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Pakistan's Identity Crisis: Can it explain itself without India?

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Holy gau mata, how were those tribes part of your Greeko-Roman civilization,
you should have understood by now, but what can I say, you're slow. by the same process any Civilization influences the tribes and "barbarians" around it, obviously. the modern Western civilization is rooted in Greco–Roman cultural, and how that is I've already explained multiple times. Germany, France, Scandinavia did not have developed cities, enough to sustain the intellectual development that happened in Rome and Greece. what formed the basis of their intellectual thought was obviously fucking Greek and Roman, since that was the only fucking material available. if you still cannot grasp the concept of "intellectual tradition" and "Civilization", please don't reply.
you should have understood by now, but what can I say, you're slow. by the same process any Civilization influences the tribes and "barbarians" around it, obviously. the modern Western civilization is rooted in Greco–Roman cultural, and how that is I've already explained multiple times. Germany, France, Scandinavia did not have developed cities, enough to sustain the intellectual development that happened in Rome and Greece. what formed the basis of their intellectual thought was obviously fucking Greek and Roman, since that was the only fucking material available. if you still cannot grasp the concept of "intellectual tradition" and "Civilization", please don't reply.

Any evidence to support these claims?
Punjabis of india who have SOME sort of genetic/racial connection to Pakistan is less than 2% of india's ENTIRE population. So at least 98% of indians have 0 racial, genetic or cultural links to Pakistan.
You sound Scythian. Scythians did not stop at the border between India and Pakistan. Bharatis are Scythian origin. They have racial connection to you, not to me.
Any evidence to support these claims?

from "The development of western civilization: a study in ethical, economic and political evolution" by Jacob Dorsey Forrest
India is the land Greeks named us after who got it from the Persians and India doesnt mean "Land of Indus" no such meaning exist. And officially its also called Bharat.

We dont have an identity issue, no Indian seems to be confused about their history. We are not the ones explaining countless times like you folks that you are not India. The thread itself is about your identity issue not ours.
As for river Indus, its a transboundary river originating in Tibet and flows through India to Pakistan.
Indian history skips a thousand year Muslim of Muslim rule. No confusion there so stop confusing yourselves.
Mahabharat war occurred between two cousin Scythian tribes [look up Indo-Scythians], the Pandava and the Kuru (not to be confused with the much earlier Kshatriya Deva Sharif Kuru clan).

I believe Pakistan is basically legacy of the Scythian Kuru. Bharat is the Scythian Pandava. The short war divided ancient India, however, my Sharif ancestor Jarasandh, the descendant of original Kshatriya Deva and the ruler of Bihar stayed away from that war.

For his neutrality, Bharatis claim to have killed him and his family but it reads like a comical fabrication. In any case, we know a descendant of the original Kshatriya, Ashoka, later conquered them and all India.
Mahabharat war occurred between two cousin Scythian tribes [look up Indo-Scythians], the Pandava and the Kuru (not to be confused with the much earlier Kshatriya Deva Sharif Kuru clan).

I believe Pakistan is basically legacy of the Scythian Kuru. Bharat is the Scythian Pandava. The short war divided ancient India, however, my Sharif ancestor Jarasandh, the descendant of original Kshatriya Deva and the ruler of Bihar stayed away from that war.

For his neutrality, Bharatis claim to have killed him and his family but it reads like a comical fabrication. In any case, we know a descendant of the original Kshatriya, Ashoka, later conquered them and all India.

Any links to any genuine, credible and authentic evidence that can confirm this?
Any links to any genuine, credible and authentic evidence that can confirm this?
Look up Scythian migration to India and Mahabharat war...You can also look up Jarasandh and Ashoka. The Lions emblem of India comes from Ashoka.
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Look up Mahabharath war. Scythian migration to India...You can also look up Jarasandh and Ashoka. The Lions emblem of India comes from Ashoka.

If you are not lying or making it up, then YOU post the links to some credible evidence as YOU are the one making these claims. If not then you are lying and making up fantasies and fairy tales.
If you are not lying or making it up, then YOU post the links to some credible evidence as YOU are the one making these claims. If not then you are lying and making up fantasies and fairy tales.
I gave you the references. Google it. Google Lions emblem of India.
Funny how YOU can't Google it........:disagree:
By the way, I am Joe Biden. I have Afghan, Taliban ancestry. I' m also POTUS. Love coming on PDF too........ :disagree:
In other words you are ignorant.
The area of Maurya empire covered Pakistan as well.

Wikipedia: The State Emblem of India is the national emblem of India and is used by the union government, many state governments and government agencies. The emblem is an adaptation of the Lion Capital of Ashoka, a statue from 280 BCE. The statue is a dimensional emblem showing four lions. It became the emblem of the Dominion of India in December 1947,[1] and later the emblem of the Republic of India.
I answered this question in the youtube comments and I will answer it again here.

Pakistan can explain itself very easily
-istan means land
Pak means Pure.
Pakistan means Land of the Pure. This is the explanation.
India on the other hand, comes from the word Indus. India means land of the Indus river.
Can India explain why it named itself after a Pakistani river?
Can India explain itself without Pakistan?
absolutely not.

India did not name itself, it was enforced by the British Raj and they kept the name to please their british masters.
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