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Pakistan's gonna explode


Oct 4, 2010
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United Kingdom
1) water scarcity issues(a very big issue which is arising and Karachi esp will dye of thirst if we don't address this problem)

2) polio/health problem

3) sectarian, ethnic, taliban etc terrorism issues/ security issues

4) economic failures - the gap between rich and poor(middle class is shrinking)

5) energy crises(gas and electricity)

6) inflation

7) food problem

8) uncontrolled population growth

we are in the middle of the volcanic eruption here

why are pakistanis sleeping?

when will we start addressing these core issues?

to address these problems, we need an immediate new census of our population so that we can device the future policies based on it
1) water scarcity issues(a very big issue which is arising and Karachi esp will dye of thirst if we don't address this problem)

2) polio/health problem

3) sectarian, ethnic, taliban etc terrorism issues/ security issues

4) economic failures - the gap between rich and poor(middle class is shrinking)

5) energy crises(gas and electricity)

6) inflation

7) food problem

8) uncontrolled population growth

we are in the middle of the volcanic eruption here

why are pakistanis sleeping?

when will we start addressing these core issues?

to address these problems, we need an immediate new census of our population so that we can device the future policies based on it

I would have to agree with your thread OP these are some major problems and the up coming years would be really ugly but what can common Pakistanis do when these robbers are printing money like crazy and taking away in their private jets outside Pakistan....this nalaiq zardari and lot and nawa sharif has destroyed Pakistan in mere 6 years. Common Pakistani can't do nothing if they come on the roads govt will do a few blasts blame ttp and people would be hell scared never to go out of roads again these are cheap tactics so Pakistani awam are squashed helpless...may Allah help us.
Well if we can first solve the third issue. Then we can take it from there. But somehow its looks a lost cause as this govt still wants to talk with the terrorists.
we need APCs on kalabagh dam, water crises, economic crises just like the TTP issue too, we need to address all these problems simultaneously because the time for waiting has gone my friend, we need not to wait more

as i speak water crises has become one major problem from karachi along with many other issues

why is the govt sleeping and why is it not addressing this issue, PPP put pak on a deep slumber for five years, we can't afford to be in slumber for five more years now

unchecked and unplanned population growth and unplanned policies is costing our country a lot
1) water scarcity issues(a very big issue which is arising and Karachi esp will dye of thirst if we don't address this problem)

2) polio/health problem

3) sectarian, ethnic, taliban etc terrorism issues/ security issues

4) economic failures - the gap between rich and poor(middle class is shrinking)

5) energy crises(gas and electricity)

6) inflation

7) food problem

8) uncontrolled population growth

we are in the middle of the volcanic eruption here

why are pakistanis sleeping?

when will we start addressing these core issues?

to address these problems, we need an immediate new census of our population so that we can device the future policies based on it
when pakistan will explode we should make sure it explode facing east.....:devil:
control your population nothing will explode like population bomb
Pakistan is not progressing because the priorities are not those as listed above - But Kashmir.
That is the core and crucial issue for Pakistan, and in the process, they are letting the awam suffer. What a mis-match!
Dont worry brother and keep Hosla. every country had this phase in their history. These issues are common in every third world countries. And If your explosion theory is true then there are many other countries who will explode first. I agree with your view about new Census .
Why Pakistanis cant find out an alternative leader who consider all the issues that OP pointed?.I think Nawaz Sharif is a good PM but Pakistani members here told otherwise.
In our country except some issues we get 24*7 electricity and water supply even if we manage 1.2 billion people.All parties in India is favourable for that .Some issues is only in road .But that also changing for good.
I think all parties in Pakistan will ensure basic needs such electricity ,water etc for Pakistan
water filtration plants could be an answer. In Australia they convert sea water to fresh water (drinkable)
We should start investing in that
On the contrary, I think things are looking like they're going to get better for Pak over the next 5 years or so.

NS seems to have made peace with TTP (behind the scenes) and will probably divert them to their original purpose of proxy warfare and foreign jihad. TTP leadership have always maintained that they never wanted to go against the Pak state but their hand was forced by the Mushy regime. NS may have reinstated the old status quo.

The question is; how sustainable was that status quo anyway?

I say 5 years because in this time, either the TTP will find reasons to turn on GOP again or they will be used by GOP to take down political opponents so blatantly, that the winner of the next election will look to change things (assuming it is not NS again).

5 years of relatively peaceful co-existence will be a huge help in addressing the above issues. But to be honest, the long term prognosis does not look good.
water filtration plants could be an answer. In Australia they convert sea water to fresh water (drinkable)
We should start investing in that
Mate, the initial investment and followup operation cost is high for desalination plants. Especially considering that a large portion of the public doesn't pay taxes. And even after that the plants can't supply enough water.
Mate, the initial investment and followup operation cost is high for desalination plants. Especially considering that a large portion of the public doesn't pay taxes. And even after that the plants can't supply enough water.

you are right, however this could satisfy the deficit that we are facing currently. It doesn't have to provide all the water, but a small percentage of the total water consumption
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