''Shariah Law'' Please do try to search up for it on google

Shariah Law was different for Khawrij and Ali.
Sharia Law is different for Taliban and Pakistani Muslims today.
Pakistani Muslims want to adjust the State laws according to the present day situation of the world, and many Fuqhas are of this opinion that State/Ruler of and Islamic State has the power to change the State laws according to the situation and time.

You may have difference of opinion from those Fuqha who are in favour of changing the state laws according to the time and situation, but you could not call them anti-Islamic and Kafirs.

Did Afghan Taliban ever issued a fatwa that TTP is a rebellious group, and must be condemned, and must not be supported in it's bloodshed?

... It was a comment that came via an answer to a question and it was his opinion which is the factual ground reality he didn't condemn nobody or anyone whatsoever....

It is like asking you the same question about Turkey.. Is there Islamic political system there?

Either you are yourself Taliban, or a naive person. In both cases, you are going to bring a lot of harm to Pakistan.

As I stated above, all things against Ali also started from a simple statement by Khawarij. And then it ended in the blood of thousands of Sahaba and Tabaeen, including Ali himself.

And all things from TTP also started from their simple comment that Pakistani system is a system of Kufr, and then later this comment became great Fitna which killed 70000 Pakistani Muslims.

Mullah Omar/Afghani Taliban didn't kill a single TTP terrorist in the last 10 years, although all of them were hiding in Afghanistan after the operation by Pak Army.They both are one and the same.[/QUOTE]
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No difference between Taliban and the Khawarij Fitna

For Khawarij, the system of Ali's caliphate was also a non-Islamic and a Kafir system.

Ali pointed out, Khawarij raised the slogan of "La Hukm illallah", but they have no understanding of this Quranic verse. They kill Muslims for this, while they themselves don't know what Islam is.

And remember, ISIS say that the Talibani System is a Kafir system and should be destroyed.

Khawarij also started by calling Ali's caliphate to be unislamic, and ended up with killing of thousands of Sahaba and Tabaeen in the wars.

While TTP also started their rebellion by using this same excuse, and then went on to killing 70000 Pakistanis.

You seems to be a Taliban supporter, and thus want Pakistanis to not to react upon this statement (which is equal to the FATWA of Taliban regarding Pakistani Constitution and State).

It would be a mistake if Pakistanis don't react upon it just at this same moment, and don't end this Fitna of Taliban at the spot.

This is alot of diarrhea
Not wrong in what he said , pakistani as a ppl are muslim but the state is ruled by Angelo Saxon laws which are clearly unislamic and the ppl ruling the state are mostly cleanshave who dont even know how to recite bismillah and above all , they mostly lack any kind of islamic values(most represent lifestyle of kafirs, muhammad zubair is just a glimpse of how bastard these cleanshave elite is ).

A very unfortunate statement for the Taliban. While Pakistan could possibly be the only safe border in the region it can rely on, they are creating a lot of unnecessary polemic. Their people are dying of famine, the banking sector has collapsed, there is no organization to operate even airports, but yes Islamic framework of Pakistan is more important. For Allah's sake, someone teach them politics.
lool.. This exact thread has been locked.. Because it is misleading and the entire tweet is misleading..

This is not a critic and it has been taken out of context...

When propagandists don't have ammunition they become sad...

He basically gave a frank answer to a question regarding Pakistan's system not a critic or condemnation just an honest answer to a question
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A very unfortunate statement for the Taliban. While Pakistan could possibly be the only safe border in the region it can rely on, they are creating a lot of unnecessary polemic. Their people are dying of famine, the banking sector has collapsed, there is no organization to operate even airports, but yes Islamic framework of Pakistan is more important. For Allah's sake, someone teach them politics.
The Taliban have conquered Afghanistan by force - now it is the time for them to prove that "the vision of utopia they have been fighting for is achieveable or not in the world we now live in, they will do well to focus on what control and leave it at that".

The political system in Pakistan represents the people of Pakistan and Pakistan has more important things to do then pass laws to measure the length of everyone's beards ...
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