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‘Pakistan’s glaciers will melt by 2035’


Mar 31, 2007
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@niaz Any views?

‘Pakistan’s glaciers will melt by 2035’ - DAWN.COM

ISLAMABAD: Glaciers in Pakistan are continuously melting because of rising temperature, and by the year 2035, the country will no longer have water reserves in the shape of glaciers.

This was stated by Federal Minister for Science and Technology Zahid Hamid while addressing the inaugural ceremony of the International Conference on Plants, People and Climate 2013 on Tuesday.

The three-day conference has been organised by the Pakistan Council for Science and Technology in collaboration with five other departments of the National University of Science and Technology (Nust).

The minister said in the past 100 years, the average temperature of the world had increased by one degree centigrade.

“Pakistan is contributing roughly 0.34 per cent of green house gases which are responsible for global warming. However, it is the eight most vulnerable country facing climate changes,” the minister said.

He added that siltation of dams was continuously increasing while forest cover was decreasing. “In 2010, floods forced 20 million people to abandon their houses,” he said.

“If global warming continues in the next few years, we will face more natural disasters,” the minister said.

Similarly, Secretary Climate Change Division Raja Hasan Abbas said during the past few years, almost 1,700 people had died in the country because of the floods. In addition, the country faced a loss of $15 billion, he added.

“23 per cent people in Pakistan are at a risk of floods. The glaciers will melt in the next two to three decades and after that, we will face an acute water shortage due to which the risk of food scarcity will increase,” he said.

“A climate change policy had been approved in 2012 and we are trying our best to implement it,” he added.

The secretary of the Ministry for Science and Technology, Kamran Ali Qureshi, said water was important for life and there was a dire need for research to face the effects of climate changes. He added that not only was water being contaminated but plants were also being affected.

“We have to save our water resources because there will be no life without them,” he said.

Pro-Rector Nust Dr Asif Raza said scholars and researchers from all over the world, including United States, China, Switzerland, Nepal and Malaysia, would be participating in the conference.

“Nust has provided a platform for such conferences. The floods of 2010 adversely affected the country and I am hoping that researchers will recommend the solution to global warming,” he said.

Mohammad Ammar, a student of civil engineering at Nust Institute of Civil Engineering (NICE), while talking to Dawn, said environment issues had become very important especially in Pakistan.

“Murree has been greatly affected by construction work. If I got a chance, I would change Murree back to the same city it was around two decades ago,” he said.

“It is embarrassing that every year a fires is observed on the Margalla Hills to cover illegal wood cutting. The government should take steps to resolve such issues,” he added.
This is good news for Pakistan actually. When there is no Siachen glacier at all, what will India defend there? :partay::cheers:

But spare a thought for the Maldives. With an average height above sea-level of only 2 metres, they're projected to become the first environmental refugees by around 2040.
This is good news for Pakistan actually. When there is no Siachen glacier at all, what will India defend there?

I hope you read the article quite well but from what I see in your comment, you did not.

Let me tell you WHY it is not "good news for Pakistan".

Floods, recent ones, have caused 20 million people in Pakistan to leave their homes. Some of them might even be homeless and when I say "some" and the figure is 20 million. You should get the idea of how many people will get homeless.

Second, 1700 innocent people have died from the flood meaning that not only 1700 innocent people died. 1700 innocent families got ripped apart.

Third, $15 Billion Dollars were wasted instantly by the floods. Not a small number, if you know what I mean.

Fourth, with the melting of All of the Pakistani glaciers, the damage will be 100 times worse. Meaning more deaths, people getting homeless and destruction.

Compared to the Siachen conflict, I would gladly vote for the conflict rather than floods going through my country every few years.

As a side note, I am currently taking AP Environmental Science, so I know what I am talking about.

Also, if you were trying to take out humor out of the above article, I hope that my above four points clear your mind.
I hope you read the article quite well but from what I see in your comment, you did not.

Let me tell you WHY it is not a "good for Pakistan".

Floods, recent ones, have caused 20 million people in Pakistan to leave their homes. Some of them might even be homeless and when I say "some" and the figure is 20 million. You should get the idea of how many people will get homeless.

Second, 1700 innocent people have died from the flood meaning that not only 1700 innocent people died. 1700 innocent families got ripped apart.

Third, $15 Billion Dollars were wasted instantly by the floods. Not a small number, if you know what I mean.

Fourth, with the melting of All of the Pakistani glaciers, the damage will be 100 times worse. Meaning more deaths, people getting homeless and destruction.

Compared to the Siachen conflict, I would gladly vote for the conflict rather than floods going through my country every few years.

As a side note, I am currently taking AP Environmental Science, so I know what I am talking about.

Also, if you were trying to take out humor out of the above article, I hope that my above four points clear your mind.
Man! I was just joking dude! Of course I read the article and ofcourse Global warming is a serious issue for all Nations. The worst part about text is that it's tone isn't revealed. I thought a few smileys might drive home the point, but they haven't. :no:
Man! I was just joking dude! Of course I read the article and ofcourse Global warming is a serious issue for all Nations. The worst part about text is that it's tone isn't revealed. I thought a few smileys might drive home the point, but they haven't.

Ummm, you can't take ANY issue seriously if you put "smileys" everywhere or even in one place.

The tone of the article was very clear to me and other people that read it.

No offense but you should be in a serious state of mind and then read it for it to sink into you.
Man! I was just joking dude! Of course I read the article and ofcourse Global warming is a serious issue for all Nations. The worst part about text is that it's tone isn't revealed. I thought a few smileys might drive home the point, but they haven't. :no:

Hoi Indisch.... go to Indisch forums to meet like minded people.. let this thread be for serious discussion.
Ummm, you can't take ANY issue seriously if you put "smileys" everywhere or even in one place.

The tone of the article was very clear to me and other people that read it.

No offense but you should be in a serious state of mind and then read it for it to sink into you.

I said the tone of my post, not the article, was meant in jest. Global warming and environmental degradation is one of those things that will occur no matter you laugh about it or cry about it. No amount of carbon reduction by countries is going to change it (it's a cyclical weather pattern that's only being exacerbated by our Pollution). Since it was a rather depressing article, I decided to lighten the mood. Sorry if I hurt you in the process.
Sorry if I hurt you in the process.
Don't worry friend, I am not hurt by tiny things. I am a strong willed man although I do wish that I get a bit more time in this world so that I can spend more time in this forum and other things I try to research about.

No amount of carbon reduction by countries is going to change it (it's a cyclical weather pattern that's only being exacerbated by our Pollution).

Global warming can be prevented through many simple means(which I am not going to state since they are obvious). But if you want to see serious futuristic stuff that can mostly eliminate CO2 and other harmful pollutants then I would recommend that certain technologies are already in place to prevent Global Warming (mostly) but all of this could have been prevented if we had been more careful. Again, it can be prevented, even at its worst.

Global warming and environmental degradation is one of those things that will occur no matter you laugh about it or cry about it

The reason you don't laugh about these kinds of issues is because "laughter (excessive or unneeded) takes out the seriousness of the issue" and let's a man keep joking and not taking any serious stance on any issue. And I don't see anyone crying about it on this issue or forum. We are just being nice intellectual human beings with the right sense of humor.

The above "parentheses part" is proven through the study of human behavior and mind.
I hope you read the article quite well but from what I see in your comment, you did not.

Let me tell you WHY it is not "good news for Pakistan".

Floods, recent ones, have caused 20 million people in Pakistan to leave their homes. Some of them might even be homeless and when I say "some" and the figure is 20 million. You should get the idea of how many people will get homeless.

Second, 1700 innocent people have died from the flood meaning that not only 1700 innocent people died. 1700 innocent families got ripped apart.

Third, $15 Billion Dollars were wasted instantly by the floods. Not a small number, if you know what I mean.

Fourth, with the melting of All of the Pakistani glaciers, the damage will be 100 times worse. Meaning more deaths, people getting homeless and destruction.

Compared to the Siachen conflict, I would gladly vote for the conflict rather than floods going through my country every few years.

As a side note, I am currently taking AP Environmental Science, so I know what I am talking about.

Also, if you were trying to take out humor out of the above article, I hope that my above four points clear your mind.

All glacier are not going to to melt on a single day
Current time line shows a time frame of over 2 decades. Gradual melting process at this rate will not cause any floods in Pakistan
Timber is very profitable business but curse those who do it illegally and I think greener technologies in north areas might passively help but it's alarming indeed.
Some Himalayan glaciers are advancing rather than melting, study finds

Researchers have discovered that contrary to popular belief half of the ice flows in the Karakoram range of the mountains are actually growing rather than shrinking.

It challenges claims made in a 2007 report by the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that the glaciers would be gone by 2035.

Although the head of the panel Dr Rajendra Pachauri later admitted the claim was an error gleaned from unchecked research, he maintained that global warming was melting the glaciers at "a rapid rate", threatening floods throughout north India.

Some Himalayan glaciers are advancing rather than melting, study finds - Telegraph

Karakoram glaciers unaffected by global warming

LONDON - Glaciers nestling under the shadow of Diran and Rakaposhi, two towering peaks in the Karakoram Range of northern Pakistan, remain impervious to global warming and have even grown slightly in recent years, suggests a new study.
Bucking regional and global trends that indicate ice loss, French glaciologists have confirmed that glaciers in Himalayan Karakoram have remained impervious to global warming and climate change.

Karakoram glaciers unaffected by global warming

what i believe is on the name of global warming some people in pakistan are also trying to grab some $$
“23 per cent people in Pakistan are at a risk of floods. The glaciers will melt in the next two to three decades and after that, we will face an acute water shortage due to which the risk of food scarcity will increase,” he said.
I don't think that's correct. To understand the impact of climate change on river discharge, researchers created computer models of glacier movements and water balance in both the Indus and the Ganges watersheds.

The models indicated that in the eastern watershed – in Langtang in Nepal where the Ganges has its source – the relatively smaller glaciers melt quite quickly but an increase in monsoon rains leads to a growth in water discharge.

In the western watershed – in Baltoro in Pakistan where the Indus has its source – the climate is dryer and colder and has much larger glaciers. The models show discharges in the area are increasing, mainly as a result of more glacial melting. Such melting, says the study, will peak around 2070 and thereafter drop but will be compensated for by an increase in precipitation.

While the results of the research predict a somber future for the Himalayan glaciers, they offer some good news for water and food security in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan.
I hope you read the article quite well but from what I see in your comment, you did not.

Let me tell you WHY it is not "good news for Pakistan".

Floods, recent ones, have caused 20 million people in Pakistan to leave their homes. Some of them might even be homeless and when I say "some" and the figure is 20 million. You should get the idea of how many people will get homeless.

Second, 1700 innocent people have died from the flood meaning that not only 1700 innocent people died. 1700 innocent families got ripped apart.

Third, $15 Billion Dollars were wasted instantly by the floods. Not a small number, if you know what I mean.

Fourth, with the melting of All of the Pakistani glaciers, the damage will be 100 times worse. Meaning more deaths, people getting homeless and destruction.

Compared to the Siachen conflict, I would gladly vote for the conflict rather than floods going through my country every few years.

As a side note, I am currently taking AP Environmental Science, so I know what I am talking about.

Also, if you were trying to take out humor out of the above article, I hope that my above four points clear your mind.

I have a question what has the pakistan Government learned from all these floods recent or past ones and what kind of precautions have been taken or are being taken to make sure this doesn't happen again.

As far as glaciers are melting this happens every few hundred years and Mother Nature fixes it self. But i am glad to see federal minister has warned us now we cant blame him for doing nothing about it.

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