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Pakistan's Missile Test's Success

I opening this thread to discuss if Pakistan actually reports its failures of missile test. We have so many threads where we have discussed Indian missile failures and moderators have allowed the discussion. The reason this came to my mind when someone today asked a question about Ghauri-3 missile. It was suppose to be tested in 2004 but I looked over the web found 2 sites saying the news came in but it was never tested. It has been 6 years since then so wondering what the story is, I might be plain wrong but hope we can discuss and get some thoughts.

This also made me feel that failures if not declared will never come to light.

Here are my 2 links finding more.

MissileThreat :: Ghauri-3

Ghauri-III - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

good thread BUT i want you to answer one question before i answer your question!

IS PAKISTANI MISSILE PROGRAM INDIGENOUS? from an indian point of view!! your answer should answer your question
:coffee: :pakistan:
i think you also know the answer of the question you asked.. Pakistan is very mature in developing and testing missiles...do you think if Pakistan failed in testing any missile, your media would remain quite on that..come on dude...you better knw about your media. And i think your media and generals also accept this that Pakistan is way a head in missile technology.. you can find many articles on the success of Pakistani Missiles on net and none on failure...then what does this show? i hope you get the answer.

dude! Indians are just looking to find some flaws in our Missile program to hide their failure (as Graphican said earlier).

But I don't know why indians are closing their eyes on their Military Intelligence reports and Media reports?
good thread BUT i want you to answer one question before i answer your question!

IS PAKISTANI MISSILE PROGRAM INDIGENOUS? from an indian point of view!! your answer should answer your question
:coffee: :pakistan:

Gentlemen stick to topic please, why we make it and ego issues. Our missile programs have been discussed ample time and if you want to discuss open a thread.

To satisfy you, I admit all my missile are dud and nothing is indigenous we import everything and called indigenous feel happy.

I am looking for people who can do constructive discussion and are strong enough to accept failures.
I am looking for people who can do constructive discussion and are strong enough to accept failures.

So u r sure that Ghauri 3 is a fail?
And as 100% of indians think that pakistan's buys missile from china, from this point of view pakistan have high tech tested missiles with range of 14,000km.
We know our (indian) technology is far inferior to pakistan's in pretty much every defense field be it air, ground, navy or space as has being claimed by our own (indian) media.

so true..........:D:D
Gentlemen stick to topic please, why we make it and ego issues. Our missile programs have been discussed ample time and if you want to discuss open a thread.

To satisfy you, I admit all my missile are dud and nothing is indigenous we import everything and called indigenous feel happy.

I am looking for people who can do constructive discussion and are strong enough to accept failures.

great going!!! you never answered but let me put words for you.


well then ofcourse it must have 100% success after all it is all imported from china and north korea painted in pakistani colours and fired right according to indians!!! so ofcourse having a 100% success should be very acceptable to indians shouldn't it!! :agree:
Gentlemen stick to topic please, why we make it and ego issues.
To satisfy you, I admit all my missile are dud and nothing is indigenous we import everything and called indigenous feel happy.

No need to satisfy us. We already know this reality. :cheers:

I am looking for people who can do constructive discussion and are strong enough to accept failures.

hahaha!!!!!! really funny statement. Dude! your intentions are clear.
Well I am really intrigued by the rationale of the question itself.

This question would have made sense if there were some sort of parity in the number of battle ready warheads and missile systems b/w the two countries. There isn't. Pakistan is ahead. Pakistan has not claimed this, neutral international think-tanks are saying this. According to these sources Pakistan is even expected to have a slightly larger stockpile of warheads than India.

So even if we don't seem to report our failures much (actually we also don't create that much of a hoopla when the tests are successfull), what is important is that are we able to maintain a strategic and a tactical edge by having greater number of battle ready systems deployed.

Which would mean we are perhaps succeeding more than failing.

Also to answer the question of these being indeginous or not ... apart from the initial Hatf series most of them are indeginous and if the Indian members don't agree ... so what? In the end the bottom line is that do we have a strategic and tactical edge or not? Seems like we do at the moment. What's stopping India from doing the same if we are doing it and have established an edge (in doing so)?

Seems like sour grapes to me.
He just want to say: if there is any such occasion when we told india that we will test tomorrow and we didn't do test next day? (i.e our test failed and we didn't report it) :cheesy: :pakistan: :pakistan:

well if your next day not come even in last 6 years (2004-2010) so any one can say its a failure

can u give us a single reason when they announce that they gonna test in 2004 then why its not tested ????
Expected maturity from you, but seems like when it comes to nationalism maturity is taken over by emotion and national pride.

I doubt that Pakistan hides failures to keep moral up, I might be wrong. Rest of post about Indian failures are stupidity the way I look it we have strong media and we disclose everything

After Alace, I am the second lucky person who's talking to a Rabbit and I'm Loving It. :smitten: No hard feelings buddy.. just a little pun.

My post is logical. I with an example have explained how things work for us and I have also mentioned that our missiles do not refuse to go once they are asked. They work and they do for what they are designed by best of our brains. Unlike India, we are short of resources and again unlike you guys, we have bigger threat to counter. So we have more pressure to deliver and we do not have luxury to fail. So we have to do lots of "pre-testing" before testing to ensure our tests remain productive to the degree they can. Weather a missile yeild expected outcome or not is still an independent issue.

Having said that, a test is a test not Performance show-off. You only test when you wana see something that is new to you. If a new seeker or tracking device is added or modifications in the designs are made, you test their new performance and those performance charts are hidden from media and public, even for countries of countries like India. The failures that Indian media points out are different. Its all about being able to carry out a test or even failing out the test. The Failures that you see about India are "Failures to test" itself instead of performance shortcomings and this is something you should rally speak in public. You cannot let scientists perform to the level where even tests are not being carried out. I hope you understand what I'm saying this time. And also get that there is no blend of patriotism in what I am saying.
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well if your next day not come even in last 6 years (2004-2010) so any one can say its a failure

can u give us a single reason when they announce that they gonna test in 2004 then why its not tested ????

Is there any official announcement that we will test Ghuri-III in 2004?? If we are not testing it doesn't mean that its failure :victory: Only the case of failure was that we tell india that we are going to test next day and when the test fails we say we haven't tested :hitwall: The tests of our shaheen series is monitored by international bodies and they said it has an accuracy of cms :pakistan::victory:

Actually we do a lot of pre-testing as well explained in the post above
Is there any official announcement that we will test Ghuri-III in 2004?? If we are not testing it doesn't mean that its failure :victory: Only the case of failure was that we tell india that we are going to test next day and when the test fails we say we haven't tested :hitwall: The tests of our shaheen series is monitored by international bodies and they said it has an accuracy of cms :pakistan::victory:

Actually we do a lot of pre-testing as well explained in the post above

Pakistan Now Plans to Test Two Ghauri-III Missiles

May 28, 2004 :: News

Coming one week after reports that Pakistan would test launch a Ghauri-III missile in early June, the Pakistani newspaper Nawa-i-Waqt now claims that the country will now conduct two tests of the missile, on May 29 and on June 3. The Ghauri III, said to be capable of carrying nuclear warheads 3,500km, is Pakistan’s longest-range missile. “After the successful test-fire of Ghauri III missile, Pakistan will join the ranks of other countries that can manufacture intermediate range missiles,” the paper boasted.

MissileThreat :: Ghauri-3

please read this
Pakistan Now Plans to Test Two Ghauri-III Missiles

May 28, 2004 :: News

Coming one week after reports that Pakistan would test launch a Ghauri-III missile in early June, the Pakistani newspaper Nawa-i-Waqt now claims that the country will now conduct two tests of the missile, on May 29 and on June 3. The Ghauri III, said to be capable of carrying nuclear warheads 3,500km, is Pakistan’s longest-range missile. “After the successful test-fire of Ghauri III missile, Pakistan will join the ranks of other countries that can manufacture intermediate range missiles,” the paper boasted.

MissileThreat :: Ghauri-3

please read this

In past many news items regarding defence and weapons reported by such local tabloids and newspapers have been wrong.

So basing a story on nawai waqat is not a sane option, rather statements from people working at the missile making organizations or their PR concerns would be more authentic.
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