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Pakistan's Internet censorship

Question - How come Saudi Arabia, the most moslem of moslem countries with religious police etc. did NOT block Facebook or YouTube?

Food for thought...

When it comes to take a stand its mostly Pakistan in favor of Muslims, saudi's are just lucky and they try to be leaders of Muslims worlwide just because Makkah and Madina exist their.
coz pakistanis don't have lives they love to do moral policing they are overly emotional and aggressive when it comes to religion and think they are guardians and spokespeople of islam and have to be at the forefront of everything relating to muslims.
Yes It is interesting to note how every other country has got on with it's life and ignored it but it's only in pak thats it such a big deal why is it pakistani muslims that only ever seem to notice these things ban stuff and go nuts giving the the haters exactly what they want attention and publicity.

I would love to take ur comments if such cartoons were made for any Pakistani's(or in this case your) mother sister or dad.

Are you going to be calm as this if I or any other member abuse u or ur parents here ?????

This cry is more from people who are concerned of fb than Prophet (P.B.U.H).

I wish those who support fb, fb comes up one day bringing insult to them personally and would love to see the reactions of those who are dying since one of the main source of flirting after orkut in Pakistan has been blocked temporarily, i cannot imagine any productive use of it taken by Pakistanis except finding girls or guys for some time pass.
Here is what MSNBC says:

Pakistan blocks YouTube over un-Islamic content - Tech and gadgets- msnbc.com

"....Supporters of an Islamist political party protested against Facebook in at least three cities in small and peaceful rallies. The government, which is unpopular among many Islamists for siding with the United States in the war against the Taliban and al-Qaida, is hoping that the website bans will lessen anger in the days ahead.

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"We are ready to die protecting the honor of our beloved Prophet Muhammad," said Aysha Hameed, one of 1,000 female protesters in Multan city.

Some protest blocking
Others — mostly members of the more secular, educated elite — accused the government of blocking freedom of expression and hurting small businesses that use Facebook for marketing. Many questioned need for the entire Facebook and YouTube sites to be blocked, instead of individual pages on them.

About 20 million of Pakistan's 180 million people are Internet users and social networking sites are among the most popular, especially among those younger than 25. Pakistan's Internet service providers' association said usage had dropped by about 25 percent since Wednesday.

The offending Facebook page encourages users to post images of the prophet on May 20 to protest threats made by a radical Muslim group against the creators of the American TV series "South Park" for depicting Muhammad in a bear suit during an episode earlier this year.

"Such malicious and insulting attacks hurt the sentiments of Muslims around the world and cannot be accepted under the garb of freedom of expression," Foreign Ministry spokesman Abdul Basit said.
....Supporters of an Islamist political party protested against Facebook in at least three cities in small and peaceful rallies. The government, which is unpopular among many Islamists for siding with the United States in the war against the Taliban and al-Qaida, is hoping that the website bans will lessen anger in the days ahead.

this is the most interesting part..............

Government of Pakistan may have banned it for some political reasons and not just on religious grounds.
US has banned half the worlds media in their country they don't allow such channels specially the news channels which bring the other side of the story with an excuse that they spread false propaganda against USA.

Is any one here who can stand up and say worldwide that i Love Hitler and his doings or i support Holocaust ???

No, else you'll be burnt alive, no one will say that you have a right to show ur feelings or the freedom of expression, instead you'll be punished -reason !! hurting general public's sentiments.

Pakistani channels are not allowed in India there is a permanent ban!!
(to Indians, im not commenting on that or bashing India, its your country u can do what u want)

So this world is full of such examples where countries do what ever they find to be securing their interests, so why cant we ??
Too little Too late, my advise to him is, convert to islam, ask for forgiveness from ALLAH, and hope GOD forgives, otherwise HELL is waiting for this Pig. :angry:
Has this thread crossed the records set by the Sania Mirza thread yet ?
@ KAK,
The excuse of this act in the name of freedom of expression is NOT accepted.

Not accepted? Surely you mean in Pakistan and/or the Muslim world. That don't fly here in the states.

No we do not let anybody, let it be even yet another Muslim to say anything in the honor of Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

Sure you don't, but only in Pakistan.

Every single person who participated in this contest has crossed the line of respect and must be treated the way we treat such peoples. We want Molly Dead and every single person who participated in the contest MUST be hanged.

Lol good luck with that. Freedom of speech will be protected at any cost, and there ain't nothing fanatics like you can do about it, besides complain on the internet. You have a right NOT to be offended, you don't like it? don't pay attention!

And to those drawing parallels between social norms and religion...No it isn't ok to walk up to someone and verbally assault them, it isn't ok to use racially derogatory words and it isn't ok to yell fire when there isn't one.

If you don't understand why then its time to wake up and smell the coffee. Religion will not be treated on the same terms as people, not today and hopefully not tomorrow. Your personal beliefs are your business, not ours. The rest of society does not have to abide by the rules of YOUR beliefs unless of course you'd like to abide by ours.
Great news, i hope its permanant. These websites must be given farm response.

You cant respect our religion and Prophet (SAW), ur choice but u will pay for it financially, coz that's the only language they understand. :cheers:

financially ? lol Only Pakistan suffers from all this not youtube or FB. They hardly care.
and how you know that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lazy:

have you seen any response from Youtube or FB ? have FB closed the group, no. Pakistan isnt one of the major FB or youtube users unlike countries like the US or India. This infact will benefit FB and youtube as its free publicity and will only attract more attention towards the group Pakistan is opposing.
have you seen any response from Youtube or FB ? have FB closed the group, no. Pakistan isnt one of the major FB or youtube users unlike countries like the US or India:blink: . This infact will benefit FB and youtube as its free publicity and will only attract more attention towards the group Pakistan is opposing.

i don't want to repeat what has been discussed repeatedly in this thread.. search yourself in this thread and you will find ur answer.

and leave ur 'India is best' habbit :pleasantry:
and how you know that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lazy:

On the other hand such censorship will only hurt Pakistan's economy ever more as such acts tend to dissuade companies from investing as you really dont know whats happening in the country. Unlike China which can offer its huge workforce and excellent infrastructure to compensate for its heavy censorship, Pakistan will only suffer from such over emotional acts. Blocking FB and youtube is like an ostrich putting its head in a hole, the problem does not go away only your point of view changes. Best thing to do was to avoid this whole thing and it would have gone away itself. But by now giving it wings, Pakistan will make matters worse.
i don't want to repeat what has been discussed repeatedly in this thread.. search yourself in this thread and you will find ur answer.

i did, other than immaturitish blogs reporting false news, there has been no official statement from either fb or youtube and they will not issue anything also. Frankly speaking they dont care.
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