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Pakistan's nuclear bombs / warheads not assembled but in spares

Pakistan's nuclear bombs / warheads not assembled but in spares... if India launch cold start then we have time to assemble and launch our weapons ?


And neither would we have the time if the U S tactical forces hit the storage facilities. So---the assumption would stay with the idea that some of the items are in assembled form.--amongst those would be tactical nucs as well as long range nucs as well.

That is called insurance policy---as long as it is valid---you will get the benefits.
@Joe Shearer sir I can't understand why these people (60+) talk like this on tv.
I mean look at our our side, scientists after retirement either become media parayah or become extremely humble like Kalam sir
And across the border we have people like above or some "mubarakband" talking about destroying every human on this side with pride.
I mean what's wrong?? These are educated and mature citizens and are supposed to be humble and calm. Why this bravado??

Are we really that much "weak" as these think tanks think??


That is how small nations talk when they have larger enemies---and also when the most of the citizens of the larger nation are born idiots who have no comprehension---what the consequences of a nuclear war would be.

As an indian---do you have any concept what would happen in a nuc war---or do you think that you would come out of it okay.

Dr. Munarakmand is privy to information and planning of the indian govt that you would never get a whif of---so when he says something---it is retaliation to what is being considered in the dark offices of the indian govt.

It is just like the old days---when Rajput male warriors and their women folk would say---we would rather die annihilating the enemy ( the muslims ) than surrender to the muslim invaders---.

Read your history my boy---read your history. You will find the answers---and don't read the history written by indians---if you want to learn something--read what is written by foreigners---see what they say---that is when you will learn how you were conquered---what you went thru---and maybe then you might understand why do you react the way you do and why does your muslim neighbor reacts the way it does.
Pakistani nukes are kept disassembled due to safety-related considerations. However, a SOP have been defined to assemble them in the hour of need.
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As a Pakistani do you have any idea what this bigger nation will do to small country after single tactical Nuke strike ( Hint- He will make an example out of that small nation for others to look for any such adventure
Pardon me but Pakistan is acting like a suicide bomber as "Do what I want otherwise I will blow up myself harming/killing you too.
What do you think a professional army should do with this suicide bomber??
Surrender to his demands??
Or try to fight with extreme precaution so that he can't blackmail in future again??
What's your opinion???

Problem is not what is he saying. But my concern is what's the need of such a old senior to talk like that. I can understand if it was a military general but a Scientist??
BTW what do you mean by "you Conquered"??
Aren't" we conquered "??? and converted?

Can mods send this troll back to the cave this creature crawled out of?
As a Pakistani do you have any idea what this bigger nation will do to small country after single tactical Nuke strike ( Hint- He will make an example out of that small nation for others to look for any such adventure
Pardon me but Pakistan is acting like a suicide bomber as "Do what I want otherwise I will blow up myself harming/killing you too.
What do you think a professional army should do with this suicide bomber??
Surrender to his demands??
Or try to fight with extreme precaution so that he can't blackmail in future again??
What's your opinion???



Your post is clearly evident of the inherent stupidity of the indians regarding this issue.

As someone saif a long time ago---there will be other muslim nations---but there will not be another hindu nation.

It it came to pick and chose---would you rather be incinerated in an instant---or would you rather die of diarrhea----.

Letr me give you a scenario---after the first strike---there will be panic in large cities india---. Super markets will get crowded---people in panic would want to buy every thing---pretty soon the situation turn into a riot---it will start loot---plunder---arson----an accident here in the street and accident there on the street---would further add to the chaos---vehicles will be lit on fire---.

Roads could be blocked due to heavy traffic---that would create more chaos---cars and trucks and busses bumping into each other----every street corner will be looking at a mini riot---someone will blow up a transformer---light will go out---utilities will be effected---a fire here---a fire there---traffic blockage---no rescuers---hospitals will start getting packed with injured---.

Night time would bring out the worst of the worst---start more fire----rape loot and plunder----whole city square s on fire---people would want to get out of the cities---and there would be no roads that they could travel on because they would be clogged---.

Panic and chaos would also disrupt the train service and airports would not be any different.

In 24 hours after the start of chaos---the city would run out of water---the food would be running short----hospitals would be running out of medicines----toilets would start to pver flow---48 hours later---there would be stench of faces in the air---city covered with smoke from the fires still burning---markets without food and no water available---pharmacies plundered of medicine---a feel of disease would be felt spreading in the air in the city---.

Law enforcement would be helpless as there would be no communication---and most of the police force would have abandoned their posts to look after their families---.

After the passage of 72 hours---first cases related to gastric and fecal contamination would start to appear---and this is happening just because of the panic in a large city----the radiation has not hit yet.

On 4th and 5th day----cases of starvation are abundant---streets are getting filled up with feces, garbage and filth and smell of urine overpowers the air that is being breathed in---flies are everywhere---there are abundant cases of stomach disorder----the city is going out of control---.

Then a warm wind hits the city---warm dry wind---there are no birds in the air---because they have long gone----the warm wind travel thru all the city and passes thru leaving behind particles filled with radiation---the radiation penetrates thru all nooks and cranies and human souls and bodies hiding in in rooms and basements.

The first cases of radiation poisioing would start to show up in about 48 to 72 hours after that---they will be suffering from uncontrolable diarrhea---as the city is already in a stage of chaos---there will be no help for those who are suffering---slowly but steadily this scourage will take over every citizen of the city---and then one after the other----slowly but surely---they would start to die from this horrible sickness---bathed in their own body fluids---frolicking in their own excrements----.

I think that you would be better off being zapped in the first wave---because the end for your compatriots---who will be alive after the first strikes---would be terrible.

As for us---dust to dust---ashes to ashes---. I don't think that we will have the time to thank you for showing us the mercy of killing us instantly. But just think for a moment before your body takes those hideous and painful convulsion before letting go of the smelly discharge---could sanity have prevailed and thoughtful consideration made the difference.

And neither would we have the time if the U S tactical forces hit the storage facilities. So---the assumption would stay with the idea that some of the items are in assembled form.--amongst those would be tactical nucs as well as long range nucs as well.

That is called insurance policy---as long as it is valid---you will get the benefits.

Even the ordinary military people may not know where Pak Nucs are installed so how the hell US forces may hit them. Further as per reports this is no secret that they are spread on different sites through out the country so no such operation is viable either by US or any other country.
It must be remembered that all Pakistani missiles are mobile and TEL based, while some weapons are kept dismantled others are kept active in underground bunkers.


Your post is clearly evident of the inherent stupidity of the indians regarding this issue.

As someone saif a long time ago---there will be other muslim nations---but there will not be another hindu nation.

It it came to pick and chose---would you rather be incinerated in an instant---or would you rather die of diarrhea----.

Letr me give you a scenario---after the first strike---there will be panic in large cities india---. Super markets will get crowded---people in panic would want to buy every thing---pretty soon the situation turn into a riot---it will start loot---plunder---arson----an accident here in the street and accident there on the street---would further add to the chaos---vehicles will be lit on fire---.

Roads could be blocked due to heavy traffic---that would create more chaos---cars and trucks and busses bumping into each other----every street corner will be looking at a mini riot---someone will blow up a transformer---light will go out---utilities will be effected---a fire here---a fire there---traffic blockage---no rescuers---hospitals will start getting packed with injured---.

Night time would bring out the worst of the worst---start more fire----rape loot and plunder----whole city square s on fire---people would want to get out of the cities---and there would be no roads that they could travel on because they would be clogged---.

Panic and chaos would also disrupt the train service and airports would not be any different.

In 24 hours after the start of chaos---the city would run out of water---the food would be running short----hospitals would be running out of medicines----toilets would start to pver flow---48 hours later---there would be stench of faces in the air---city covered with smoke from the fires still burning---markets without food and no water available---pharmacies plundered of medicine---a feel of disease would be felt spreading in the air in the city---.

Law enforcement would be helpless as there would be no communication---and most of the police force would have abandoned their posts to look after their families---.

After the passage of 72 hours---first cases related to gastric and fecal contamination would start to appear---and this is happening just because of the panic in a large city----the radiation has not hit yet.

On 4th and 5th day----cases of starvation are abundant---streets are getting filled up with feces, garbage and filth and smell of urine overpowers the air that is being breathed in---flies are everywhere---there are abundant cases of stomach disorder----the city is going out of control---.

Then a warm wind hits the city---warm dry wind---there are no birds in the air---because they have long gone----the warm wind travel thru all the city and passes thru leaving behind particles filled with radiation---the radiation penetrates thru all nooks and cranies and human souls and bodies hiding in in rooms and basements.

The first cases of radiation poisioing would start to show up in about 48 to 72 hours after that---they will be suffering from uncontrolable diarrhea---as the city is already in a stage of chaos---there will be no help for those who are suffering---slowly but steadily this scourage will take over every citizen of the city---and then one after the other----slowly but surely---they would start to die from this horrible sickness---bathed in their own body fluids---frolicking in their own excrements----.

I think that you would be better off being zapped in the first wave---because the end for your compatriots---who will be alive after the first strikes---would be terrible.

As for us---dust to dust---ashes to ashes---. I don't think that we will have the time to thank you for showing us the mercy of killing us instantly. But just think for a moment before your body takes those hideous and painful convulsion before letting go of the smelly discharge---could sanity have prevailed and thoughtful consideration made the difference.
you forgot EMP, no need to blow up transformers, EMP will take care of all things electrical.
Pakistan's nuclear bombs / warheads not assembled but in spares... if India launch cold start then we have time to assemble and launch our weapons ?

Some are, some are not. What the above article is insinuating is that not ALL of Pakistan's 100+ nuclear weapons are fully assembled. Rest assured if and when the time comes they will be.
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