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Pakistan's Internet censorship

China, Iran and Pakistan. So similar isn't?

Shame Pakistan moving towards closed society, next what pdf?
@ Indian Jatt and Jagjinatt, I am in no way condoning banning these websites but there has to be some restrictions on what these popular websites are used for. Like Facebook and Youtube, disallow nudity becuase it might cause offence, they can also moderate such pages for the views being openly put forward.

If it was freedom of speech then there are better ways of countering a group rather than being utterly offensive. It is clear that this is attracting all the bigots and their views are despicable.

Banning is not the answer, but it might lead to the required end. That is getting the pages removed while also keeping the extremist muslims from making any unwanted moves of destruction and damage.

Freedom of speech allows US citizens to post anything they want, nudity is not allowed because minors are not allowed to watch nude content and the websites have minor members.

The more you react to these stupid fan pages, the more these pages will be created. You will not understand this, because there is difference in our mentalities. Pakistan is a conserved nation today. In the past it used to be a modern nation. India was conserved and traditional 2-3 decades back but is modernizing now. 3 decades back Pakistan was way more modern and civilized than India. Times have truly turned for the worse.

Rather than satisfying extremists by banning these pages, is it not more important to control them, teach them that nothing is above law, eliminate these evil from the society?
Do not take her too seriously, she is rabidly anti-Pakistan but she has the rights to express her views and people change once they get to know something which is in contrast to what they have in mind.

Just play along.

@ Samika, I am in my cave, pesky woods will not light up, care to help.

i think the answer is too ......much ash in UK skies..:D:cheers:
great another person saying:



however, **** & blashpemy are NOT the same thing!!! :hitwall::hitwall:

both are bad things, I don't understand whats the point in banning informative sites like Wikipedia & to some extent youtube....

as sparkingly said there are loads of sites which needs to be banned but they are working for years & no one gives a damn...

they must provide alternatives or just simply ban the whole internet...
I understand what you are trying to say and you and I'm okay with you believing that but I cannot disagree more. A court or an institute or the state should not have the right to make a decision regarding what people can access online. Nothing can justify the denial of access to information online or offline, however short the duration be. As Jehanara put on her blog yesterday "I don’t need the government to make such decisions for me. I am quite capable of doing that for myself. If I want to protest against something I find offensive, I will (and I do). The PTA and the courts have no right to deprive me of my freedom to do so."

This is not aimed at the liberal educated masses of Pakistan but rather that uneducated extremist minority that we can only deal with by doing such a thing.

We are in no way, shape or form a perfect a nation and we have quite few bad seeds, perhaps banning these websites will bring about the required end to this and salvage the situation. The responsibility of these sites lay in monitoring and moderation of the content found with in such websites, if they can disallow nudity and pornography, just because it might offend conservatives, they can remove these pages too.

Say if we do not ban these, we might see a stupid reaction on our streets that will cause damage to us alone because our people cannot understand or comprehend a situation. Emotion keeps on getting the better of us, they know it and thats why they use such cheap tactics.
@ Indian Jatt and Jagjinatt, I am in no way condoning banning these websites but there has to be some restrictions on what these popular websites are used for. Like Facebook and Youtube, disallow nudity becuase it might cause offence, they can also moderate such pages for the views being openly put forward.

If it was freedom of speech then there are better ways of countering a group rather than being utterly offensive. It is clear that this is attracting all the bigots and their views are despicable.

Banning is not the answer, but it might lead to the required end. That is getting the pages removed while also keeping the extremist muslims from making any unwanted moves of destruction and damage.

Agreed, but frankly speaking , idea of filtering pages is more practical than banning the whole site...to keep few extremist away from this sensitive development,the entire population will be deprived of what the whole whole world is using.especially the basic knowledge to the younger lot through wiki and you tube.wat say.
Yes !!! You planning to join us?

The ban on certain websites will not take us back to Stone Age. Besides, these sites are pure entertainment sites and not business oriented websites.

Business oriented websites.. I think you know a lot about business.

Just because you don't use it for business purpose doesn't mean that it is not Business oriented webpage. Youtube is one of the biggest libraries for Videos, it is not limited to entertainment..

Facebook is a database which is used worldwide at different levels for different purposes. Most of the companies today ask for facebook profile, I don't know about Pakistan.

Some people needs to clear this stigma that I am an anti Pakistani. Ya, I sometimes get carried away and pass vociferous comments doesn't define me for all. As if no one provokes me and I am born anti Pakistan..
Haloism to the core..
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my friend if you can answer THIS question you would understand WHY the partition was necessary!!

if others don't do it we shouldn't! what logic is that? that is such a complexed approach in life!!

we as a nation SHOULDN'T BE RADICAL! however we should be VOCAL! in our stand for the prophet for the religion!!

the other muslim nations are PUPPETS of the US!

we as a nation denounce all forms of TERRORISM in the name of religion but we also denounce all forms of blasphemy for any religion!!

be it hindu,muslim,sikh,christian or jew! :pakistan:

My brother, please do not for one moment feel that just because its a Indian hindu posting, he would not understand the pain you are going through because of this nonesense. And please do not get Partition into this debate because it would unnecessarily polarize views along national lines and that would be the end of this thread. A humble request. Who is saying do not be vocal. Be vocal ON FACEBOOK! That way you are heard. Here you are simply dismissed as 'oh those crazy jihadis' once again and forgotten and left behind. That is what many want. And you have walked straight into the trap. How have you stood up for your religion and your Prophet sir? By turning away quietly? Who cares? If that was the case why have a site like PDF at all and invite your most hated enemies, we Indians, here to talk and fight and thrash issues out with? Ban all Indians cause India stands for all that is bad for Islam and inequality against muslim minority and illegal annexation of Kashmir! I hope you can see through the rhetoric and appreciate my point. Banning these groups unilaterally has not helped your cause one bit. It has isolated you and made you look like the stereotypical radical islamic nation that the world is increasingly seeing you as. And you have lost the opportunity to make a statement, any statement, against those you feel are doing you injustice.
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Say if we do not ban these, we might see a stupid reaction on our streets that will cause damage to us alone because our people cannot understand or comprehend a situation.

The violent protest bunch burnt buildings and cars even when blogspot was banned during the caricatures controversy. They'll access Facebook through a proxy, realize Facebook hasn't killed the page yet, will come out on the streets and burn public property. It's their profession.
Wikipedia also banned, some one ban me as well :rolleyes:
i want to ask why people don't protest against the **** sites?

becoze these people are just showOFF...vying one after the other for more fame.... people don't mind seeing pronography and paedo and ladies getting graphically raped in films..ban all these social ills !!!
GOOD WORK PTA!! Pakistan in Action!! i heared about Turkish Hackers hacked Facebook Pages!! GOOD WORK!! Latest News is PTA Banned 450 Websites today.

Govt MUST BANNED Cheap Messages and Fonecalls so that new generation stop spending thr important time on these Bs and concentrate on Studies and rest of important thingS!

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