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Pakistan's Pashtuns Feel More Alone Than Ever


May 25, 2010
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Pakistan's Pashtuns Feel More Alone Than Ever

By Shaheen Buneri
Pashtuns straddling the Pakistani-Afghan border face serious challenges to their socio-cultural survival. It's very hard for the estimated 50 million Pashtuns to know whether the world recognizes their numerous sacrifices in the ongoing war, or whether all of them have simply been dismissed by the outside world as Taliban supporters and sympathizers.

From Waziristan to the Swat Valley, the Taliban since 2006 has claimed responsibility for the destruction of hundreds of schools, music shops, and other buildings, as well as the killings of about 700 tribal elders and the kidnapping of university teachers, religious scholars, and aid workers. Taliban suicide-bomb attacks have killed thousands of innocent bystanders.

Until very recently, Pakistan's central government completely ignored the rise of the Taliban. Hundreds of illegal FM radio stations were allowed to spread hatred and bigotry throughout the tribal areas and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province. Locals became convinced that the security and intelligence agencies were preparing a horrible plot that even today has no end in sight.

In the past four years, the Pashtun "jirga" was replaced by the Taliban "shura" through a display of violent force. Traditional Pashtun melodies have been superseded by Taliban chants inciting youths to a life of terrorism. Female dancers have been persecuted and murdered by Taliban militants seeking to impose their extremist religious agenda on a moderate people. In March 2009, the shrine of legendary Pashtun Sufi poet Rahman Baba was bombed and destroyed.

To counter this violent assault, various Pashtun tribes in the tribal areas, Peshawar, Dir, Buner, and Swat formed tribal "lashkars" (militias), but these nascent forces soon came under violent attack from Taliban militants. Again, the security forces failed to provide any significant protection.

The traditional Pashtun cultural value of hospitality was shamelessly exploited by the Taliban and their supporters to create a haven for various militant and extremist formations on Pashtun territory. To this day, the dominant political discourse in Pakistan's governing circles describes the Pashtuns as people who support and shelter the Taliban rather than as the people who have done the most to resist the militants and who have been most brutally victimized by them.

Pakistan Ignores Its Pashtuns

The United States has formed a strategic partnership with the powerful Pakistani military establishment. However, the two "partners" have radically differing views of the Taliban. Washington is urging Pakistan to eliminate the militants who are carrying out attacks on coalition forces inside Afghanistan. But many in Pakistan's elite see the Pakistani Taliban as a strategic asset that will ensure Pakistan's influence in any future arrangement in Afghanistan.

The United States has provided billions of dollars of civilian and military aid but, according to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Information Minister Mian Iftikhar Hussain, the central government has provided little money to the province for reconstruction or security. But without the restoration of basic health and educational infrastructure in the region, how can religious militancy be rooted out?

While the military makes plans for a major base in the Swat Valley, the locals in the region are demanding basic amenities like sanitation, clean water, and safe schools. The people of flood-ravaged Khyber Pakhtunkhwa cry out for shelter and food, while the military insists on the need for new high-tech military hardware to continue its endless rivalry with India.

The main media in Pakistan -- especially Punjab-based television channels -- have little time to cover the plight of the Pashtuns. Instead, television talk shows are filled with endless discussions of politico-religious leaders blaming the United States and India for all the problems in the country and the region.

Now everyone is discussing reports of peace negotiations between the Afghan government and the Afghan Taliban. Much to the bewilderment of Pakistan's Pashtuns, the government in Pakistan has been urging a greater voice for Afghanistan's Pashtuns vis-a-vis the country's ethnic Uzbeks and Tajiks. And Pakistan's Pashtuns watch, wait, and wonder what will become of them if the Taliban returns to power in Kabul.
One thing we have to seprate is that not every Pukhtoon is a taliban or vice versa. Secondly understand the difference between Taliban and Pukhtoon tribal culture. Now, the taliban problem did not stem over night it emerged due to lack of education and intellactual institutes as well negliance of government. We cannot address this issue with the power of guns, bombs and drones. A strategic 40 years roadmap is needed to address these issues ahead by rapid expansion of education and intellactual base as well job oppurtunities and rehabilation camps. Puktoon by nature are aggressive nation and we have to channel their energy into positive direction collectively.

And indeed we must agree that Pervez Mushraff has aggravated the taliban problem to extreme while he kept the nation busy with so called development funded by aid money!
well what can I say, the current government are not humans, they dont care about Pakistan what makes you think they will actually care for Pashtuns.

Im a Pashtun myself from Swat, the Government can forget about us, but we will never forget Pakistan.

By the way, this article is nonsense, no Pashtun that I have met has ever thought theyd be looked at as if Taliban sympathizers and neither do they care.
British were here in Sub continent for hundred of years they could not rule the Pashtuns neither USSR nor can West.
Pushtuns are not brown people who will be slave to whites but are good friends if treated equal.
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British were here in Sub continent for hundred of years they could not rule the Pashtuns neither USSR nor can West.
Pushtuns are not brown people who will be slave to whites but are good friends if treated equal.

Its kinda racist wat ur saying... Are u white? or a wannabe?

I wonder who was rulling NWFP and punjab for 96 years.

Hope u wont post foolishly next time.
Its kinda racist wat ur saying... Are u white? or a wannabe?

I wonder who was rulling NWFP and punjab for 96 years.

Hope u wont post foolishly next time.

No I am not racist but the truth is Ghauri , Ghaznavi and Mughals were all non browns who came from north and ruled brown India. Sorry for hurting any one fellings as I am a non racit and down to earth person but India has always been ruled by non browns and that what histroy tells us. :coffee:
well what can I say, the current government are not humans, they dont care about Pakistan what makes you think they will actually care for Pashtuns.

Im a Pashtun myself from Swat, the Government can forget about us, but we will never forget Pakistan.

By the way, this article is nonsense, no Pashtun that I have met has ever thought theyd be looked at as if Taliban sympathizers and neither do they care.

I agree with what you have said.

But I also believe the people who are living within the areas where the war is being waged are suffering due to the taliban and army operations and there are many people there with a feeling that they are primary ones taking all the causalities. Also some people feel annoyed that the commanders are still alive and just fear the fighting is not ending and will just go on and on making their lives and businesses suffer.

Curfews, shelling and air strikes make their lives miserable along with the Taliban imposed laws. The Military has to be careful especially about collateral damage and development has to occur within the areas.

The Pashtuns are the group most adversely affected by the war on terror and the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa must be recompensated in every way possible for its losses because the province has suffered the most damage.

By the way I myself am not a Pakhtun or from the region but I am speaking as a journalist on the basis of accounts of some people affected in the region.
this article has some truth to it. I mean what has happened in favor of the Pashtuns so far? They are suffering the most from all of this. On one side religious extremist and their imported Salafi ideology is eroding away the Pashtun culture and way of life and on the other side the incompetent corrupt government.

Every day missile strikes kill hundreds of innocent Pashtuns in the Tribal belt while our gov is begging for aid and our army is asking for more F-16's from the same people who are bombing our countrymen. Pashtuns have done more for Pakistan, they were the ones who liberated Kashmir (Azad Kashmir today), they have always been ready to shed their blood for their country.

I have met all types of Pakistanis be they punjabis, Sindhis, Mohajirs, but the most patriotic Pakistanis i've known were all Pashtuns. But sadly Pashtuns aren't treated as equals and neither are they given that much equal opportunity as the other ethnic groups. Instead they have to resort to becoming rikshaw drivers and security guards. The Pakistani gov hasn't done anything to help preserve Pashtun culture and the Pashto language, 14 million out of 50 million Pashtuns only speak Pashto and that number is decreasing by the years.
Pustuns are the pride of Pakistani armed forces. Though they are 17% of the population their percentage in the military is 35% plus. They have gained this on merit and their bravery. Pakistan loves it pashtuns because they are loyal to the country. Talibaan have done the most terrorism in KP and the agencies and they do not want people of KP to live in peace.

Pashtuns are good in ground hockey, cricket and squash and are good sport men in general. Though I am Punjabi and my mother is from Kashmir, but we are all Pakistanis.
The Pashtuns are the group most adversely affected by the war on terror and the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa must be recompensated in every way possible for its losses because the province has suffered the most damage.

hopefully it is recompensated, however under the present corrupt gov it seems impossible. Its always been the western provinces of Pakistan that have been left underdeveloped and every gov that ruled Pakistan didn't do much to improve the living standards of the people which is why they are easily becoming Taliban recruits because Taliban give them food, cloths, and shelter in exchange for their support and loyalty.
No I am not racist but the truth is Ghauri , Ghaznavi and Mughals were all non browns who came from north and ruled brown India. Sorry for hurting any one fellings as I am a non racit and down to earth person but India has always been ruled by non browns and that what histroy tells us. :coffee:

Sorry, but those Mughals mixed in with "brown people".

And the land of Afghanistan has been ruled by non-Afghanis many times.

And India has been ruled completely by only Mauryans(Indians), Mughals(Hybrids), Palas(close)(Indians), Guptas(close)(Indians), and British(Euros).

If you want to go to history and invasion. Ok.

Persia has been taken over whole by Turkics, Arabs, Mongols, Greeks, etc, etc, etc.

China taken over completely by Manchurians and Mongols.

Arabia by Persians, Turkish(Ottomans), Greeks, etc.

Egyptians by Persians, Turkish, Greeks, British, etc, etc.

British by Romans, Vikings, Saxons, Normans, etc.

Greeks by Ottomans, Romans, Germanic people, etc

A lot more examples. Its not just India son.

There is no single group that hasnt been taken over. And thats history, you have your ups and downs.

Real pictures of the last Mughal(Bahadur Shah II), his wife and childern.




Are they "brown" enough for you?:coffee:
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The United States has provided billions of dollars of civilian and military aid but, according to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Information Minister Mian Iftikhar Hussain, the central government has provided little money to the province for reconstruction or security. But without the restoration of basic health and educational infrastructure in the region, how can religious militancy be rooted out?
this is just one of the few reasons why Pashtuns are beginning to feel alienated and are easily being recruited by taliban.
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