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That is not an answer, rather it is a dismissal of my arguments. You can say that it has outlived it's shelf life, but if you don't even read the best before date, you really shouldn't be using this argument.

The truth is, every single one of your complaints about democracy is something that affects ALL forms of government. If you think any other form of government won't suffer from this issue, you're sadly mistaken.

Democracy, in its present shape and form, should not, must not be allowed to continue because, its not even a democracy to begin with. Thats the crux of argument. You are adamant that it should be allowed to correct itself. How can I be mistaken here? we have tried dictorship, democary, if both have failed to achieved the results perhaps its time to make Pakistan a true Islamic state on the basis of Madina.

I know exactly how Pakistan's election system works, and the corruption that permeates within it. Instead of fixing the foundation, you're suggesting that the entire house be ripped up, and a new house be built.

Don't pretend to know what I do and do not have knowledge of. Quite literally, every single democratic nation in the world is evidence enough of just how dismissive and ridiculous your arguments are. Even India is evidence enough of how ridiculous your argument is.

Rather talking BS, tell me the solution for sorting this mess out. You are against doing the surgery on the system YET you agreeing that the system is reeking with corruption. As for the western democracy and out of all place, India!, really dont give a monkies to the rest, I am just concerned about my country.

First of all, I was born and bred in Pakistan as well. Second, when did I say that Pakistan's form of democracy has to be western styled? What does western styled even mean? Democratic institutions differ from country to country, in the west; no two systems are exactly the same.

You keep promoting this idea of going back to the roots of Islamic governance (Madina), but the truth is that very few in Pakistan would support it, so what you're promoting is unrealistic and naive.

One person one vote regrdless if the person even know for what and whom he is voting for, win seats and form government regardless how much popular vote one gets , these are the few issues with democracy that you are so fond off. The lunatics like Modi, Natenyahu and Trump are all the products of democracy in this day and age.

Maybe the likes of you wont support the Madina model, but I am sure majority of Pakistanis who strongly believe that Pakistan was claimed in the name of Islam, would agree.

First of all, I never used the words "civilized world", which is (imo) a racist and colonialist word, so don't put words into my mouth.

Second, a few propaganda pieces from the 50s and 60s don't make it evidence.

Remind me what were CENTO and SEATO pacts and when they were signed. And while you are pondering over it, do some search as well as to when Zia came into power.

Your ignorance and insistence upon it, is only making you look like a fool.

At least you aren't denying that what you're saying is bullshit, I'd call that progress.

Just going down to your level to make sense. no hard feelings.

Who made BB and Zardari? Obviously ZAB. ZAB also came out against dictatorship, even though he was himself a protege of a dictator. ZAB learned everything he could from a dictator, and passed it on though family and party politics.

You are really pushing it now, BB and of all people Zardari, being made by the military establishment because they happen to be related to ZAB! What kinda bullshit is that? The same BB who was the darling of west, champion of democracy, have you.

That's nowhere near the truth, and you know it.

Everything you've said is nothing but personal feelings, not factually based.

As for your wish of what kind of leader you want, right wing politics won't lead Pakistan to glory, it will lead to stagnation.

You know exactly what I am talking about and people who argue with logic and reasoning would agree what I said. My arguements are based on facts and ground realities of Pakistan. while you are living in cuckoo land.

It is the left wing politics and rule which has never allowed Pakistan to express itself with freedom and kept it in shackles.
Democracy, in its present shape and form, should not, must not be allowed to continue because, its not even a democracy to begin with. Thats the crux of argument. You are adamant that it should be allowed to correct itself. How can I be mistaken here? we have tried dictorship, democary, if both have failed to achieved the results perhaps its time to make Pakistan a true Islamic state on the basis of Madina.
A pipe dream, and ignorance of reality, nothing more.

Rather talking BS, tell me the solution for sorting this mess out. You are against doing the surgery on the system YET you agreeing that the system is reeking with corruption. As for the western democracy and out of all place, India!, really dont give a monkies to the rest, I am just concerned about my country.
Your country? First of all, you don't permanently live in Pakistan, it is no longer your country. The fact that you aren't willing to learn from other nation's mistakes and achievements, proves that you aren't at all concerned about Pakistan. All you're doing is pretending, so that you can appeal to the reader's emotions.

Second, I never said that there shouldn't be a crack down on corruption, and screw you for putting words into my mouth. Do you wanna know what I would do? Allow democracy to continue, but give corruption watch dogs, as well as judiciaries, as well as the parliament, a lot more independence and control. I would also abolish the senate, but that's another topic.

One person one vote regrdless if the person even know for what and whom he is voting for, win seats and form government regardless how much popular vote one gets , these are the few issues with democracy that you are so fond off. The lunatics like Modi, Natenyahu and Trump are all the products of democracy in this day and age.
On the other hand, with a dictatorship, no one gets a say on anything; congratulations, you just played yourself. By the way, Modi, Natenyahu and Trump may not be good for the rest of the world, but they're good for their own countries. Under Modi, India has achieved record economic and diplomatic growth. Under Natenyahu, Israel has experienced strong economic and military growth, as well as making diplomatic progress with the world, which is why Israel continues to be the main regional power.

As for Trump, he may not be liked even in America, but his efforts to renegotiate trade treaties has gone down well with people, and his efforts create new local jobs are already baring fruit.

If you're so concerned about "your own country", it is hypocritical of you to make such an argument, especially since your examples contradict your own arguments.

Maybe the likes of you wont support the Madina model, but I am sure majority of Pakistanis who strongly believe that Pakistan was claimed in the name of Islam, would agree.
The likes of me?

Let's do it this way, if you're so confident about this, convince everyone around you to support you. Hold rallies, get people on your side. If people truly support such a thing, then you're be PM...but you won't be.

There is a reason why religious parties never win elections in Pakistan.

Remind me what were CENTO and SEATO pacts and when they were signed. And while you are pondering over it, do some search as well as to when Zia came into power.
You're stuck on Zia, aren't you? CENTO and SEATO were signed during Ayub Khan's rule, another dictator, thus even further proving my point. Two US projects to further US aims, and a Pakistani dictator joined it.

Your ignorance and insistence upon it, is only making you look like a fool.
It makes me look like a fool? You don't even understand the hypocrisy of your own words; You sit in a European country, living comfortably, telling Pakistanis that they would be better off in a system that even you have never lived under.

Just going down to your level to make sense. no hard feelings.
Down? You'd have to climb up to get to my level. You're so blinded by your own ignorance, you don't even realize just how hypocritical you are.

You are really pushing it now, BB and of all people Zardari, being made by the military establishment because they happen to be related to ZAB! What kinda bullshit is that? The same BB who was the darling of west, champion of democracy, have you.
happened to be related? Are you stupid?
BB was ZAB's daughter, that is not just a simple relation. Zardari? He's BB's husband, and a firm believe in ZAB's PPP.

If you haven't noticed, the west doesn't give a shit about democracy in third world countries, they only care about their own interest, something Pakistanis have only begun to learn from.

You know exactly what I am talking about and people who argue with logic and reasoning would agree what I said. My arguements are based on facts and ground realities of Pakistan. while you are living in cuckoo land.
No, people who use logic and reason would laugh at you. Anyone who thinks dictatorships are good for a country and its people, they're delusional. There are plenty of examples that exist even today, to prove my point.

It is the left wing politics and rule which has never allowed Pakistan to express itself with freedom and kept it in shackles.
News flash, the dictators you support, used a lot of left wing progressive policies, which is why they were popular. From massive government spending, to standardization of education and work place wages. Federal revenues also saw a huge increase in tax collection under dictatorship rule, something that was not much liked by businesses and the general population.

Also, PML-N is employing right wing policies, such as privatization, heavy government borrowing, and decreasing government regulation. Your arguments are invalid, simply because they're factually incorrect.

That is still not to say that I support dictatorships, but I have always believed that you should give credit where it is due.
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A pipe dream, and ignorance of reality, nothing more.

Good to see I have reduced you to one liners. Running out of arguments are we?

Your country? First of all, you don't permanently live in Pakistan, it is no longer your country. The fact that you aren't willing to learn from other nation's mistakes and achievements, proves that you aren't at all concerned about Pakistan. All you're doing is pretending, so that you can appeal to the reader's emotions.

Second, I never said that there shouldn't be a crack down on corruption, and screw you for putting words into my mouth. Do you wanna know what I would do? Allow democracy to continue, but give corruption watch dogs, as well as judiciaries, as well as the parliament, a lot more independence and control. I would also abolish the senate, but that's another topic.

Raising flag of Canada would make you more Pakistani then me? What utter non sense. I don know how old are you, I have spend 23 years in Pakistan, perhaps more then your miserable life I take judging by the quality of response I am getting! And you can keep your expert advise to yourself, me being outside Pakistan can look at my country and its people from different perspective, and thats what the likes of Jinnah and Iqbal experienced as well when they were aborad. When you are in a system, you cannot feel how rotten it is.

ah smart arse, then tell me, if we truly do the accountability against corruption in its true essence, you bloody tell me now, how many of these "democrats" who occupy our parliament would endup in jail? Your bloody democracy was in danger just over the dawngate scandal involving your beloved first daughter. This is how pathetic your democracy is, mere accountability would bring it down in its entirety. how can you anyone in right frame of mind think that this farce should be allowed to continue?

As I said earlier, only those who are direct beneficiaries of such sick system would be on its side or the once who have accepted it as their fate.

On the other hand, with a dictatorship, no one gets a say on anything; congratulations, you just played yourself. By the way, Modi, Natenyahu and Trump may not be good for the rest of the world, but they're good for their own countries. Under Modi, India has achieved record economic and diplomatic growth. Under Natenyahu, Israel has experienced strong economic and military growth, as well as making diplomatic progress with the world, which is why Israel continues to be the main regional power.

As for Trump, he may not be liked even in America, but his efforts to renegotiate trade treaties has gone down well with people, and his efforts create new local jobs are already baring fruit.

If you're so concerned about "your own country", it is hypocritical of you to make such an argument, especially since your examples contradict your own arguments.

Sunshine, READ again me previous replies to you. When did I say I want dictatorship as defined by western narrative? I am solely, unambiguously and without any shadow of doubt, up for modeling Pakistan into first state of Madina. Get the top and reputable Islamic scholars from all sects, Sunni, Shia, Bralwe have you, get them agree on a document with bullet points extracted from guiding principals that formed the state of Madina, for instance, justice, equality, rule of law, minority rights protection, welfare state, etc, and make that document as our Magna Carta, select the leader following the same process as was followed when Khalifas were selected. Bob is your uncle.

It is quite amusing to see how the lunatics like Modi, Natanyahu and Trump are made kosher and acceptable because they were propelled by democracy, do not moan if and when the likes of Hafeez Saeed or similar endup having reign of Pakistan, because they may be lunatics to outsiders, but majority of Pakistanis consider them patriots.

As for Modi turning around India, he is doing a perfect job of screwing India from within. Just wait a watch. I dont want to dwell to much on it as it will derailing the topic.

The likes of me?

Let's do it this way, if you're so confident about this, convince everyone around you to support you. Hold rallies, get people on your side. If people truly support such a thing, then you're be PM...but you won't be.

There is a reason why religious parties never win elections in Pakistan.

Who give a flying f*** about democracy and within it, the political parties, religious or not, and then elections. What was the turn out in last elections in May 2013? And what happened when those, specially the young lots who voted for the first time end up watching how the vote bank was stolen by ROs? What kind of weed you are on sunhsine, as I like to have one as well. People in Pakistan have absolutely lost faith and confidence in democracy. It cannot deliver, it will not deliver, its is feudalism on grand scale and thats about it.

You keep on repeating the same sh|t over and over again. For me, the only system valid is Madina model. As per the wishes of Jinnah who wanted to make Pakistan based on "Islamic socialism" not other "ism".

You're stuck on Zia, aren't you? CENTO and SEATO were signed during Ayub Khan's rule, another dictator, thus even further proving my point. Two US projects to further US aims, and a Pakistani dictator joined it.

Dumbwit, its your who keep on honking about Zia this, Zia that, he "sold" Pakistan and what not, non stop crap.

Maybe my chronology its out of place, but please explain this strange anomaly in your rather bold claims that a "dictator" signed over the dotted lines


In September of 1954, the United States, France, Great Britain, New Zealand, Australia, the Philippines, Thailand and Pakistan formed the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, or SEATO.

Pakistan membership of SEATO came about by the decision of her Foreign Minister to exceed his brief and decide to take a foreign policy initiative himself. All that can be said in Zafarullah’s defense is that any Pakistani Foreign Minister at that time and place would have been subjected to great pressure to do the same. From the archives available, it seems that there was a rift between the Pakistan Foreign Ministry and army on the question of membership.[10] Conversation recorded in Karachi with ministry officials and in Washington with the Pakistan ambassador, show a real enthusiasm for the idea of another pact.[11]

There are probably two reasons why Foreign Ministry felt that SEATO was a good idea: firstly, the Mutual Assistant Agreement and the peace with Turkey earlier did not provide any territorial guarantee for Pakistan, something Pakistan had longed for since independence and not received; and secondly, there seemed to be a feeling amongst the Foreign Ministry that membership would give Pakistan a feeling of greater security in east Pakistan, the Achilles heel of Pakistan’s defense.[12] Ayub Khan’s reservation on the other hand regarding SEATO did not merely consist in an objection to using troops in countries and areas irrelevant to Pakistan’s security, but there rather a probable result of his belief that Pakistan was not getting enough in return for doing so. Given the situation, however, Ayub could not prevent Pakistan from adhering to the pact.[13]

And while you read above, if it is still not making sense, Pakistan join SEATO in Sept 1954, Ayub Khan rule began on 27 October 1958.

Now tell me, do you want me to humiliate you further? You part of PDF "think tank"! God save this place where such idiots are forming opinions.

It makes me look like a fool? You don't even understand the hypocrisy of your own words; You sit in a European country, living comfortably, telling Pakistanis that they would be better off in a system that even you have never lived under.

I dont suffer fools.

Down? You'd have to climb up to get to my level. You're so blinded by your own ignorance, you don't even realize just how hypocritical you are.

same as above.

happened to be related? Are you stupid?
BB was ZAB's daughter, that is not just a simple relation. Zardari? He's BB's husband, and a firm believe in ZAB's PPP.

If you haven't noticed, the west doesn't give a shit about democracy in third world countries, they only care about their own interest, something Pakistanis have only begun to learn from.

Thing is, you are not even realising how stupid your argument sound when of all people, you are stretching the influence of dictators on of all people but BB and Zardari! Their behavior got NOTHING to do with dictators, its a feudal mentality , or what I say , feudalism on grand scale which the likes of you call democracy in Pakistan.

No, people who use logic and reason would laugh at you. Anyone who thinks dictatorships are good for a country and its people, they're delusional. There are plenty of examples that exist even today, to prove my point.

You can screw yourself as much as you like since me repeating like millions times that I only cheer to see Pakistan modeled into state of Madina, is clearly not going through your thick skull. Unless you consider the Khalifas were dictators as per the narratives of western civilization!!??

News flash, the dictators you support, used a lot of left wing progressive policies, which is why they were popular. From massive government spending, to standardization of education and work place wages. Federal revenues also saw a huge increase in tax collection under dictatorship rule, something that was not much liked by businesses and the general population.

Also, PML-N is employing right wing policies, such as privatization, heavy government borrowing, and decreasing government regulation. Your arguments are invalid, simply because they're factually incorrect.

That is still not to say that I support dictatorships, but I have always believed that you should give credit where it is due.

Read above. Since you are clueless where I am coming from. How many times I have to repeat myself?

Do you have any clue what being a left wing in Pakistan means? Those who suck on yanks and away from Islamic system of government. Hell, even Nawaz Shareef and his clan are selling themselves as left wingers infront of their western masters.

Throughout Pakistani history, only Zia can be classed as right winger and his time was best with all the parameters of well being of state, which include stability, economy, national harmony and integration, sense of patriotism and what not. The rest, specially the "democrates" were the left wing western suckers. If we are down and in this perpetual lethargy and rut, its all due to the left wingers who have always hold on power in Pakistan.

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