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Pakistan's minorities minister Shahbaz Bhatti assassinated

Trust me, our concern on such issues in our country is much more sincere than your concern. That much is evident from your posts

Relax! It's not a big issue for him and his 'Pakistani on the street'...not at all.

I guess his 'Pakistani on the street' has become used to such events.

'Isme kaun si badi baat hai? Ye toh hota hee rehta hai.' That seems to be the attitude of his 'Pakistani on the street.'
Its a very unfortunate situation in Pakistan .just few days back the governor of panjab were killed by his body guard and now the minister for minority . who knows who is next target . as per BBC due to his opinion on blasphemy he may killed what ever the reason this kind of killing of anyone is not supported by islam . i condem this killing and express my deep condolence for his family

Sherry Rahman maybe? the poor lady must be scared to death by now.
Why does it concern Sherry Rahman again?

She was also a target of the extremists for her stand on the Blasphemy Laws.

She even introduced a bill for the amendment of these laws buit later had to withdraw the bill due to pressure by the mullahs.
What's the use of speaking when people cannot hear?

People can hear alright, and many are trying to make a difference. Maybe you cannot hear because you don't want to hear?
Until and unless you deal harshly with these Mullahs and their scum followers, nothing will change.

You can only deal with an animal through force, these bastards do not understand anything that you convey to them with kindness.

This scum has literally destroyed my country, its image the the religion it was meant to propagate.

Another unarmed man who fought valiantly against the tyrants is killed by these coward terrorist scum and worst of all, the majority will stay quiet.

This is just sheer madness.
Don't try to hide behind the 'security' BS when the same security guards also shoot down ministers. You are deliberately ignoring the focal issue by blaming the government on this one.

Well if one or two security guards turn rogue it doesn't made govt innocent or less responsible for this incident. Did the other ministers stopped using elite police for their security?? Obviously NO. The govt didn't provide security for the minister. No security guards were even present near the minister. The killers had enough time not only to complete their job but also to distribute pamphlets in the area and their wasn't any security in the whole area. It isn't BS buddy. Read the news that your countrymen are posting. Govt failed to protect it's own minister let alone it's citizens.
Don't try to hide behind the 'security' BS when the same security guards also shoot down ministers. You are deliberately ignoring the focal issue by blaming the government on this one.
How can we all be sure that this killings have religious element to it. All we have kazoos pamphlets and that is it. Knowing the bastardds talibans they wouldn't even have spared the woman that was i'n the car. Since when did they become human, it could also be a political or a personal affair going wrong. It could be any outsider element wanting to cause trouble i'n Pakistan between the minorities and the majority andwhT is the best way to do it kill the minorities affair minister. It could still have been the talibans fulfilling their own agenda or any of the above that I had mentioned above as they are rummoredto be out of cash. But yet every one is jumping the bandwagon of the killers wanted them to believe i'n at the first place. Andoh by the way one one minister was killed by his guard. And not ministers. Wasn't Gandhi killed by her guards as well.
Just because you don't hear it on the international media does not mean it isn't happening. More and more people in Pakistan are speaking out against the cruelty of the Blasphemy Law everyday.

i appreciate your optimism, but it looks like those who want the law to be removed or amended have been outnumbered badly by those who want the law in place and intact. considering the fact taht more and more people are being targeted as a result of blasphemy law, those who want a change in this law will be scared to death raising their voice from now on.
i appreciate your optimism, but it looks like those who want the law to be removed or amended have been outnumbered badly by those who want the law in place and intact. considering the fact taht more and more people are being targeted as a result of blasphemy law, those who want a change in this law will be scared to death raising their voice from now on.

On top of that I believe this is going to win accolades for the TTP from many Pakistanis including the mullah brigade.
I cant rolled out that his assassination is more political then any other reason.
Any way shame on this type of politics.

Stand on minority rights quite difficult and enemy maker job, he did his job well.
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