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Pakistan's Internet censorship

It is not like she is taking the pictures and sending them to newspapers worldwide. She is just showing what others will see and judge us from. A few bad seeds will yet again define us and that is not good in my opinion, what do you think.

Don't shoot the messenger, it's best to sort out our little problems.

[Originally Posted by EmO GiRl
will somebidy check the pictures on that page, they are potraying the perfect 'terrorist,intolerant,violent muslim world'

Why not other see the west what doing with Muslims and didn't judge them ?
Check this thread: http://www.defence.pk/forums/genera...tory-occupied-palestine-dedicated-thread.html

why we can't protest against the blasphemous Acts by our Enemies.
These Picture shows only the anger against them.

if you have any allergy with their protest or their beard personality , then I can Say that You are in Inferiority complex being a Muslim .
Close this thread please - Why burning your blood for the sake of nothing
Already the word has spread around the world due to the ban.
I still believe banning was never a good option.

Lots of people around the world has no knowledge whatsoever about our region. Now due to this publicity in the media and considering the depth of FB users worldwide, they will have a new name to blame all their worries and problems ( its a basic human nature).

Ban or no ban, it hit the news long before that but the ban is like adding fuel to fire.

But what has has happened, must be dealt with now, it's stupidity on some peoples part that actually causes inadvertent damage to all. We will forget about this by next week, something else wil turn up.
facebook and youtube are banned in Pakistan anyways, its moot point

these 60,000+ people (yes, i checked the group) are clearly just trying to incite anger and hatred, and a REACTION

ignoring or countering them is best way, as is silent protest. It's a huge loss for facebook if they lose viewership from a reasonably large Islamic country like Pakistan -- or any other country for that matter
Why not other see the west what doing with Muslims and didn't judge them ?
Check this thread: http://www.defence.pk/forums/genera...tory-occupied-palestine-dedicated-thread.html

why we can't protest against the blasphemous Acts by our Enemies.
These Picture shows only the anger against them.

if you have any allergy with their protest or their beard personality , then I can Say that You are in Inferiority complex being a Muslim .

No where did I say that I have a problem with certain kind of people, however the image that is engraved in the worlds mind about this particular get up is like the stereotype that will stick for a while.

These protests are worthless as nothing wio be achieved and rather a constructiive argument put forward to educate others on why we might find such a thing to be offensive.

Protesting is a waste of time and only adds insult to injury.
What is wrong to block a site that contains stuff that People of Islamic republic of Pakistan don't like.

We can live without youtube , as we were before 2005 when there was no youtube. Blocking youtube does not mean we go into Stone age.

But i think better way is to Block the URLs that Contains the Wrong Stuff, as like Saudia Arabia , Where we can access the Youtube but not all Videos.
Why not other see the west what doing with Muslims and didn't judge them ?
Check this thread: http://www.defence.pk/forums/genera...tory-occupied-palestine-dedicated-thread.html

why we can't protest against the blasphemous Acts by our Enemies.
These Picture shows only the anger against them.

if you have any allergy with their protest or their beard personality , then I can Say that You are in Inferiority complex being a Muslim .

now this pretty much explains why we see this picture in protest against Facebook :disagree: BTW sir i am not justifying the heinous acts of Israelis

S-90 you have your answer
Good going all liberals, you are doing great job.

The 'kafirs' will keep doing it again & again, there is no way on earth you can stop them, the 'reaction' only harms us not them, the best thing is to ignore rather than making useless noise, If the faith is so strong i don't think the faith must get shattered by a few Blasphemous cartoons

oh God.

Sultan Noor-ud-Din Zaki spent 2 whole days to reach Madina (on a horse) and stop 2 jews reaching the Grave of Prophet (sallALLAHu aliahi wasalam) and people like you are saying ignore them.

If we ignore this event today they will organize a bigger one tomorrow and so on
Youtube is blocked in Turkey too. Has been for a while actually. Over Ataturk though.
Good going all liberals, you are doing great job.

oh God.

Sultan Noor-ud-Din Zaki spent 2 whole days to reach Madina (on a horse) and stop 2 jews reaching the Grave of Prophet (sallALLAHu aliahi wasalam) and people like you are saying ignore them.

If we ignore this event today they will organize a bigger one tomorrow and so on

& if we protest more & more & add fuel to fire, they will do it more & more

My opinion
Youtube is blocked in Turkey too. Has been for a while actually. Over Ataturk though.

Hey do not discuss it here. Bcz many people here believe more in these websites than in Islam
Please we don't want Saudi Arabia like censorship in Pakistan.I think people of Pakistan are mature enough to know whats good for them and whats bad.Pakistan is not a wahabi fascist country.Anyway youtube ban won't last long..It will be unbanned soon.

Why not?
Mature ? you aware of this that in world Pakistan has Number 4 in searching for word 'sex', and Students from School & Colleges go straight into Internet cafes to search dirty Stuff.

Why not ban like Saudi Arabia , our Students and boys with go straight into home instead of Internet cafes.
^^ Actually, now you are guaranteed that they will organize a bigger one tomorrow. They want to get a reaction out of you and you gave it to them.

If the Danish cartoons had been ignored, none of this would have happened. It is only because muslims reacted the way they did that the cartoon phenomenon even became noteworthy.

The Prophet (pbuh&hf) himself disregarded any abuse directed against him. If someone wants to use ****** language or make vile pictures, that is a matter between him and his God. Allah sent the Ababeels to defend His house. If He wants to defend the honour of the Prophet, He can do that too...
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