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Pakistan’s Middle Class Soars as Stability Returns

Too simple of an answer. That's what the JI types stop at. "Sharai Nizam". Do you know the specifics of how it will be implemented? The shuura people talk about is essentially the parliament. You want to implement that system? Participate in the electoral process and vote for better people.

That is not my reason to look upon the state of Medina as model. Neither I am jamati or anything like that.

You see, what this model does, that it put in place all those liberal and secular pseudo intellects in their place who keep on asking the question of which sect of Islam you are going to implement, the Sunni, the Shia, the wahabi, bralwe, so on or so forth to kill the debate. Thing is, there was no Sunni, Shia or bralwe at that time when state of Madina was created, so when you look upon it, extract all the guiding principles from it, like equality, justice, rule of law, accountability , equal rights of non Muslims as they were also part of the "Ummah" in the state of Madina, so on and so forth, wherever you are, whatever background you are from, regardless which sect you belong to, you have no arguments to say NO to it, because the sect you belong to didn't even existed then.

In nutshell, a binding and uniting force.
Very informative article indeed. Pakistan's 60 Percent population consists of middle class people. Our middle class is best contributing in progress of country as compared to other countries in our region.
Consumer spending rockets as poverty shrinks, terrorism drops and democracy holds

This got nothing to do with democracy. We need to delink all the good that is happening in Pakistan with democracy. In its present shape, democracy in Pakistan is nothing but pure evil, a tool of forigen powers to keep Pakistan in perpetual struggle.
You are fooling only yourself.
Those who are used to lick shoes of generals do not feel comfortable with democracy. Sick mentality. and lol see the Positive rankings too. Many Mullah has sold the Madina khilafat for the welfare of the Dictators only. the The khilafat did not survived in the time when there were sahaba e karam, how could such a khilafat will survive in a day when there are so many shoe lickers around.
You are fooling only yourself.
Those who are used to lick shoes of generals do not feel comfortable with democracy. Sick mentality. and lol see the Positive rankings too. Many Mullah has sold the Madina khilafat for the welfare of the Dictators only. the The khilafat did not survived in the time when there were sahaba e karam, how could such a khilafat will survive in a day when there are so many shoe lickers around.

Read above:

Thank You Nawaz Sharif..
Why Thanks to Nawaz? You should say Thanks you Pak Army.
Why Thanks to Nawaz? You should say Thanks you Pak Army.
Both deserve the appreciation. both worked and delivered even opposition PTI +PPP deserve too.
Consumer spending rockets as poverty shrinks, terrorism drops and democracy holds

This got nothing to do with democracy. We need to delink all the good that is happening in Pakistan with democracy. In its present shape, democracy in Pakistan is nothing but pure evil, a tool of forigen powers to keep Pakistan in perpetual struggle.

All major manufacturing sectors (Steel,Cement,Banks,Pharmas, OMCs and utilities) have announced expansions. Economy's rolling, finally.

Good news. But it can't be associated with Nawaz Sharif and his corrupt government.
Yes Imran Khan and Siraj ul Haq are to be credited with. 2018 is not far away now to see who deserves the credit and who not :)

All major manufacturing sectors (Steel,Cement,Banks,Pharmas, OMCs and utilities) have announced expansions. Economy's rolling, finally.

Fantastic news, all thanks to the "state" of Pakistan NOT the sexually transmitted democracy (STD) :) .
Fantastic news, all thanks to the "state" of Pakistan NOT the sexually transmitted democracy (STD) :) .
Ah yes it would certainly hurt certain egos to award due credit. :)
Ah yes it would certainly hurt certain egos to award due credit. :)

Na , I am very optimistic about Pakistan future trajectory where the "corrupt" political mafia is put into dustbin of history and helm of affairs are in the hands of patriots.
Na , I am very optimistic about Pakistan future trajectory where the "corrupt" political mafia is put into dustbin of history and helm of affairs are in the hands of patriots.
:lol: Okey
Good news. But it can't be associated with Nawaz Sharif and his corrupt government.

Thank You Raheel Sharif Maybe Sir :D :D :D
Since democracy in Pakistan is still not mature yet better model is to have establishment and democracy both going together. I think Nawaz and Raheel Sharif had a good relationship thus helped Pakistan in all fronts. Govt should try to avoid confrontation with the militarily as much as they can though some goons in Nawaz Govt just cannot help themselves in staging dramas. Army also did well not to crossed line when Imran Khan went crazy over his Islamabad dharna.
Since democracy in Pakistan is still not mature yet better model is to have establishment and democracy both going together. I think Nawaz and Raheel Sharif had a good relationship thus helped Pakistan in all fronts. Govt should try to avoid confrontation with the militarily as much as they can though some goons in Nawaz Govt just cannot help themselves in staging dramas. Army also did well not to crossed line when Imran Khan went crazy over his Islamabad dharna.
An independent and unbiased judiciary, and reform of LEA's are the only two things that are holding Pakistan back.
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