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Pakistans Munich: The Enemys Fingerprints

90 to 95 percent of terrorism in the past few years have been by muslims,,,there is not a snow balls chance in hell that this terrorist act was committed by anyone other then muslims....on other muslims which happens most of the time.....what is real scary is the fact that so many people are refusing to face the facts that Pakistan is becomeing a failed state that is going to generate more and more terrorism...and much much more hardships on the people of pakistan...
Hmm so i guess that is why Pakistan is the number one topic in India; every politican every Indian is simply obsessed with what Pakistan does. Pakistan buys weapons, India has concerns with it. Something happens inside Pakistan, India has concerns with it. As soon as you people stop being obsessed about us, i am sure life will be much better for both of us especially you guys :).

Its not only India but Pakistan is on the front thinking of every nation of world. No body is obessed but is curious rather say anxious about the detrimental condition of the failing pak govt. Its true that if you fail, the whole world will fail(as quoted by Mr Zardari), but instead we blame each other. You say that we are obessed more than you guys are, I dont know how to comment on that bcause I have seen a pakistani singer in india contesting for Sa Re Ga Ma Pa contest and getting votes from Indians, I have seen "String" rocking our college and let us cheer for Pakistan, I have seen small babies from Pakistan getting free treatment in India of their life threatning diseases and there are a lot. Friend, its not we or you but the ruler of your country who are obessed.
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Yes i agree situation not good but it cant remain like that forever

Correct dear, bt the necessity for Pakistan is to have a strong will to fight against those menace. If you are good we will be better.
Its not only India but Pakistan is on the front thinking of every nation of world. No body is obessed but is curious rather say anxious about the detrimental condition of the failing pak govt. Its true that if you fail, the whole world will fail(as quoted by Mr Zardari), but instead we blame each other. You say that we are obessed more than you guys are, I dont know how to comment on that bcause I have seen a pakistani singer in india contesting for Sa Re Ga Ma Pa contest and getting votes from Indians, I have seen "String" rocking our college and let us singing for Pakistan, I have seen small babies from Pakistan getting free treatment in India of their life threatning diseases and there are a lot. Friend, its not we or you but the ruler of your country who are obessed.

You forgot to add another good deed India did for Pakistan, by funding all groups that are anti Pakistan from a dozen consulates open in Afghanistan. I wouldnt be surprised the group which is responsible for this mayhem recieved there fundings from those consulates in Afghanistan. My friend, it seems to me that Indian media and Indian people are obsessed with the topic Pakistan. Anything that happens inside India, Pakistan is blamed for it. Even many independant critics admit that anti Pakistan statements are a winner for politicians. Just look at Indian newspaper, they are always filled with news regarding Pakistan. But on the other hand in Pakistan, India is hardly a topic.
Hmm so i guess that is why Pakistan is the number one topic in India; every politican every Indian is simply obsessed with what Pakistan does. Pakistan buys weapons, India has concerns with it. Something happens inside Pakistan, India has concerns with it. As soon as you people stop being obsessed about us, i am sure life will be much better for both of us especially you guys :).

Can u correct your statement?? Pakistan buys weapons? i heard they get weapons in donation form USA:lol:
Hmm so i guess that is why Pakistan is the number one topic in India; every politican every Indian is simply obsessed with what Pakistan does. Pakistan buys weapons, India has concerns with it. Something happens inside Pakistan, India has concerns with it. As soon as you people stop being obsessed about us, i am sure life will be much better for both of us especially you guys :).

off course we are concerned abot pakistan coz u have nuclear weapon as well as terrorist as well as inept government
Can u correct your statement?? Pakistan buys weapons? i heard they get weapons in donation form USA:lol:

Are you stupid or acting like one; Pakistan is finalizing its deal to buy German submarines and alarm bells are ringing inside India. Btw, get your facts right. Pakistan paid for its 18 F16's Block 52, and do you think America gives weapons for free :D. If they give something for free, they want something in return. Btw, i can understand your humiliation. A country not even half your size gives you the middle finger everytime, i am sure that must hurt :D hahaha
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off course we are concerned abot pakistan coz u have nuclear weapon as well as terrorist as well as inept government

Actually we used to be concerned to because India has nuclear weapons too and is constantly threatning to attack Pakistan; but you know what we realized that Indians are all talk and that is why we dont even care.
You forgot to add another good deed India did for Pakistan, by funding all groups that are anti Pakistan from a dozen consulates open in Afghanistan. I wouldnt be surprised the group which is responsible for this mayhem recieved there fundings from those consulates in Afghanistan. My friend, it seems to me that Indian media and Indian people are obsessed with the topic Pakistan. Anything that happens inside India, Pakistan is blamed for it. Even many independant critics admit that anti Pakistan statements are a winner for politicians. Just look at Indian newspaper, they are always filled with news regarding Pakistan. But on the other hand in Pakistan, India is hardly a topic.

I rather doubt that u live in Pakistan. You say that India is hardly a matter in Pakistan, oh yes dear I doubt you to be a realistic person. You are filled with fitted venom of hatred against India. You know what your administration wants you to let know. Its only India that you have got a total of 70% military government of the total since 1947. Its India that you always fear not to let you down for the fourth time. Its only India whom trust you guys have betrayed all the time.
My friend, live in a realistic world where the prosperity lies beyond the boundry of hatred, war, extremism, poverty.
You know why the Pakistan is in lime-light of every news chanel in India, bcoz pakistan has always been directly/indirectly involved in terrorist activities in India and abroad. We have a democracy and we belive in it. Its the voice of people which prevail here, not a dictatorship like in your country.

Well dear every time I want you guys to make you realize, you all come to the same point that India is responsible for your own damn meseries. People from your country create trouble here and all around the world and ur govt at first deny and then accept all the charges with a false promise to act. If you have got a so muchh strong army then why are not you able to combat Taliban is SWAT?, LeT has a safe heaven in Pakistan and your country denies it.Pakistan is digging its own "kabra" and I wish God to save it.
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Actually we used to be concerned to because India has nuclear weapons too and is constantly threatning to attack Pakistan; but you know what we realized that Indians are all talk and that is why we dont even care.

India has declared a no First Use Policy(for Nukes), dont worry of India nuking you tll you do the same.:disagree:
I rather doubt that u live in Pakistan. You say that India is hardly a matter in Pakistan, oh yes dear I doubt you to be a realistic person. You are filled with fitted venom of hatred against India. You know what your administration wants you to let know. Its only India that you have got a total of 70% military government of the total since 1947. Its India that you always fear not to let you down for the fourth time. Its only India whom trust you guys have betrayed all the time.

Buddy boy i have lived in Pakistan all my life, so stop speculating. When i was living there; neither me or any of my friends had any idea of what the Indians were upto. Its only when i came here for my post secondary studies that i started to take interest and realized how India was involved in choking Pakistan from every angle. The fact is, people in Pakistan are too busy with their normal lives and India is hardly a topic worth discussing. The reason why the military has ruled Pakistan is because our politicians have failed us over and over again. Look what is happening right now and compare that to the years of Musharraf, there is a reason why the masses adore the army. Also get your facts right; we dont fear India and its the Indians who always betray us over and over again.

My friend, live in a realistic world where the prosperity lies beyond the boundry of hatred, war, extremism, poverty.
You know why the Pakistan is in lime-light of every news chanel in India, bcoz pakistan has always been directly/indirectly involved in terrorist activities in India and abroad. We have a democracy and we belive in it. Its the voice of people which prevail here, not a dictatorship like in your country.

And what about India; your country has been arming anti state elements in our country ever since the independance. The problem with Indians is that they are utterly brainwashed by their media and movies, they fail to admit the fact that there country is involved in supporting terrorism inside Pakistan. As far as democracy is concerned; we just had elections and our PM/President are democractically elected. This is exactly what i was talking about, you people are brainwashed to the max that you cant even admit the fact that Pakistan had free and fair elections. Prosperity is the key but as long as India keeps threatning Pakistan with a war, i doubt it if we will ever be peacefully neighbours.

Well dear every time I want you guys to make you realize, you all come to the same point that India is responsible for your own damn meseries. People from your country create trouble here and all around the world and ur govt at first deny and then accept all the charges with a false promise to act. If you have got a so muchh strong army then why are not you able to combat Taliban is SWAT?, LeT has a safe heaven in Pakistan and your country denies it.Pakistan is digging its own "kabra" and I wish God to save it.

Isnt it the other way around, the Indians are always crying that Pakistan is responsible for all our miseries. The ISI is responsible for spreading aids among Indian Armed Forces personal :woot:, they are responsible for spreading fake currency inside India. Whats the next thing you will come up with; Mukherjee is a midget because ISI dozed him in his sleep :lol:. As far as SWAT is concerned, i suggest you go and do some research before making an irresponsible statement like that regarding our army. The only reason that is stopping India from making a Gaza out of Pakistan is our army, and God Bless them.
India has declared a no First Use Policy(for Nukes), dont worry of India nuking you tll you do the same.:disagree:

Pakistan has the same policy too, i have to say your knowledge is quite appalling. You should have seen the statements your politicans were making after India blasted the nukes in 98 :D, only to be shut up a few weeks later :D hahah.
P.S. We werent the ones who introduced nuclear weapons in South Asia my friend.
Yes sir, This forum allows you to say anything, but my country dont pleed to US for money like your country always do. Well as per as prosperity is concerned, I can assure you,that its a matter of few years when you will see us right at top and you will be seen as a country ravaged by terrorism, extrmisist, islamic -jehad and a totally failed country. Go throught the british daily quoting "Who will save pakista" Pathetic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:argh:

People like you make me laugh get a solid grip by working as Human (pulley) Rickshaw driver in Calcutta
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