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Pakistan's Internet censorship

BTW, I believe all religion should be open to critique.

If you have faith in whatever you believe, you will simply ignore such actions. When people have doubts, they start getting into a froth about protecting their faith from the harmful affects of ideas.

religion is a private matter.....why should it be critiqued?? Just leave it yaar. It's between man/woman and God.

Everybody has their own interpretations, and that's fine. I think critique can offend some people - especially more observant wallas
scrumpy i care less about you, other members don't take it offensive it is an example to explain what scrumpy is trying to tell:

So if you shout and verbally abuse your mom/dad its ok since you've not touch beaten them than its alright since its not a threat so in the end you stand right to abuse others verbally and vice versa as long as you don't touch/beat them...

Ha wonderful I can imagine your level...that explains.

Dude.. Parents have a responsibility of disciplining their child when they are still minors since they are also responsible for their behaviour. I support the role of the parents in disciplining the child. However I don't think there is any justification in hitting a child just because the parents feel insulted.

If you would like to make personal remarks about my level, go ahead, I don't give a damn. You can blow your self up if you want.
Xeric, Lutwaffe,

I respect your points of view and see where all the antagonism comes from. I too come from the subcontinent and know first hand the kind of frenzy religion leads too.

I do not condone the acts of these people. However at some level I do support them. Buckling under such threats will just lead to more threats.
Wrong example.

Here is an article about it
Burger King apology to Hindus for advert - Telegraph

I don't think any one received any threats of physical violence for this act. Nothing was banned. The company decided to withdraw the ad.

Check out Indian population, if Macdonald was banned by India they would have a huge loss, so obviously they have to withdraw, and if Facebook does the same thing like withdraw from those pages then ban will obviously be lifted from facebook (and we will also live happily ever after :rofl:)
The burgers was still sold and every one lived happily ever after.
are you telling us some fairy tale ending:rofl:, obviously burgers will be sold cuz Indians were protesting on the advert not the burgers:lol:,
Peoples enough is enough............ lets start anti-christianism blog in the name of Freedom of speech. Find the weaknesses of christians :lol:

Lets fight each other and disgrace the religion of each other in the name of Freedom of speech. Lets be all sick for a change and swear each other in the name of Freedom.

Must be a fun........ what say?

Allow me to create that blog and i am willing to face the consequences :lol:

Lets just grow up now - Lets defame/disgrace each other's religion in the name of Freedom (with all respect to my dear Christian friends here)
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Last time Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom took down youtube worldwide. LOL.

Lets see what they do now.

i remember that, i laughed so hard when that happened..

''ooops'' :P
See, the outcry happens only when you are the one offended. When the Taliban broke down those Buddhas in Bamiyan and the plan to do so was on for a while - did the Islamic countries ever dissuade them? And the Buddhists - unlike Christians, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs have never had any truck with Islam or with any other religion for that matter. Did it affect Buddhism adversely? No. Instead of banning FB - just register rationally why you think it is wrong. Banning it is going to offend Western sensibilities of free flow of info.
there was lot of condemnation from Muslim countries; many politicians and private/public people spoke against it

media just never reports it

i personally, was livid
I try to stay away from religious issues or rhetoric but I'd like to remind people that symbolism has been important to Shii'te culture since its initial days. Even with increasingly harsh restrictions on this liberal nature in Iran, portraits of the Prophet and other religious figures are common throughout Iran and many Imambarghas. If people are offended due to the sketches, portraits and drawings and the LHC has found it necessary to ban Facebook altogether, I urge the LHC to ban travel to Iran, the Federal Govt to cut off diplomatic ties, kick out the Iranian ambassador, recall our own and add Iran to the first line on the Passport where it states that "this passport is valid for travels to all countries except Israel". Why be tolerant of Iran then? Why be tolerant of anybody?

Ban everything. Fascism awaits us. People cannot act rationally and try to ignore things they get offended at. I have probably signed my death warrant and a fatwa for apostasy by saying this.

The thing I was most offended by was that every TDH on my friends list started complaining even last week that Jews were behind this all issue. Somehow everybody has supernatural powers to tell that Jews are behind everything. Facebook's hypocrisy of deleting anti holocaust groups quickly aside, I find it always offensive that half of my friends are members of three kinds of groups at the same time:- A love Islam/Muhammad group, an anti-India/hate group and and anti-Israel/antisemitic group.

Anybody who has joined any hate group, any offensive group should have no right to complain about any other hate group. Before complaining about these issues, unjoin your Israel/Jew/India/USA hate groups.
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See, the outcry happens only when you are the one offended. When the Taliban broke down those Buddhas in Bamiyan and the plan to do so was on for a while - did the Islamic countries ever dissuade them? And the Buddhists - unlike Christians, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs have never had any truck with Islam or with any other religion for that matter. Did it affect Buddhism adversely? No. Instead of banning FB - just register rationally why you think it is wrong. Banning it is going to offend Western sensibilities of free flow of info.

Actually I did not like what happened but then I read what Mullah Omar said about the incident. He made a lot of sense on why he ordered the destruction of the Statues.

His views were the opposite in 1999:

"The government considers the Bamyan statues as an example of a potential major source of income for Afghanistan from international visitors. The Taliban states that Bamyan shall not be destroyed but protected."

After destroying them, he said this.

"I did not want to destroy the Bamiyan Buddha. In fact, some foreigners came to me and said they would like to conduct the repair work of the Bamiyan Buddha that had been slightly damaged due to rains. This shocked me. I thought, these callous people have no regard for thousands of living human beings -- the Afghans who are dying of hunger, but they are so concerned about non-living objects like the Buddha. This was extremely deplorable. That is why I ordered its destruction. Had they come for humanitarian work, I would have never ordered the Buddha's destruction."
Actually I did not like what happened but then I read what Mullah Omar said about the incident. He made a lot of sense on why he ordered the destruction of the Statues.

His views were the opposite in 1999:

"The government considers the Bamyan statues as an example of a potential major source of income for Afghanistan from international visitors. The Taliban states that Bamyan shall not be destroyed but protected."

After destroying them, he said this.

"I did not want to destroy the Bamiyan Buddha. In fact, some foreigners came to me and said they would like to conduct the repair work of the Bamiyan Buddha that had been slightly damaged due to rains. This shocked me. I thought, these callous people have no regard for thousands of living human beings -- the Afghans who are dying of hunger, but they are so concerned about non-living objects like the Buddha. This was extremely deplorable. That is why I ordered its destruction. Had they come for humanitarian work, I would have never ordered the Buddha's destruction."

it Completely makes sense ...
Actually I did not like what happened but then I read what Mullah Omar said about the incident. He made a lot of sense on why he ordered the destruction of the Statues.

His views were the opposite in 1999:

"The government considers the Bamyan statues as an example of a potential major source of income for Afghanistan from international visitors. The Taliban states that Bamyan shall not be destroyed but protected."

After destroying them, he said this.

"I did not want to destroy the Bamiyan Buddha. In fact, some foreigners came to me and said they would like to conduct the repair work of the Bamiyan Buddha that had been slightly damaged due to rains. This shocked me. I thought, these callous people have no regard for thousands of living human beings -- the Afghans who are dying of hunger, but they are so concerned about non-living objects like the Buddha. This was extremely deplorable. That is why I ordered its destruction. Had they come for humanitarian work, I would have never ordered the Buddha's destruction."

What bullocks and utter BS. The worst example of defending a cowardly, fascist and totalitarian act of utter hatred against any other religion.
All religions teach to some extent common ethics. Christianity , Judaism and Islam are one way the religions that have common GOD ie Allah Almighty. And Moses,Jesus Christ and Mohammad(PBUH) are the messengers of GOD.

I find it an offense to GOD if we say bad things abt Christianity or Judaism. Theres great commonality despite the major differences.
I try to stay away from religious issues or rhetoric but I'd like to remind people that symbolism has been important to Shii'te culture since its initial days. Even with increasingly harsh restrictions on this liberal nature in Iran, portraits of the Prophet and other religious figures are common throughout Iran and many Imambarghas. If people are offended due to the sketches, portraits and drawings and the LHC has found it necessary to ban Facebook altogether, I urge the LHC to ban travel to Iran, the Federal Govt to cut off diplomatic ties, kick out the Iranian ambassador, recall our own and add Iran to the first line on the Passport where it states that "this passport is valid for travels to all countries except Israel". Why be tolerant of Iran then? Why be tolerant of anybody?

Ban everything. Fascism awaits us. People cannot act rationally and try to ignore things they get offended at. I have probably signed my death warrant and a fatwa for apostasy by saying this.

Sparkling masla ye nahi ke they created a picture of Prophet. Yeh choti baat thee......... but they created a picture of Prophet with bomb in his turbon..... second picture you see where Prophet Muhammad S.A.W is showed like a Dog. (Obviously they don't even know how he looks and thats just an imagination).

Yesterday i saw a most wicked picture i could ever imagine and if i find it again i will PM you. (They showed the word Allah written in Arabic and the last word "Hey" turned into Penis and then the water coming out of it (stimulation) and underneath is an imaginative picture of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) showed like a dog and somebody else is behind him i can't remember the whole scene now). Astaghfirullah

That was also on Facebook
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