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Facebook invites wrath of all and sundry

Thursday, May 20, 2010
By Asim Hussain


Enraged protests against the blasphemous website Facebook continued on Wednesday despite the Lahore High Court order banning the site till May 31st , as angry clerics and leaders announced two-day countrywide protests on Thursday (today) and Friday (tomorrow), reiterating the demands of severing diplomatic ties with the countries involved in the blasphemy and boycotting their products at the official level.

Tehrik-e-Hurmat-e-Rasool (THR), an alliance of about 30 religious and political parties, leading the protest campaign against blasphemy, also announced to mobilize the foreign missions of Muslim countries into boycotting the blasphemous countries and their products. The THR set up a 15-member committee to hold meetings with Muslim ambassadors and diplomats, with a view to convey the concerns of Muslim people against the deliberate blasphemy and to urge their respective countries to play their role in ensuring a global legislation against the blasphemy of the prophets.

Addressing a press conference on Wednesday following a meeting of all THR component parties, the leaders announced that a national consultation would be held in Islamabad shortly to chalk out a joint strategy to help counter the western conspiracies against Islam and to block the recurring blasphemous attempt against the Prophet of Islam (SAW).

The THR leaders-Maulana Ameer Hamza, Hafiz Akif Saeed and others -held the Muslim rulers responsible for the repeated western blasphemies, saying if Muslim rulers had displayed true love for the Prophet (SAW) by taking a strong stance against the first blasphemous attempt, this ugly practice would have come to a stop. They expressed concern that after Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Germany, the US had also jumped into the organized display of non-tolerance towards Islam and offending Muslim besides denying them freedom to practice their religion.

They ask demanded the Pakistani government completely ban Facebook, demand d the Washington to arrest and punish the woman who organized the blasphemous sketches competition, otherwise, the US authorities would be deemed to have been involved in the deliberate blasphemy

Meanwhile, noted religious leaders have held Muslim rulers responsible for the repeated western attempts of blasphemy against Holy Prophet (SAW), since they failed to put their foot down against the very first such moves which encouraged the West to continue and step up its display of hatred against Islam.

Talking to The News, Jamaat e Islami ameer Syed Munawar Hasan dubbed the planned US blasphemy against Prophet of Islam (SAW) as ‘religious terrorism’ and the biggest attack on the honour of the Holy Prophet (SAW).

He said mere banning of website was not enough and if Muslim masses and their rulers had a bit of love for the noble Prophet (SAW) they should rise in protest and cut off ties with the governments allowing such blasphemies. He demanded cutting off of NATO supply route and dissociation from the US-led war on terror.

He said the Zionist media had portrayed Islam as religion of violence and terrorism under a plan. He said Muslims respected all the prophets of God without which their faith was not complete. He said the bigotry and religious terrorism of the Western countries was at its peak these days.

Tanzim-e-Islami ameer Hafiz Akif Saeed said western media was attacking the Prophet of Islam under a well-thought out conspiracy aimed at making Muslims immune to the vitriolic attacks against him, which would lead to making him controversial. It would finally allow them to attack the Holy Quran and make it controversial. He said repeated attacks on the Prophet (SAW) were a proof of that, and a state level response was needed to counter the conspiracy.

JUP secretary general Qari Zawwar Bahadur said, after facing defeat in Afghanistan and Iraq wars, the US was bent upon turning its so-called war on terror into a ëwar against Islamí and dragging the entire world into this war.

Qari Zawwar Bahadur stressed that greater unity among the Muslims to counter this conspiracy and demanded the government immediately dissociate with the US war on terror and stop Nato supplies from its soil.

Facebook invites wrath of all and sundry
I have a diffrent opinon. but thats not the point its not gonna do you guys any good just don't watch thoses videos.

Why ruin it for someone else? its not like people in pakistan log on youtube to watch those video so whats the point of banning it.

like i said it will damage their economy.. simple
well i didn say banning youtube was a clever move but again it will damage their earning a bit :P and since they wod do anything for Bucks they wont dare to take this step again ..
Youtube didn't do anything the members registered on the site uploaded it. i do agree that they shouldn't have done it. but its better to ignore em.

Remember if you respect some one's relegion it doesn't mean they will respect yours so muslims should ignore these kind of pricks.
Our Mullahs:

1) Muslim Rulers are responsible for blasphemy
2) Banning FB is not enough
3) We must Stop NATO Supplies
4) Disassociate ourselves from WoT which eating away our very existence

I feel worst is yet to come & we might have repeat of what happened in Lahore when Danish papers published cartoons
even before the banning by government, we had planned to boycott FB. Just for the sack of not watching it.

Thats good but remember not every one will boycott i mean i am sure there are some pakistanis against the decison. but yea boycotting would have been a better mode .
@ shattered, people can still use DailyMotion which is better in my opinion, they are more liberal and much faster.
I see a great conspiracy there.....!!!!!!!

First the chinese blocked the "Google",then asked the Pakistanis to block it & use their baidu search engine...
But in pakistan "Google" is the most used seach engine & also they can't unerstand the chinese baiduuu search engine..
So instead of blocking Google they blocked youtube... google's little son....

It is not fair...:hitwall:
am being banned for saying Shut up moUTH..what offence here ? MODERATOR PLEASE Give me back my id>>>i still love PDF :smitten:

Hey welcome back.
You shouldn't have said that.
Youtube didn't do anything the members registered on the site uploaded it. i do agree that they shouldn't have done it. but its better to ignore em.

Remember if you respect some one's relegion it doesn't mean they will respect yours so muslims should ignore these kind of pricks.

well as far as i am concerned i have never ever abused or cuss any religion cz my religion teaches me to respect every one regardless of their religion and it also forbids me from calling them names.
well i do agree it was a stupid act on behalf of LHC. youtube has nothing to do with it. where as FB is concerned , they need a lesson to be taught cz there were numerous disgusting pages that were involve in disrespecting all religions and cussing holy personalities.
well i didn say banning youtube was a clever move but again it will damage their earning a bit :P and since they wod do anything for Bucks they wont dare to take this step again ..

Sir please explain the bolded parts. How youtube will lose it revenues?

Out of all the users of youtube pakistan consists of only 1.3% .. and i dont think there is any revenue issue since people from the region ( india and pakistan) are not know much of e shopping from advertisements.
@ shattered, people can still use DailyMotion which is better in my opinion, they are more liberal and much faster.

Are you sure you are just a fan of Daily motion and not their marketing manager? You have been mentioning this site a lot. :P
Sir please explain the bolded parts. How youtube will lose it revenues?

Out of all the users of youtube pakistan consists of only 1.3% .. and i dont think there is any revenue issue since people from the region ( india and pakistan) are not know much of e shopping from advertisements.

well we have done our part.. even 1.3% will make a huge difference. just wait and watch .. :agree:
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