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Pakistan's New Generation of Terrorists

Pakistan's New Generation of Terrorists

Zachary Laub, Associate Writer Updated: November 18, 2013

Pakistani authorities have long had ties to domestic militant groups that help advance the country's core foreign policy interests, namely in connection with Afghanistan and India. Since Islamabad joined Washington as an ally in the post-9/11 "war on terror," analysts have accused Pakistan's security and intelligence services of playing a "double game," tolerating if not outright aiding militant groups killing NATO troops in Afghanistan. Pakistan denies these charges.....]

What's this?

Indian fascination (read dhoti uthana) with Pakistani Mullahtic Islamists.

The article heading sounds as if Google is released some new Laddu or barfi of the OS.


No substance, just rehash of old news.
What's this?

Indian fascination (read dhoti uthana) with Pakistani Mullahtic Islamists.

The article heading sounds as if Google is released some new Laddu or barfi of the OS.


No substance, just rehash of old news.

It is a US council of foreign affairs think tank article. Pretty prestigious think tank. It writes papers on matters such of this and therefore you will get some rehashing of findings. Old news but yet current.

Terrorism in India, according to the Home Ministry, poses a significant threat to the state. Terrorism in India are basically two types external and internal, external terrorism emerge from neighbouring countries and internal terrorism emulates from religious or communal violence and Naxalite–Maoist insurgency. Terror activities involve either Indian or foreign citizens.

The regions with long term terrorist activities today are Jammu and Kashmir, Mumbai, Central India (Naxalism) and the Seven Sister States (independence and autonomy movements). As of 2006, at least 232 of the country’s 608 districts were afflicted, at differing intensities, by various insurgent and terrorist movements.
In August 2008, National Security Advisor M K Narayanan has said that there are as many as 800 terrorist cells operating in the country.

yet the world is concerned about whom again?
It is a US council of foreign affairs think tank article. Pretty prestigious think tank. It writes papers on matters such of this and therefore you will get some rehashing of findings. Old news but yet current.

yet the world is concerned about whom again?

Read it dear read it.

And you will see this just as yellow journalism effort.

Many Indians on this board do not realize that all American efforts in Afghansistan past, current, future are 80% dependent on winning the hearts and minds and pockets of Pakistani frontier lands.

It is good to see Obama admn now working on this with good focus.

But some thinker tankers continue rehashing old stuff.
Read it dear read it.

And you will see this just as yellow journalism effort.

Many Indians on this board do not realize that all American efforts in Afghansistan past, current, future are 80% dependent on winning the hearts and minds and pockets of Pakistani frontier lands.

It is good to see Obama admn now working on this with good focus.

But some thinker tankers continue rehashing old stuff.

I humbly disagree Fauj- the exporting of terrorism is real. A real threat for the world and no amount of hearts and minds being won is going to circumvent raw facts and ideological make up. Typically- The world is not that bothered if this was just an internal threat ( see India), yet in this case given the alarming numbers of fundamentalist attitudes, given you are a nuclear power- it makes it uniquely disturbing.

Pakistan is not losing its fundamentalist , rather losing its moderates like you. It is tangible data point one can't dispute nor fix with any external hearts and minds efforts. That is why Obama is trying to keep a presence in afghanistan now through 2024.
I hope so , sincerely hope so for your your sake. But the data we see is alarming.

Data alarming :lol:

you Sir talk like a professor.

You realize that every nail, every grain of wheat, and rice, every ounce of petrol and diesel for Afghanistan goes through Pakistan.

You know that. Right?

This is called logistics.

And it will be there for 2024 ops.
Data alarming :lol:

you Sir talk like a professor.

You realize that every nail, every grain of wheat, and rice, every ounce of petrol and diesel for Afghanistan goes through Pakistan.

You know that. Right?

This is called logistics.

And it will be there for 2024 ops.

I am talking about the article and its assessment of terrorism in Pakistan vis-a-vis the world, not logistics of US presence in afghanistan.
I am talking about the article and its assessment of terrorism in Pakistan vis-a-vis the world, not logistics of US presence in afghanistan.

The 2 are linked.

Afghanistan is the diseased body, and neighbors get sick.
The 2 are linked.

Afghanistan is the diseased body, and neighbors get sick.

well , if you think that the US can control your homegrown and or your haqqani networks , let alone the TTP. you have more faith... I have not seen it for over a decade now. Not sure how we can help when we are attacked from ' supported' factions from Pakistan.
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well , if you think that the US can control your homegrown and or your haqqani networks , let alone the TTP. you have more faith... I have not seen it the for over a decade now. Not sure how we can help when we are attacked from ' supported' factions from Pakistan.

TTP is a menace, but it has not stopped US and Pakistan to pursue their objectives in the region.
Pakistan is the motherland of Terrorists and thus epicenter of Terrorism.

And India is the motherland of r@pists and pedophiles.

The hard work of those pedophiles can be later seen in the form of Indian members on PDF.
What's this?
No substance, just rehash of old news.
So what would be 'new news' regarding terrorism in Pakistan? That Superman, Batman and Co have come down to mother Earth to save Pakistan from the TTP? :cheesy:

Seriously, according to you, what would 'new news' be? :smokin:
They get what they deserve in 1984 :lol:

Oh dear an other keyboard hindu warrior---India is an insult to human race, also called world rape capital:lol:---Only in your great mother bharat terrorists have political parties, every minoritys has been massacred in the name of hinduism, so which name would you give to your beloved motherland? :lol:

Whhhhat??? I thought Pakistanis had GENUINE love and sympathy for Sikhs.But you PROVED it's just a fake stuff since Sikhs are standing between Pakistan and India like a fort which you could never breach.Sikhs are very patriotic for India and a lot of our generals are Sikhs. :lol:

Sikhs beat you so badly in wars.

LOL @ your name callings "hindu warrior"... and "rape" stuff...and who are you a Islamic warrior who surrender en masses? Omg what a shameful race.Oh wait you have no race but a result of forced rapes so thinking of rapes all the time.Grow up kid.

100,000 Islamic warriors like you surrendered in front of 25,000 "Hindus".So check your history out of local books.Guess what you are killing Shias daily and US is forcing Pakistanis killing themselves blowing on daily basis or drone attacks.Such a martial race :omghaha:
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