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"Pakistan's Nukes Outstrip India's, officials say"


Apr 9, 2007
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Pakistan nukes outstrip India’s, officials say
U.S. reverses assessment of South Asia nuclear balance
By Robert Windrem and Tammy Kupperman
NBC News

Updated: 10:35 a.m. ET Oct. 24, 2003

WASHINGTON, June 6 - Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal is vastly superior to that of rival India, with up to five times the nuclear warheads, say U.S. military and intelligence officials now reassessing the South Asian balance of power. Interviews with senior U.S. officials in the past week revealed the view that Pakistan not only has more warheads than its longtime adversary, but has far more capability to actually use them.

NUCLEAR WEAPONS TESTS by India and Pakistan in May 1998 caught American intelligence off guard. While U.S. agencies long had known about weapons-development research in both countries, the decision by both to go public with their capabilities shocked policymakers.

Since then, U.S. intelligence and diplomacy has focused on South Asia with a new intensity. Until recently, for instance, Pakistan was considered to have somewhere between 10 and 15 nuclear weapons and India between 25 and 100.

But after two years of intelligence gathering, officials now believe those figures overstate the capabilities of India’s home-grown arsenal and understate those of Pakistan, whose program has relied on generous Chinese assistance. One official said the Pakistanis “are more likely to have those numbers [25 to 100 weapons] than the Indians.”

Perhaps most important, the official said, is that Pakistan appears far more capable than India of delivering nuclear payloads. “I don’t think their [the Indian] program is as advanced as the Paks,” the official said, speaking particularly of ballistic missiles.

Marine Corps Gen. Anthony Zinni, commander of the U.S. Central Command, said longtime assumptions that India had an edge in the South Asian strategic balance of power were questionable, at best.

“Don’t assume that the Pakistani nuclear capability is inferior to the Indians,” said Zinni, the senior U.S. officer responsible for the Middle East and South Asia.

Other military and intelligence officials, as well as an intelligence analysis of South Asia’s nuclear balance obtained by NBC News, shed more light on the revised view. NBC News is the broadcast partner of the MSNBC.com joint venture.

“They both have a capability,” said one senior military official. “Pakistan’s may be better than India’s, with more weapons and more capability.

“You can’t underestimate the Pakistani program,” said the official. Like most of the officials NBC News contacted, this one would speak only on condition of anonymity.


These officials believe India understands that it is behind. A recent Defense Department analysis of the Indian program obtained by MSNBC.com states that India is moving to address its shortcomings.

Quoting India’s recently publicized draft nuclear doctrine, the Defense Department report said that “India announced its plans to develop a minimum nuclear deterrent force comprised of a triad of nuclear delivery systems - air, mobile land-based launches and sea-based platforms. The air component of its triad is the only one that may be in place already.”

The U.S. report also states that “India probably has a handful of nuclear bombs,” meaning about five. With regard to delivery systems - the missiles and bombers needed to launch a nuclear strike - U.S. officials now believe Indian capabilities to be seriously lagging.

According to the Defense Department document, which is unclassified, India has no nuclear-capable missiles and fewer aircraft capable of delivering a nuclear payload than Pakistan does. India has twice tested a new intermediate-ranged missile, the Agni, which may eventually provide the basis of a nuclear missile force. However, current U.S. analysis suggests the Agni will not be fielded with nuclear warheads for another 10 years. Additionally, India appears to only have begun work on missile warhead design and on the miniaturization of weapons - two critical hurdles to the actual use of weapons.

InsertArt(891823)The U.S. assessment of Pakistan, on the other hand, has been greatly upgraded.

A U.S. official stated that Pakistani air and missile delivery systems are now believed to be “fully capable of a nuclear exchange if something happens.” Other officials noted that Pakistan’s air force, with its U.S. F-16’s and its French Mirage fighter-bombers, are superior at penetrating enemy airspace than India’s Soviet-designed MiGs and Sukhois.

Most importantly, Pakistan is now thought to possess about 30 nuclear-capable missiles: the Chinese M-11 short-range missile and its Pakistani variant, the Tarmuk, as well as the North Korean Nodong intermediate-range missile (known locally as the Ghauri).


The mystery that shrouds both of these growing nuclear arsenals has become a major cause for concern among U.S. policymakers, who even before the 1998 tests had deemed South Asia the most likely site of a nuclear war. According to one analysis done by the U.S. Air Force, more than 150 million Indians and Pakistanis could perish in an all-out nuclear exchange - three times the total number of people who died in World War II.

One frequently cited fear among U.S. intelligence officials is an accidental nuclear war in which Pakistan mistakes the firing of an Indian missile bearing a conventional warhead as a nuclear strike.

Despite what appears to be a healthy fear of the other on both sides, the United States still fears there could be a series of crises that lead to something worse. Last year’s Pakistani incursion in the Kargil area of Kashmir, the disputed Muslim territory controlled by India, is a good example of the region’s unpredictability.

InsertArt(891821)“Kargil scared both sides,” Zinni said. “There is usually a gentleman’s agreement to keep conflict around the Line of Control,” he said, referring to the U.N. cease-fire line set after the two nations’ 1947 war over the region. “It escalated with mobilizations on different fronts - tit for tat. Both sides are now very concerned about how escalation works and how it could happen very quickly.”

Zinni said the United States intervened in the “nick of time” with Kargil. The United States doesn’t exert much influence on the daily level of fighting, but a senior military official does believe that Washington has some sway in terms of escalation because neither side really wants an all-out war, despite some hard-liners on both side who publicly claim they want to bring the issue to a head.

NBC News’ Tammy Kupperman is based at the Pentagon. Robert Windrem is an NBC News investigative producer based in New York.

© 2007 MSNBC Interactive

URL: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3340687/
© 2007 MSNBC.com

This is an old report but I read it is boasting about Pakistani Capability is this true or just propoganda. Can the Think Tanks also put their views. Discuss the strategic strength of both countries when it comes to WMD.
With the test of Agni III. I think the balance his tilt over India as far as the range is concerned.

By the way.

A U.S. official stated that Pakistani air and missile delivery systems are now believed to be “fully capable of a nuclear exchange if something happens.” Other officials noted that Pakistan’s air force, with its U.S. F-16’s and its French Mirage fighter-bombers, are superior at penetrating enemy airspace than India’s Soviet-designed MiGs and Sukhois.
why would this be propaganda

Its part of the discussion because every countries WMD is a secret and its commit charge can only be estimated, I just wanted to add that do you believe this source is credible and how can you support this.
This article is about intelligence gathering, so, it might be true. One thing is sure that Pakistan have an extremely good defence shield and reliable delivery system. In case of Nuke war it is impossible to take out such a large number of nukes and strike capibility, so Pakistan posses a second strike capibility as well.

This would keep any advanture seeker away from thinking to attack Pakistan, and this is the only thing which matters for security.
i dont think that pakistan is completely immune from attack. look at what they said at what they said to musharraf after 9/11. if we would have had such a good arsenal dont you think that they would have been a little caucuios in threatening pakistan to be " bombed back to the stone age"
i dont think that pakistan is completely immune from attack. look at what they said at what they said to musharraf after 9/11. if we would have had such a good arsenal dont you think that they would have been a little caucuios in threatening pakistan to be " bombed back to the stone age"

The USA can nuke the world completely 3 times (that does not mean destroy the world) it has more than enough capability to take on many countries at war easily. Pakistan does not have a ICBM that reaches any continent but if it had then they would have taken Pakistan serious like N.Korea which has a ICBM that reaches a continent. But words are but words. Pakistan is some kind of an ally of the USA and this now is the past.

Do you support this source or do you believe it is a propoganda?

To some extent. Otherwise it is a plain propaganda. We do have reliable launching systems, and successful test missiles which can get the job done though. :tup:
Indians have corrected their problems, more over they have increased the range of the missiles in order to cover China, which gives them a very deep capability. However, in our terms, when the enemy of our is next door. The range is enough, delivery systems are capable and ready. Also the missiles are tested successfully on regularly scheduled basis.
A U.S. official stated that Pakistani air and missile delivery systems are now believed to be “fully capable of a nuclear exchange if something happens.” Other officials noted that Pakistan’s air force, with its U.S. F-16’s and its French Mirage fighter-bombers, are superior at penetrating enemy airspace than India’s Soviet-designed MiGs and Sukhois.

How can anyone believe this report is accurate? 1960s Mirage IIIs are better than Mirage 2000s(they are generations apart!) Block 10/15 F-16s which were delivered in 1983 and were under US sanctions for 9 years are better strike platforms than Su-30MKIs?

I think this report is seriously biased.
How can anyone believe this report is accurate? 1960s Mirage IIIs are better than Mirage 2000s(they are generations apart!) Block 10/15 F-16s which were delivered in 1983 and were under US sanctions for 9 years are better strike platforms than Su-30MKIs?

I think this report is seriously biased.

You'd think; there is an explanation; just wait for some more time.
i think this is truth, we know that indian missile tests are often unsuccessful and on our side we have always a sucessful tests mashallah, so i think this is true that we have better nuclear capability than our neighbour...

can it be possible that we dont tell the world when our missile tests arnt sussesfull after all india is a democracy and we are not.
can it be possible that we dont tell the world when our missile tests arnt sussesfull after all india is a democracy and we are not.

I agree with you totally. When an Army General can oust the Prime Minister, force the Chief Justice to resign, and declare himself President then whats so big in covering up a few failed missile tests?

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