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Pakistan's military capable to penetrate Rajasthan

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Sir you are talking like you will be facing 'police type' force but if that's how you perceive us then not bad. :coffee: ...
Paksitan is preparing for war with India only but India is preparing for a two-front war so obviously we would like to maintain a great edge over Pakistan... It's not rocket science...
No this is certainly nt possible any more

in the modern day war

God is on the side of those with

*Superior weapon capabilities in quality and quantity
*More men power
*A better economy
*And a follow on world to help(track record of a country)

Since all these parameters are on there side So would be the God on there side as well

once again this is certainly nt possible now

and If ever done would be more of an suicidal act for Pakistan

What if CHina And Pakistan Attacked India Together from both sides of kashmir, We will succeed in capturing whole kashmir And China can take their part and the rest is ours!!
that is indeed a good idea and a major headache for India.
Pakistan should try to convince china to do this.

Like I've said these drills are already being practiced near Rahim Yar Khan close to your border.

I have at one time seen 20 PLA personnel at the baazar in Rahim Yar Khan during one of these drills.
What if CHina And Pakistan Attacked India Together from both sides of kashmir, We will succeed in capturing whole kashmir And China can take their part and the rest is ours!!

India would fight a defensive war with China and an offensive war with Pakistan.

India would deploy the bulk of its Air Power against China while splitting even its ground forces between the Pakistan and Chinese fronts. Since the terrain against China is mountainous, Mountain Infantry, Special Forces, and Air Power would be deployed against the Chinese, with Tanks and APC and Infantry Fighting Vehicles holding the second line of defense should China penetrate the mountain passes and attack India proper.

Against Pakistan, India would deploy the remainder of its Tank Forces, 1/4th of its Air Power and most of its Navy in an attempt to blockade Karachi.

Air power between India and Pakistan would at parity so India would rely on its Ground Forces to hold the line against Pakistan and start the eventual counter-attack against Pakistani Armies.

Against China, India would maintain a hold strategy, and engage in fierce aerial combat in hoping to dissuade China from conducting the war any further.

China would dictate the war and the end of the war will come when China chooses to end the fighting.
Like I've said these drills are already being practiced near Rahim Yar Khan close to your border.

I have at one time seen 20 PLA personnel at the baazar in Rahim Yar Khan during one of these drills.

Im talking about kashmir that side of kashmir is China And west side is Pakistan, If we both plan to attack India at same time and start capturing kashmir that would be a massive war that india wont be able to handle and thus pakistan and china can penetrate in whole kashmire and tack it back where it belongs, this is a good strategy, china also wants its land back! What do you guys think about this!!

India would fight a defensive war with China and an offensive war with Pakistan.

India would deploy the bulk of its Air Power against China while splitting even its ground forces between the Pakistan and Chinese fronts. Since the terrain against China is mountainous, Mountain Infantry, Special Forces, and Air Power would be deployed against the Chinese, with Tanks and APC and Infantry Fighting Vehicles holding the second line of defense should China penetrate the mountain passes and attack India proper.

Against Pakistan, India would deploy the remainder of its Tank Forces, 1/4th of its Air Power and most of its Navy in an attempt to blockade Karachi.

Air power between India and Pakistan would at parity so India would rely on its Ground Forces to hold the line against Pakistan and start the eventual counter-attack against Pakistani Armies.

Against China, India would maintain a hold strategy, and engage in fierce aerial combat in hoping to dissuade China from conducting the war any further.

China would dictate the war and the end of the war will come when China chooses to end the fighting.

Why it looks to me that you are siding with India!
Im talking about kashmir that side of kashmir is China And west side is Pakistan, If we both plan to attack India at same time and start capturing kashmir that would be a massive war that india wont be able to handle and thus pakistan and china can penetrate in whole kashmire and tack it back where it belongs, this is a good strategy, china also wants its land back! What do you guys think about this!!

With all due respect to your opinions, I don't think China will really attack into Kashmir just to help Pakistan. This was plausible back in 1962, when China wanted to annex Aksai Chin, but now that they have it, I don't think they will attack for Pakistan.

They might attack Arunachal Pradesh, to distract India (and capture another one of their claimed territories), but not Kashmir.
Some good points, but they lack ammunition to fight for several weeks according to some reputable reports. I think depending on the strategy used Pakistan military can capture Rajasthan, in war anything can happen.

Pakistani armored divisions launching a night time invasion supported by Air Force and mass ground troops could very well capture Rajasthan and surrounding areas. Though considering Pakistan's defense doctrine this is difficult. Also will depend how far the Army and GoP are willing to push it, to take the wa me to that extent is a war of hundreds year of tensions at least. Though considering Pakistan's territory Kashmir is already occupied we should be ready to occupy land without fear.

Obviously we don't want to discuss in detail on the public forum but in general ideas are good.

Dude, you are basing everything based on one report? I hope you are not saying war is tomorrow, so that means India would have ample time to beef up its ammunition. On the other hand, you guys really overestimate your own ammunition. If I use your own argument, you guys were saying you lack weapons to fight Taliban in SWAT.
The scernio of the PA breaking through into Rajastan is entirely possible if The massive troop buildup of the PA on their side goes completely unnoticed by the external and military intel agencies and by the overhead Indian spy sats. Given the LOC and neighbouring areas are under extreme scrutiny by intel agencies and spy sats this seems unlikely. However said that the PA is unlikely to break more than a few KMs into Indian territory and once they have they are completey vulnerable . The PA forces will have absolutely no air cover as there is no way the PAF could protect assets inside Indian airspace. As such the PA would be vulnerable to the entire are arsenal of India which ranges from MKIs, M2ks and Jags and will include Rafales before too long but LCHs,ALH WSI and Apaches will be there too in large numbers. The entrenched PA forces would be torn to shreds. And like you said this isn't 1971- the Indian side can launch devastating air assaults 24/7. Then there will be he added deoyment of Indian ground forces who fighting on their own territory will be more than a match for the relatively small advance PA elements. The IA will be able to launch arty from 40 Kms away. The PA could most likely never even see an IA soldier before having to retreat. Then there is the political element I can't see the international community being too happy about such an attack and the consequences for the Pakistani economy could be devestating.

So I suppose in theory the PA could launch such an op if they caught the Indian side completely napping but I can't see what they would achieve as they would suffer horrific casualties and would eventually have to retreat.
Sure it is possible, but the problem will be that if Pakistani army is amassing at one point it would leave the other sectors with less man power. And since India has more man power it won't be as difficult for India to have enough number of troops stationed to hold the ground till reinforcements arrives.
Sure it is possible, but the problem will be that if Pakistani army is amassing at one point it would leave the other sectors with less man power. And since India has more man power it won't be as difficult for India to have enough number of troops stationed to hold the ground till reinforcements arrives.

Our strength is in arming our population.

Average Pakistani civlians having weapons has always been looked down upon by most Indians, but to tell you the truth it is a double edged sword.

I had a friend with a vintage AA gun mounted on his roof.


Go figure.

So IA would face heavier resistance in Pakistan than the PA would in India.
Being nearly twice the size of the PA, the IA can handle a multi-front war easily. So if Pakistan makes a massive push into Rajathan, we will just open up the Lahore-Sialkot Sector again, or maybe through Gujarat, or maybe retake P0K while PA is fighting at Jaipur. The possibilities are endless. Even Pakistan and China attack together, we have the manpower to fight the war.

Note: Many may argue that China has a larger army, but still, they can't cross the Himalayas with a huge army. The war at most will be a series of fights all along the Himalayas, not a massive tank offensive as with the Indo-Pak Front.
Our strength is in arming our population.

Average Pakistani civlians having weapons has always been looked down upon by most Indians, but to tell you the truth it is a double edged sword.

I had a friend with a vintage AA gun mounted on his roof.


Go figure.
Do they have the same training as a normal soldiers do, are they equipped with tanks and artillery guns?
Sure normal population can put up a fight but against tanks and artillery even they won't last long.
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