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Pakistan's Internet censorship

its better to take a crack at the perpetrator,rather than taking a crack on the religion followed by him,in the process hurting the sentiments of a whole lot of other people who have done nothing wrong...

cmon..following a religion makes a person civilized..how can we act uncivilized just to protect that very religion???It sounds contradictory isnt it???

By saying "Taking a Crack at their religion" I was trying to reciprocate their gesture at them, i.e. Hurting the sentiments of a HUGE community to get even with a microscopic minority.

I was not planning to or am ever going to try such a shameful act.
Come on, no one even cares what they do, people like you promote such things and blow it out of proportion.

Should we go fight everyone who has something bad to say or do, let God deal with them, and what will we achieve by beating or hurting them anyway apart from putting our name through mud once more.

Although I might sound like one, I am not an extremist, infact I have spent the last two years fighting against the terrorists in Bajaur. And it is actions such as these that make me question the wisdom of all that fighting and struggling.
If it were only a couple of people, i would have said that maybe they had a beer too many and decided to do something stupid, but registration for this event numbers in the THOUSANDS.
I am half expecting mass murders across the united states and the other half im expecting nothing to happen.

but seriously they can do whatever they want to do. quit complaining.

It's the repercussions of the event I fear, last time the caricatures were published in the Danish newspaper, there were violent protests all over Pakistan thanks to JI and IJT, those SoBs set fire to everything and anything that could be burnt.
Arsonists also unleashed their full potential, im just saying that this will only help give a lot of credibility to the terrorist's claim.

Which is bad news for us, we have already lost up to 150 men here in Bajaur trying to put these animals down.
Although I might sound like one, I am not an extremist, infact I have spent the last two years fighting against the terrorists in Bajaur. And it is actions such as these that make me question the wisdom of all that fighting and struggling.
If it were only a couple of people, i would have said that maybe they had a beer too many and decided to do something stupid, but registration for this event numbers in the THOUSANDS.

well you see...........non-muslims are in billions.........and all have not registered it.:cheers:

every community have stupids.:hitwall:
For all those who say to just ignore it... well I humbly but strongly disagree with them... Do you guys think that they will just stop at drawing cartoons? This is progressive desensitization about religion. The love of the Prophet (s.a.w.) is incumbent upon us. The love for our Holy Prophet (s.a.w.), the beloved of ALLAH ALMIGHTY has been placed even higher than the love for our most beloved. That is the essence of Imaan. Now would you be able to ignore if the world drew all kinds of cartoons of your beloved and act as if nothing happened? If you can then I am sorry but any sane person would doubt your claim to love that person... Now I am not asking to act all crazy but act according to the teachings of the very Prophet (s.a.w.) who was sent as a Mercy for not just mankind but for all God's creations as Allah Himself calls His beloved as RehmatulilAlameen!

I believe the best way for us to counter is to follow Islam even more than we already do, and I do believe we follow very little and pray for those ignorant souls who don't know what blasphemy they are committing that may Allah guide them and if guidance is not in their destiny and they keep on committing such acts then may they die a most miserable and slow painful death and let that be a clear sign for all. Ameen
After clear discrimination of Facebook for not banning blasphemous Fan Page, Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom has directed PTA to ban Facebook in Pakistan, told us sources close to authority.

A reliable source, who is in direct contact with Secretary MoIT, told ProPakistani that ministry has issued the directive to PTA to ban said blasphemous content in the country.

Ministry of Information Technology directs PTA for banning any URL or whole of website in case of any inappropriate content available on it.

It is yet to be ascertained if the whole Facebook will be banned or just a single URL will be filtered. In both the situations, step is inline with thousands of Facebook users and according to their urge of boycotting Facebook on May 20th.

It merits mentioning here that a Fan Page on Facebook is encouraging its members to draw Prophet Mohammad’s drawings (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa-aal-hi-Wasallam).

Despite thousands of requests, Facebook didn’t put this page down even it violated Facebook’s own terms of services.

Blashphemous Facebook Page Banned in Pakistan [Updated] - ProPakistani

Truth or Internet Rumor?
After clear discrimination of Facebook for not banning blasphemous Fan Page, Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom has directed PTA to ban Facebook in Pakistan, told us sources close to authority.

A reliable source, who is in direct contact with Secretary MoIT, told ProPakistani that ministry has issued the directive to PTA to ban said blasphemous content in the country.

Ministry of Information Technology directs PTA for banning any URL or whole of website in case of any inappropriate content available on it.

It is yet to be ascertained if the whole Facebook will be banned or just a single URL will be filtered. In both the situations, step is inline with thousands of Facebook users and according to their urge of boycotting Facebook on May 20th.

It merits mentioning here that a Fan Page on Facebook is encouraging its members to draw Prophet Mohammad’s drawings (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa-aal-hi-Wasallam).

Despite thousands of requests, Facebook didn’t put this page down even it violated Facebook’s own terms of services.

Blashphemous Facebook Page Banned in Pakistan [Updated] - ProPakistani

Truth or Internet Rumor?

See thats their game of money making. You make a page which offends some one and then people out of urge click on that link and they get dollars. There is a community on facebook which is "I hate those who hate India" which was created against the community "I hate India". now this "I hate those who hate India" has around 7 lakh members but the hate india community continues to be there though almost 3.5 lakh users might have sent the request to ban that community.
Last time Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom took down youtube worldwide. LOL.

Lets see what they do now.
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