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Pakistan's Mujahideen Regiment behind LoC attack'

This government needs to come down, the MP you voted for should remove his support unless the government brings presidents rule to northern areas or else he will never fight another election for the rest of his lives, bring the capital to standstill as you did for all other causes. Northen sector goes under preseidents rule, northern command takes all the mobilization decisions. Additional forces at forward posts, Shell each and every pakistani post in sight. Teach them a lesson that they would think 20 times before they carry out such dastardly acts.

Yes if the need be.... Or lets remove all the forces from kashmir, hand it over to pakistan and live happily ever after.

You have no clue what your talking about......you playing into their hands...
This government needs to come down, the MP you voted for should remove his support unless the government brings presidents rule to northern areas or else he will never fight another election for the rest of his lives, bring the capital to standstill as you did for all other causes. Northen sector goes under preseidents rule, northern command takes all the mobilization decisions. Additional forces at forward posts, Shell each and every pakistani post in sight. Teach them a lesson that they would think 20 times before they carry out such dastardly acts.

Yes if the need be.... Or lets remove all the forces from kashmir, hand it over to pakistan and live happily ever after.

While you sit comfortably in US,yeah this will work thanks but no thanks.
They are hell bent to drag us in this..

12:26 pm: Mulayam Singh: We are sacrificing five of our jawans. Today Pakistan is attacking our jawans. Are we cowards? I want to alert the government that there is a possibility that China is preparing to attack India. China has made a complete map of our borders. Despite the government being cautioned, why are steps not being taken? The whole House and the country will stand with the government on steps that the government takes. Why has the government not taken any action?

12:23 pm: Mulayam Singh: There were reports that recently the terrorist groups from Pakistan had recently surveyed Indian targets, why was the government not cautious. We have threat from both China and Pakistan. We have been raising concerns of threat tpo our borders from China and Pakistan. Today our five jawans have been killed on Indian border. What is the government doing?
They are hell bent to drag us in this..

you don't understand politics ..... He is just trying to corner the govt. by what ever means necessary .....
Dont bother with what these people say in Parliament....
You have no clue what your talking about......you playing into their hands...
Oh no its perfectly alright for him to give such suggestion because war is the answer to cross border killings,i don't understand why govt didn't think of that all this time.
Hey lets have a war every two weeks.
Neither do the people ? are you thinking straight ? What the f**k do you expect people do ?
IF you do not know please do not talk. At least stop insulting the people of this country while living abroad...

Wait a sec, me criticizing the government, the people that elected this government ruffled your feathers, but 6 soldiers killed by pakistanis in your own country did nothing..... where are your morchas, your delhi band, your strike, your anna hazare's and the company which are willing to choke the capital at moments notice. But 6 soldiers killed and you take offence to my statement, you question my anguish, My blood boils when I hear such disgusting news and my heart breaks when the impotency of your government encourages the perpetrators to undertake such misadventures again and again.
Wait a sec, me criticizing the government, the people that elected this government ruffled your feathers, but 6 soldiers killed by pakistanis in your own country did nothing..... where are your morchas, your delhi band, your strike, your anna hazare's and the company which are willing to choke the capital at moments notice. But 6 soldiers killed and you take offence to my statement, you question my anguish, My blood boils when I hear such disgusting news and my heart breaks when the impotency of your government encourages the perpetrators to undertake such misadventures again and again.

1. For the love of god please Shut up .... I live in this country..the lives of 6 soldiers mean more to me than you... SO don't you dare repeat that nonsense while living in another country ...
2. And you again fail to see what Pakistan is trying to do....they are baiting for an attack,..they want tensions..they want something to unite their country again.. Their country is destroyed, economy is destroyed .....people against people, factions against factions, religion against religion. What do you think will unite their country...a War...this is a desperate move from a desperate enemy . Let the intelligence agencies deal with it covertly , while our army is soon bound to retaliate on the ground in a local basis....the army always has ...check the history....they retaliated last time, they retaliated back in 2009 and they will again...and this bloodshed will go on ....
Guys relax. This is nothing new. Pakistan will deny any such thing even happened.

I'm with Manmohan on this one, we must not do anything radical and disturb the entire board. We must talk piece like Sharif is doing and must continue doing what we do best, i.e. not give a chance to unify the warring factions in the enemy state, infact help them slug it out.

The REAL non-conventional war is on the economy, education and health side. Thats where we must do everything in our power to defeat our macho headed enemy. Remember it takes a second to kill someone, but 15 years atleast to educate a child fruitfully. Let the enemy keep using their young as cannon fodder. Its for the best.
Let me guess, candy wrappers and milk packets as evidence again? I think I'll wait a few months until some guy from an Indian agency reveals that the government was behind the killings
1. For the love of god please Shut up .... I live in this country..the lives of 6 soldiers mean more to me than you... SO don't you dare repeat that nonsense while living in another country ...
Sure, because I live in US, you have question my patriotism. I dont need to tell any one what I have done for my country.

2. And you again fail to see what Pakistan is trying to do....they are baiting for an attack,..they want tensions..they want something to unite their country again.. Their country is destroyed, economy is destroyed .....people against people, factions against factions, religion against religion. What do you think will unite their country...a War...this is a desperate move from a desperate enemy . Let the intelligence agencies deal with it covertly , while our army is soon bound to retaliate on the ground in a local basis....the army always has ...check the history....they retaliated last time, they retaliated back in 2009 and they will again...and this bloodshed will go on ....

Ok , please explain why why did we mobilise after parliament attacks, where was this brilliant strategy back then?
Sure, because I live in US, you have question my patriotism. I dont need to tell any one what I have done for my country.

Neither do you have the right to generalize the entire countrymen for being careless about the soldiers death ...

Ok , please explain why why did we mobilise after parliament attacks, where was this brilliant strategy back then?

dear lord...i can't believe your asking that question being a Jr. think tank ......Am not in the mood to write a 1000 world Essay on what was Pakistan back then and what is Pakistan Back now and how the situation has changed in Pakistan , then and now for the past few years.. how the actions of Musharaf changed Pakistan, how the war on terror effected Pakistan .. How the terror they supported bit back at them....GO research yourself ...
Neither do you have the right to generalize the entire countrymen for being careless about the soldiers death ...

dear lord...i can't believe your asking that question being a Jr. think tank ......Am not in the mood to write a 1000 world Essay on what was Pakistan back then and what is Pakistan Back now and how the situation has changed in Pakistan , then and now for the past few years.. how the actions of Musharaf changed Pakistan, how the war on terror effected Pakistan .. How the terror they supported bit back at them....GO research yourself ...

If the Indian Army is concerned about a strong unified paksitan being a superior enemy , then just give up. I know very well the strengths of Indian military establishment and doesn't matter how much you poppycock strategist's suggest about the weakness and factionalism on Pakistan's political environment, it doesn't do jack to their military. Pakistan's corp level strength deployed against India is the same, and will remain the same. indian military doesn't care about how weak or how strong the sentiment of nationalism is in pakistan. The terrorist operations in pakistan have barely deviated couple of divisions to their western border, their camps have hoardes of militants waiting to cross over into India, and the pseudo-strategists are suggesting we are playing to pakistani tricks, dont know jack **** about ground realities. There is no mandate from the HQ for reactionary steps in the border areas as a directive of the central government, and this is what is making the pakistani forces probe the border areas with such operations. They are probing us, sure it's a bait, but why not take it. Give a good reply a huge one, not covert but overtly.
I am agree with @sandy_3126 here. People should understand that no talks will be fruitful no matter how many times you do that unless there's a strong govt in Pakistan which controls army and not vice versa. War is definitely not a way forward here but appropriate retaliation is and it will be on time!! For me these diplomatic talks hold no value unless there's a govt in Pakistan which controls army.
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If the Indian Army is concerned about a strong unified paksitan being a superior enemy , then just give up. I know very well the strengths of Indian military establishment and doesn't matter how much you poppycock strategist's suggest about the weakness and factionalism on Pakistan's political environment, it doesn't do jack to their military. Pakistan's corp level strength deployed against India is the same, and will remain the same. indian military doesn't care about how weak or how strong the sentiment of nationalism is in pakistan. The terrorist operations in pakistan have barely deviated couple of divisions to their western border, their camps have hoardes of militants waiting to cross over into India, and the pseudo-strategists are suggesting we are playing to pakistani tricks, dont know jack **** about ground realities. There is no mandate from the HQ for reactionary steps in the border areas as a directive of the central government, and this is what is making the pakistani forces probe the border areas with such operations. They are probing us, sure it's a bait, but why not take it. Give a good reply a huge one, not covert but overtly.

how about you shed that think tank title..cause your arguments don't deserve a think tank title ....

We do not want Pakistan unified period...that does not mean India fears Pakistan is a superior enemy but just means you make sure your opponent stays down as much as possible and as long as possible....

Factionalism and religious fanaticism does not do jack to their military ? Which hole are you living in ? You are going desperate... recent attacks on their Air base army installations clearly prove that there is a fictional divide in the military ...I suggest you read more than..

So what if the terrorist operations have not deviated their military units ? Fact is they are suffering from internal violence and internal strife and clearly the terrorists are winning in that front ..... Your entire post is utter nonsense. I thought you were better than this . But your attempt to put all Indians living in India as "don't care" is just a morally Pathetic attitude...

These kind of killings have happened for past 20 years..Indians have always retaliated in local level.. its not my fauly if you remain ill informed....
So in short the uniformed soldiers of the PA should be absolved of all blame, and the TTP/LeT or inset the name of whichever hoard of pit vipers you people have been breading should be held responsible. Obviously this also means that there should be no retaliation. It doesn't work that way.

Anyone comes from across the border and attacks us is your responsibility. State/ Non State Actor should not be our concern. Now we should not go for war obviously, it will be foolish. However anyone who thinks IA will not retaliate and has not done in past is underestimating them. If they are not doing it or someone is stopping them, it is not correct.

Indians has to realize that when India will do something their newspaper will not carry the news, mostly like Pakistan will be doing it and we will be claiming conspiracy etc.
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