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Pakistan's Nuclear Deterrent

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"There is no way the US can go to war against Pakistan, they simply lack the resources."

Win a war against Pakistan? Depends upon the objectives but I generally don't know why we couldn't go to war with you if necessary.

I know our navy is sorta bored to tears and would love to slap a M.E.Z. on somebody. They sure were hoping to do so a bit further west down the coastline but, alas! Bet you'd be fairly easy to embargo.

Don't think our Air Force is real busy either. Bet overland trade through Iran would be really vulnerable to interdiction from sea/air along that long, lonely Baluchi route. Bet almost all your supplies and goods would have to come from China.

Bet the Chinese need us more than you if it came down to a choice:china::usflag:.
I am not dumb enuff to say India can Defeat USA Hands down blindfolded!!! But India can surely give the USA a fight, and our PSLV can be modified into an ICBM.

I wont even Say India can Over run Pakistan, Because Pakistan is mighty in all respects and can give India a tough fight, but that is India. We are talking about US of A. Just think, how will PAF react to the F22s?? Leave the F18s and others out! Man it will be over before it begins!
You think American Generals are dumb and if they attack India they will actually fight MKI with F15 and F16?They will first take out your bases and you will have few planes left which will be taken out by F22..F/16.Hell IF they want they can bomb India back to Stone page thousand times.India will give a fair fight to USA yeah right lol.We're talking about United States here..They can bomb you back to stone ages with just cruise missiles.They dont have to actually fight in your country buddy.:usflag:..Fair Fight with India lol..buddy checkout United States Defense Info and even if you get icbms your missiles will be taken down before they even reach United States.
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US army recruits lots of Mexicans, I know of many Indians who have joined US army for certain type of incentives. Having manpower is not an issue for Americans. Game in Afghanistan will be very different if India gets involved along with Americans. Indian manpower, American weapons and money...endless supply ....


Are you telling me that if 10 000 American soldiers die, the American public will not make a big fuss about it. Just look at these current wars, the American public is furious about these current wars that are being fought. The problem is not manpower for America, they themselves have a population of 300 million people. The question is whether the American government can sell this war to American people.
"There is no way the US can go to war against Pakistan, they simply lack the resources."

Win a war against Pakistan? Depends upon the objectives but I generally don't know why we couldn't go to war with you if necessary.

I know our navy is sorta bored to tears and would love to slap a M.E.Z. on somebody. They sure were hoping to do so a bit further west down the coastline but, alas! Bet you'd be fairly easy to embargo.

Don't think our Air Force is real busy either. Bet overland trade through Iran would be really vulnerable to interdiction from sea/air along that long, lonely Baluchi route. Bet almost all your supplies and goods would have to come from China.

Bet the Chinese need us more than you if it came down to a choice:china::usflag:.

In terms of naval and air power, Pakistan cannot do anything. But in this case, we are lucky that the US forces are stationed right next to our borders. So if the US attacks us, expect Pakistan to unleash massive pain on US Armed Forces. Millions of people will volunteer to fight the Americans and not to mention professional soldiers will be fighting the US. As far as weapons are concerned, there is not going to be any shortage because the weapons needed to fight the Americans can be produced inside Pakistan. There is a reason why the US/Israel havent attacked Iran so far because the Iranians will cross over the Iraq border and bleed the American forces to death. We cant really ask the Chinese to help us because they are still not in a position to confront the Americans head on.
"In terms of naval and air power, Pakistan cannot do anything."

My immediate impression is that you haven't served in the armed forces, much less in a combat arms specialty, much less as an officer in one.

Let's spell out some facts- our air force would likely dominate the skies over Pakistan- day and night. Gaining access to our ground forces means forcing your way through the mountain passes on channelized roads offering a target-rich environment of your army's vehicles. We'll be bombing them from the front-gates of their bases to the front lines of our troops if they decide to do that.

When's the last time you invaded a country? Sending your citizens, are you? I was going to recommend, actually, that you leave your heavy guns and trucks at home if you hope to get any forces to grips with ours. Hike it through the hills.

We know those pretty well too. Plus your army will look a tad larger at night than a squad of taliban or two donkeys. You could do that too-infiltrate. But you've still got to supply these guys with something more than faith and a Koran. An army large enough to overwhelm the Americans without heavy weapons will be huge.

Oh! Time. Time's working against your citizens and nat'l infrastructure. Our Air Force is bringing down your electrical grid, sub-stations, sewage treatment, water purification, dikes, ports, bridges, etc. So you'll have to move fast on that hike to Afghanistan. Not a lot of time to cloak your movements as your nation will need you to move right along.

Don't know if you've noticed but we'll double in size this summer with three more infantry brigades and a combat aviation brigade. Most CABs have two Apache battalions.

Finally, it's not like we don't know that you believe we're most vulnerable with our ground troops. Don't you know we can't stand the sight of our own blood!:lol:

I'm guessing that we'd be really ready for a fight should you make it that far. Getting close to us would not be as easy as you seem to think.
"In terms of naval and air power, Pakistan cannot do anything."

My immediate impression is that you haven't served in the armed forces, much less in a combat arms specialty, much less as an officer in one.

Let's spell out some facts- our air force would likely dominate the skies over Pakistan- day and night. Gaining access to our ground forces means forcing your way through the mountain passes on channelized roads offering a target-rich environment of your army's vehicles. We'll be bombing them from the front-gates of their bases to the front lines of our troops if they decide to do that.

When's the last time you invaded a country? Sending your citizens, are you? I was going to recommend, actually, that you leave your heavy guns and trucks at home if you hope to get any forces to grips with ours. Hike it through the hills.

We know those pretty well too. Plus your army will look a tad larger at night than a squad of taliban or two donkeys. You could do that too-infiltrate. But you've still got to supply these guys with something more than faith and a Koran. An army large enough to overwhelm the Americans without heavy weapons will be huge.

Oh! Time. Time's working against your citizens and nat'l infrastructure. Our Air Force is bringing down your electrical grid, sub-stations, sewage treatment, water purification, dikes, ports, bridges, etc. So you'll have to move fast on that hike to Afghanistan. Not a lot of time to cloak your movements as your nation will need you to move right along.

Don't know if you've noticed but we'll double in size this summer with three more infantry brigades and a combat aviation brigade. Most CABs have two Apache battalions.

Finally, it's not like we don't know that you believe we're most vulnerable with our ground troops. Don't you know we can't stand the sight of our own blood!:lol:

I'm guessing that we'd be really ready for a fight should you make it that far. Getting close to us would not be as easy as you seem to think.

hmmm thought USA was Pakistan's ally, Indians started this thread for a reason, their dream would be to see America and Pakistan fight each other... but Pakistan has to look out for its own country and Pakistan's defence is strong...no one wants a nuclear war.
"the Iranians will cross over the Iraq border and bleed the American forces to death."

That's not a concern as much as the Iranians coming over the border and bleeding the Iraqis to death.

Our government isn't going to lose that much sleep over our troops if we decide to attack Iran. American forces would be expected to defend themselves if not otherwise engaged. Were we to attack Iran, U.S. troops in Iraq would be a bad bet if you wanted to see the sunrise.

We know the Iranians well. They don't mess with us like they do with the Brits. They know better.
"hmmm thought USA was Pakistan's ally"

We are. Did you miss this comment by notorious eagle?

"There is no way the US can go to war against Pakistan, they simply lack the resources."

I was replying to him that I think it would be technically possible for America to do so and win.

I don't, except in my wildest nightmares, expect a war with Pakistan. It's very, very unlikely.:)
RAW is not the only intelligence agency posting on such boards. So does the C.I.A. This S-2 person is from the C.I.A. Both RAW and the C.I.A. try to prevent any discussion of how countries like India and Pakistan can defend themselves against the United States.

I have said that the prospect of Pakistan delivering half a dozen nuclear weapons to its coastal cities such as New York and Washington will stop the U.S. and its drone attacks cold. It does not matter if the United States' air force is a hundred times more capable than Pakistan's or its army has equipment poor Asians can't dream of; that is the beauty of nuclear weapons; they are a great EQUALISER.

So let us consider how Pakistan could deliver nuclear weapons to U.S. coastal cities. One way it can do so is by cruise missiles mounted on naval vessels -- which could be submarines or surface vessels. Pakistan has nuclear capable cruise missiles which can be mounted on surface ships. The ship(s) will have to get within range of the target city. If the range of its nuclear capable cruise missiles is 500 miles, the ship will have to get within 500 miles of the target city. Note that this does not have to be a ship belonging to the navy. There is no reason why cruise missiles cannot be installed on merchant ships and properly camouflaged and launched when the ship gets within range of the target.

Pakistan also has ballistic missiles of various ranges that are nuclear capable. Such missiles CAN be launched from surface ships, even merchants ships, from specially designed launching platforms and camouflaged/hidden till they get within range of the target.

What are some of the other possibilities? Now is the time to get creative.
RAW is not the only intelligence agency posting on such boards. So does the C.I.A. This S-2 person is from the C.I.A. Both RAW and the C.I.A. try to prevent any discussion of how countries like India and Pakistan can defend themselves against the United States.

I have said that the prospect of Pakistan delivering half a dozen nuclear weapons to its coastal cities such as New York and Washington will stop the U.S. and its drone attacks cold. It does not matter if the United States' air force is a hundred times more capable than Pakistan's or its army has equipment poor Asians can't dream of; that is the beauty of nuclear weapons; they are a great EQUALISER.

So let us consider how Pakistan could deliver nuclear weapons to U.S. coastal cities. One way it can do so is by cruise missiles mounted on naval vessels -- which could be submarines or surface vessels. Pakistan has nuclear capable cruise missiles which can be mounted on surface ships. The ship(s) will have to get within range of the target city. If the range of its nuclear capable cruise missiles is 500 miles, the ship will have to get within 500 miles of the target city. Note that this does not have to be a ship belonging to the navy. There is no reason why cruise missiles cannot be installed on merchant ships and properly camouflaged and launched when the ship gets within range of the target.

Pakistan also has ballistic missiles of various ranges that are nuclear capable. Such missiles CAN be launched from surface ships, even merchants ships, from specially designed launching platforms and camouflaged/hidden till they get within range of the target.

What are some of the other possibilities? Now is the time to get creative.

This such a immature post......:disagree:
kaal2009, you are other-worldly.

Truly out there...:agree:
Any one who has an 'understanding' with a foreign power for attacks on his own country's territory is a slave. As I have said in another thread, both India and Pakistan are such slaves of the white man.

I have said that the drone attacks are the start of a campaign by the United States to occupy and recolonise the subcontinent. Therefore India has to worry about the drone attacks as much as Pakistan and India has as much responsibility to stop them as does Pakistan.

Since the attacker is a nuclear power, stopping the drone attacks has to include the possible use of nuclear weapons. "Why do we need to deliver nuclear weapons to the US?" Because the United States is attacking your territory and it is a nuclear power. Since the drone attacks are as much a threat to India as they are to Pakistan, India will have to stop them if Pakistan will not.

Most Pakistanis would understand this. RAW has some operatives on this forum with Pakistani identities. Since RAW functions as a branch of the C.I.A. against India (and Pakistan), it tries to stop any discussion of how these countries could defend themselves against the United States. I don't know if you are one of those but post # 2 in this thread is by a RAW operative who registered after I started this thread and then posted something to try to stop any discussion of how Pakistan could deliver its nuclear weapons to the United States the knowledge of which will deter the United States from attacking Pakistan. Only someone who thinks that the white master has the right to do any thing he wants to his Indian and Pakistani slaves will object to such a discussion.
Where the hell do you think you are getting to? Cut the crap and stop your racial temper tantrums. You are NOT an expert in the matter of the subject as is evident from your BS conspiracy theory therefore don't delude yourself with fantasies. I'm surprised how did you survive this long or may be the Mods are considering this to be a humour thread.
The above post is by a RAW operative with an Indian identity. Ignore their attempts to prevent a discussion of how countries like India and Pakistan can defend themselves from the United States. Continue the discussion.

I didn't see this thread. I'd warned him earlier on a separate thread that his language was decidedly racist. This is the second time and it came to your attention, not mine.

He needs to be banned. He's stupid and racist (which makes him stupid. There's a circular logic here:agree:).

Thanks. He's an a-hole of the first order.
This C.I.A. person, S-2, needs to be banned for his abusive language. Though, of course, he will simply register under a new name.
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