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Pakistan's Musharraf to form political party

what if mushy just for once stood up too bushy n would have said 'sir with all due respect, i have got a strong military, and nation that likes us, so you are welcome to try to drag us back to the 'stone age', its not our conflict neither we asked taliban to attack, you can use anyother country's soil but not ours'???
Meengla: Valid point. To sum up , you contend that his domestic and monetary policies were counter productive to Pakistan's potential growth. You are right

I have two points here : I think we need to give him more credit for his handling of Pak's economic affair's. I would say the large debt he inherited -- clubbed with the prevalent volatile conditions at home - were equally responsible for his limitation's. Yes i agree, he is rightly accused of being soft on religious extremism, when he could have done more to contain them. He was more of words and less of action on this front.

Secondly, no matter who comes to leadership in Pak, would'nt you agree that world, for some time now, WILL continue to view your soil from the Len's of WoT? . And that by itself, limits the growth Pak can aspire for?
what if mushy just for once stood up too bushy n would have said 'sir with all due respect, i have got a strong military, and nation that likes us, so you are welcome to try to drag us back to the 'stone age', its not our conflict neither we asked taliban to attack, you can use anyother country's soil but not ours'???

I think Armitage said "You are with us or against us". (Bush, Musharraf Dance Around Alleged U.S. Threat : NPR)

Yes, you did have that option of not *conceding* to US threat, thereby allowing us Indian's to act as US ally in the WoT. I suppose, you would have been glad to see Indian Fighters fly over your air space on their way to Afg?
Long Live Musharraf. He was the only President who had the guts to say what was on his mind and to stand up for what he believed in.
I think Armitage said "You are with us or against us". (Bush, Musharraf Dance Around Alleged U.S. Threat : NPR)

Yes, you did have that option of not *conceding* to US threat, thereby allowing us Indian's to act as US ally in the WoT. I suppose, you would have been glad to see Indian Fighters fly over your air space on their way to Afg?

so why us??? why not georgia?? turkey? uzbekistan? kyrgyestan?

well the word was in the press that they threatened to send Pakistan to stone age... anyways same difference

IAF in pakistan??? dude u really think such would've happened??? america always treats its enemies with respect.. those who stand against it are treated way better then its allies...

It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal!!!!
so why us??? why not georgia?? turkey? uzbekistan? kyrgyestan?

well the word was in the press that they threatened to send Pakistan to stone age... anyways same difference
Why "you for Afg/WoT" is pretty obvious .. as for the stone age ...

Mr.Armitage refused it Armitage Denies Making 'Stone Age' Threat : NPR

So did Bush .. Bush 'Taken Aback' by Musharraf's Story : NPR

And Mr.Musharaff sidelined it too citing his book release.

IAF in pakistan??? dude u really think such would've happened???
No, it would'nt have happened. All i was trying to home-in was that non-coperation would have got India in ur backyard.
Why "you for Afg/WoT" is pretty obvious ..

they are not launching any ground offensive from pakistan, so they could've eaasily used the bases of other neighboring countries... it might've been a bit costly but less violent for pakistan atleast

as for the stone age ...

Mr.Armitage refused it Armitage Denies Making 'Stone Age' Threat : NPR

So did Bush .. Bush 'Taken Aback' by Musharraf's Story : NPR

And Mr.Musharaff sidelined it too citing his book release.

here is mushy himself saying it

BBC NEWS | South Asia | US 'threatened to bomb' Pakistan

here as well We'll bomb you to Stone Age, US told Pakistan - Times Online

from horses mouth!!!

No, it would'nt have happened. All i was trying to home-in was that non-coperation would have got India in ur backyard.

india is already in our backyard... so all this has failed... 2ndly india;s romance with america unlike pakistan is of different degree... so after a few years of operation india might have grown tired n asked america to leave... we pakistani never do that.... we are upto our necks in this quick sand!!!!

all the money we got for WoT (which was spent dunno where) if india wanted it, i dont mind if they take along all the bomb blasts as well!!!!
they are not launching any ground offensive from pakistan, so they could've eaasily used the bases of other neighboring countries... it might've been a bit costly but less violent for pakistan atleast
Maybe im ill-informed .. but they do launch ground offensives from ur side of border.

I'm not taking any side. Maybe Mr.Musharaff is correct or maybe he overstated Armitage's statement. Atleast the US sides dis-agree with Mr.Musharaff .

india is already in our backyard...
I meant our forces.

2ndly india;s romance with america unlike pakistan is of different degree... so after a few years of operation india might have grown tired n asked america to leave... we pakistani never do that.... we are upto our necks in this quick sand!!!!
I think i will skip your question as we will be diverting on topic at hand of Musharaff's decission to allow US troops in your soil.

all the money we got for WoT (which was spent dunno where) if india wanted it, i dont mind if they take along all the bomb blasts as well!!!!

I understand where you are coming from . Yes, it was easy for India, being far away, to lend that helping hand. But point was, Mr.Musharaff did this fully aware of the consequence's and to dis-allow India a opportunity to meddle in Afg affair's.
Hey im new to Pak Defence forum. Im interested in this contemporary discussion and being an Indian am naturally interested in a stable and prosperous South Asia.

Musharraf was a MASSIVE disaster for Pakistan. This was a military man through and through, he consequently focused the majority of his attention on Pakistan's defence and security to the detriment of other factors such as critical infrastructure such as power plants and hospitals etc. The reason why Pakistan is now suffering loadshedding (seriously if your country cannot provide you with cheap running electricity something is badly wrong) is due to his inordinate focus on other matters.

How can 1 man run a modern advanced country, its literally impossible. In Australia where i live there are over a dozen cabinet minsiters responsible for sectors such as Finance, Trade, Defence, Telecommunications, Environment, Health, Industry, Justice (attorney general), foreign affairs, families housing indigenous affairs, tourism and resources and energy, science and research. Infact there are 20 cabinet ministers each of them working intensively in their own area of expertiese, now imagine if a dictator in Australia were to come in a turf all these guys out and try to run the whole show himself. What do you think would be the result? Utter and complete chaos. Dictatorships have been and will be an utter disaster for Pakistan if they are to occur in the future.
Maybe im ill-informed .. but they do launch ground offensives from ur side of border.
no its the pakistan army which deals on the land here, allies are already suffering on the land, so they find it easy to just bomb someone with the drones

I'm not taking any side. Maybe Mr.Musharaff is correct or maybe he overstated Armitage's statement. Atleast the US sides dis-agree with Mr.Musharaff .

yeah... they say truth is the first victim of a war!!!

I meant our forces.

i dont think we would have problem with regular indian army, as india woudlt deploy too much troops, but just enough to secure the area, secondly the regular army movement is communicated to the country across the border as well.. it would've been way better then intelligence agencie cells!!!

I think i will skip your question as we will be diverting on topic at hand of Musharaff's decission to allow US troops in your soil.
perhaps but as you were praising him i was try to point out he aint worth it!!!
I understand where you are coming from . Yes, it was easy for India, being far away, to lend that helping hand. But point was, Mr.Musharaff did this fully aware of the consequence's and to dis-allow India a opportunity to meddle in Afg affair's.

taliban were pro pakistan so if you destroy then the enemies will be in power which will definitely be "anti pakistan"it was simple science mushy could have sorted it out!!!
mushie got more balls than any other prez at this time ... all the army prez did more soo much more all this PPP or mqm or imran khan are jsut puppets that want your vote so they can get a wack at the seat ... all in all we are better off with miltary rule .... why? llok at us under miltary rule and look at us without it .. see any difference :D... now i do know that many members will say that our currnet time is bad and that it was going to happen bla bla bla bla...... PLEASE if that all happend to us why isent the whole world in the same position as us? why beaucse they got smart leaders who know how to run ***** aint no leader waiten for sum kerry lugar bill or letting ondia block our water or letting them threathin for surgical strikes ja dig?
mushie got more balls than any other prez at this time ... all the army prez did more soo much more all this PPP or mqm or imran khan are jsut puppets that want your vote so they can get a wack at the seat ... all in all we are better off with miltary rule .... why? llok at us under miltary rule and look at us without it .. see any difference :D... now i do know that many members will say that our currnet time is bad and that it was going to happen bla bla bla bla...... PLEASE if that all happend to us why isent the whole world in the same position as us? why beaucse they got smart leaders who know how to run ***** aint no leader waiten for sum kerry lugar bill or letting ondia block our water or letting them threathin for surgical strikes ja dig?

i think the current time is better, lets see pre 1999 era.. peaceful, cheap and with all the international pressure we went on with things... then came a commando who fell flat on a phone call!!!

bomb blasts, taliban who were supposed to be our allies fighting against us, prices hiking daily etc

as for india blocking our water this didnt happened over night, they have been building dams since a very long time, why didnt mushy protest??

he allowed indians to lay down fence on the LOC, it aint an international border but he allowed it, dont know why... perhaps it was his maters wish!!!

time to smell the coffee dude!!!!:coffee:

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