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Pakistan's Nuclear Deterrent

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Let me be straight-forward with all you guys.

Pakistanis would never trust what an Indian says in a million years, India's main objective is to wipe Pakistan off the map, they are still not over the partition of 1947...so all you Indians who think you are looking for Pakistan's interst please give it a rest.

As for Pakistan-U.S. relations, its complicated and many Pakistanis still dont forgive America for leaving Pakistan in the cold, after America got what it wanted in the Soviet War...but still Pakistan trusts America way more than India and the Soviet War was in Pakistan's interst to fight because Afghanistan was just next door.

Every nation is out for its own interst.
Mr Kaal please let us in on the Identity of all the RAW, CIA operatives in this board. And one more thing, Let us know exactly what happened to the spaceship which crashed in Roswell. God Speed :)
RAW is not the only intelligence agency posting on such boards. So does the C.I.A. This S-2 person is from the C.I.A. Both RAW and the C.I.A. try to prevent any discussion of how countries like India and Pakistan can defend themselves against the United States.
Oh! Really?
S-2, its really bad that you did confide to me about your next career assignment with the C.I.A after hanging your boots as an US Army Artillery Captain.:woot: Bad...really Bad. :lol:
This thread has deteriorated into total nonsense...CLOSED!
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