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Pakistan's New Generation of Terrorists

Data alarming :lol:

you Sir talk like a professor.

You realize that every nail, every grain of wheat, and rice, every ounce of petrol and diesel for Afghanistan goes through Pakistan.

You know that. Right?

This is called logistics.
Really? :woot: For your info, other major trade routes in Afghanistan are via the border crossings at Zaranj, Islam Qala, Hairatan, Shir khan Bandar and Towraghondi.

You know that, Right? If not, this input must have come as a blow to your ego, as it displays your utter lack of knowledge!!

If yes, then you're obfuscating issues and trying to peddle falsehoods to impress the sheeple that 'every nail, every grain of wheat, and rice, every ounce of petrol and diesel for Afghanistan goes through Pakistan'. It doesn't! Period! :azn: :p:
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And India is the motherland of r@pists and pedophiles.

The hard work of those pedophiles can be later seen in the form of Indian members on PDF.

What a lame and predictive comeback...you forget mentioning "Toilets".:lol:

You LOST the argument since more rapes are done in Islamic Pakistan and Bacchabazi is as common as drinking tea and blended in so called "Pakistani culture".

At least 100 rapes in Karachi a day : says Pakistani Additional Police Surgeon

Pakistan : Islamic Taliban sexually abusing young boys

Don't try to derail the thread and PROVE if you are not a terrorist creating state.
Rape is your national sport. Take example from home. Ask your mom what she has gone through in her life. How many Bharati men have screwed her.

93 girls molested on Bihar train | GulfNews.com

Rape fear keeps US students out of India: Nancy Powell - Times Of India

Why should I prove it. Who are you. A typical internet b@stard from India. Your aukat isn't that much. R@ts likie you keep coming from Bharat and we keep kicking there *** back to their moms.

WOW Mr Pakistani so happy to go in gutter and LOST the argument again.You are a LOSER.

So Mr Areesh... you made sure that you are INDEED a product of rape and all you think is of rapes.Ask Nancy if any US students even think of coming to Pakistan the rape land of the world led by Karachi.See all of your ancestors who were raped and forced to convert.

Don't worry we would not go in gutter so be happy and play with your own shit. :omghaha:
On topic:

Pakistan still wishes to use terrorists for strategic aims.
They still love their jihad.

The Pakistani society accepts Islamic terrorism. This is evident from the absolute silence and acceptance of Taliban. How the people don't want their Army and Govt to fight the Talibs. How Pakistani politicians especially ones popular in youth like Imran Khan shy away from even naming Taliban for acts that they take responsibility for.

Consequently, India must also sponsor Jihad in Pakistan. It is the only rational response.
Lol more rape in Pakistan and you cant deny this

p.s. Is your mom from Bihar?

It's a TRUTH...he has no answer to the the Pakistani Doctor who said 100 women get raped in karachi each day alone!!! Perhaps his mom is on a daily list.

Cant understand what's wrong with Pakistani members who go to gutter and raise things like rape,toilets instead of addressing the real issues.This shows they surrendered and have no answer.:lol:

On topic:

Pakistan still wishes to use terrorists for strategic aims.
They still love their jihad.

The Pakistani society accepts Islamic terrorism. This is evident from the absolute silence and acceptance of Taliban. How the people don't want their Army and Govt to fight the Talibs. How Pakistani politicians especially ones popular in youth like Imran Khan shy away from even naming Taliban for acts that they take responsibility for.

Consequently, India must also sponsor Jihad in Pakistan. It is the only rational response.

According to some Pakistanis like Rehman Malik India is doing Jihad in Pakistan through Afganistan,Baloch Freedom fighters and TTP is on payroll of RAW and what not... ts other thing that he he not able to show even a single proof and says he would produce it one day.Don't know when.:omghaha:
It's a TRUTH...he has no answer to the the Pakistani Doctor who said 100 women get raped in karachi each day alone!!! Perhaps his mom is on a daily list.

Cant understand what's wrong with Pakistani members who go to gutter and raise things like rape,toilets instead of addressing the real issues.This shows they surrendered and have no answer.:lol:

According to some Pakistanis like Rehman Malik India is doing Jihad in Pakistan through Afganistan,Baloch Freedom fighters and TTP is on payroll of RAW and what not... ts other thing that he he not able to show even a single proof and says he would produce it one day.Don't know when.:omghaha:

They are strange...
its like...

US Think Tank: Pakistan is an epicenter of terrorism

Typical Pakistani: Whatever, there are more rapes in India than Pakistan

Hmm where is that picture of a sikh sitting on table accepting surrender papers pictures from 71. :lol:
Here it is :lol:
Résultats Google Recherche d'images correspondant à http://www.wmsf.org.uk/images/Human_Rights/rape%2Bsikh%2Bwomen.jpg
choose one :lol:
Résultats Google Recherche d'images correspondant à http://www.nov1984.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/Arpana-Caur-Wounds-of-19841.jpg

Whhhhat??? I thought Pakistanis had GENUINE love and sympathy for Sikhs.But you PROVED it's just a fake stuff since Sikhs are standing between Pakistan and India like a fort which you could never breach.Sikhs are very patriotic for India and a lot of our generals are Sikhs. :lol:

Sikhs beat you so badly in wars.

LOL @ your name callings "hindu warrior"... and "rape" stuff...and who are you a Islamic warrior who surrender en masses? Omg what a shameful race.Oh wait you have no race but a result of forced rapes so thinking of rapes all the time.Grow up kid.

100,000 Islamic warriors like you surrendered in front of 25,000 "Hindus".So check your history out of local books.Guess what you are killing Shias daily and US is forcing Pakistanis killing themselves blowing on daily basis or drone attacks.Such a martial race :omghaha:

Your post describe your photos in your avatar :lol:
Hindu have been slave for almost 1000 years, which name would you like to give to this martial race? Rape is an integral part of hindu culture, and i think i don't really need to give you any proofs, all is infront of you "world rape capital" :lol:---Tell if you need any lesson on your hindu warrior race who was responsable of millions of innocents deaths since 1947 :lol:
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We thought of giving it the name, 'The Land of The Pure', but that you guys have taken! Sheeesh! That sucks! :cry:
Perhaps you don't deserve that name, anyway you have choice between "world rape capital" or "world biggest democracy" :D
Look at how vulgar these Punjabis are speaking, you are trying to defend terrorism. You people are no Muslims because if the Prophet SAW seen how you people are speaking then he would banish the majority of Pakistan from Islam. And no doubt these Pakistani funded terrorists will be coming to Afghanistan.

Here it is :lol:
Résultats Google Recherche d'images correspondant à http://www.wmsf.org.uk/images/Human_Rights/rape%2Bsikh%2Bwomen.jpg
choose one :lol:
Résultats Google Recherche d'images correspondant à http://www.nov1984.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/Arpana-Caur-Wounds-of-19841.jpg

Your post describe your photos in your avatar :lol:
Hindu have been slave for almost 1000 years, which name would you like to give to this martial race? Rape is an integral part of hindu culture, and i think i don't really need to give you any proofs, all is infront of you "world rape capital" :lol:---Tell if you need any lesson on your hindu warrior race who was responsable of millions of innocents deaths since 1947 :lol:
I'm no Hindu so I don't care about them but you Punjabis are more slaves then Indians, have you Punjabi "Muslims" ever had an empire? It was us Pathans who brought you people the light of Islam. At least the idol worshipping Hindus had enough honour to put up resistance unlike Punjabi sada gwal.
And Pathans are famous for their jokes in India.

Some of your Jokers come to India to joke about Pathans.

Pakistan is the motherland of Terrorists and thus epicenter of Terrorism.

Almost all terrorist acts has roots in Pakistan today.Osama and world terrorists live happily in Pakistan but killed after their sovereignty is violated.

It's a headache for world peace.

you can not be a singh , i know few singhs and they have brain but i think you lost it long time ago :D
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