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Pakistan's Future ICBM 'Taimur'

Look,first of all,I do not belong to any NGO nor I am a US national...I'm a patriot just like you,except that I do not let my emotions overwhelm my mind....you can read all my posts to see that...I'm not trying to misguide anyone...if you or anybody doesnt want to believe me,you are free to do so...

I know that US is trying to destabilize Pakistan,but Pakistan is not Afghanistan or Iraq....if US has some evil intentions,we can react wisely.

1. If US attacks Pakistan,it has to do it from the Arabian sea (battle groups) and Afghanistan (military bases)...we have the capability to take out each one of them with our present missiles and Navy...We can even strike US base as far as Iraq and Qatar with nuclear missiles...

2. 12000km is the range of submarines,not missiles....the Nuclear Harpoon capability was developed 2 years ago,not in 2001...Babur SLCM is under going massive testing...it will enter production in 1-2 yrs...

3. I have authentic information from a very credible source that development regarding an ICBM (5500km) is only on the paper work.....it will take if not 25,at least 15 yrs to make an ICBM of 11000km range...during that time US will already have attacked Pakistan...

4. Nuclear installations of Pakistan are the most secured structures in Pakistan,plus US has also admitted that it doesn't know the whereabouts of all of them...US will never destroy these installations,however it may try to snatch the strategic assets...for that exercises have been conducted...
If US does this kind of act,there will be no other option to retaliate on each and every US asset in the region...

5. Exposing the US moves (blackwater,assassinations,bomb blasts) is the job of the ISI (which is doing its part) and the politicians (which are regrettably pro-american)...

6. No,Pakistan does not yet have the Megaton range nukes...for that thermonuclear weapons are need...Pakistan is atleast 5 years away from developing a thermonuclear weapon...

7. I said that Ballistic missile warheads cannot reach US,because the have very strong ABM systems and air defenses....

No doubt this time you have raised some serious points.....I hope I have answered them...
U have not said a word about Professor Howard Bloom? Why? Do u think Howard Bloom was a fool and an ignorant beast when he published this article 10 yrs ago?
Howard Bloom Warning of Nuclear Threat from Pakistan

What u say Credible Report is mostly Incorrect

What u say abt the Video about the Murder of Liaqat Ali Khan? Because u claimed in ur previous post, no one is enemy of Pak except India?

What about the News in which General Petraes has said that he will fight third war in Pakistan and from past 5 days n one from pentagon has denied this report?

Now a country who wants to fight his 3rd war in Pakistan is ur friend or ur enemy? Because u claimed, No one is enemy of Pak except India?
Were u a responsible and a sensible person when u claimed so in ur previous post? Was ur claim not shallow and baseless?
U said:
"Pakistan is at least 5 years away from developing a thermonuclear weapon"
May be u forgot to place 2 on the left side of 5 years. Because u said in ur precious post that we are so stupid fool and backward people that we need some more 25 year to upgrade a device. That created doubt in my mind when I asked u; whom are u working for?

Do u not know that in 1998 tests, thermo-nuclear device was also tested. It is 13 yrs from that test now: U are denying the reports of many world level institutions.

U said:
"If US attacks Pakistan,it has to do it from the Arabian sea (battle groups) and Afghanistan (military bases)...we have the capability to take out each one of them with our present missiles and Navy...We can even strike US base as far as Iraq and Qatar with nuclear missiles..."

But house of attacker 11000 KM apart will remain safe, but ur+mine HOUSE will be turned into in pile of debris, so ur this para does not make any sense. What I said is that No matter if it is ICBM or NOT, or SUBSs, we MUST find a way to attack the HOUSE of attacker who will attack our House first. By just hitting in Iraq and Qatar what u will achieve?

The point that I am trying to make here in this forum is:


If u living in US knew ahead that I have only ability to hit ur car that is parked [in Qatar or Iraq or Afghanistan] far away from ur actual house, then It will not prevent u to attack me. I am talking about real deterrent.

I am never in favor of a war unless some one impose on us, as wars brings nothing but misery
I AM NOT AN AMERICAN....:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

You have read my post in a hurry.....please calm down,be polite and read again what I have said...

I already wrote that US is trying to destabilise Pakistan and is involved in assassinations,bombings etc......but it is the job of the officials to uncover them...

I'm sorry I exaggerated when I wrote 25 years...

What proof do you have that Pakistan tested a thermonuclear device in 1998?...the 6th test was of a plutonium device which was of lesser weight and was designed to be delivered by missiles.....all the rest where Uranium fission devices...it is proved by their yields...largest was 35kt...

We should focus on developing a strong economy,get independent of US aid and then kick them out of Pakistan...

Of course we should retaliate massively beyond the region too,but we just do not have the weapons (ICBMs) for now...and honestly,I don't think US will attack directly on Pakistan unless it makes Pakistan internally weak...

Look,brother...we should have high hopes for our country...but not that high...
My assessment is based on our history and our capabilities...

Lastly,I will not be able to continue this discussion except on the ICBM because:
1. In PDF,we stick to the topic...trolling is avoided...you can post your thoughts in the Geo-political issues section...
2. I do not have enough knowledge,neither I am capable of discussing Geo-political issues...
3. As long as your discussion is related to Pakistan's WMDs and Missiles,I will willingly reply...

Everybody is free to share his own views and information in PDF...so please stop acting aggressively...

PS: I am not running or anything...
This is so non-sense whenever I see people using emotions to stir up anything between USA and Pakistan. Pakistan Armed Forces are "part" and "parcel" of US Armed Forces. They are one and same. And Taliban are essentially the product of such a marriage between two nations. Whatever war you see now-a-days, it is an endless war against extremists. These extremist elements (whoever is now-a-days sponsoring them) are the very reason that all these forces everywhere in the world are fighting against them. Unfortunately, the bitter truth could be that all of these nations are involved in some sort of dirty tactics of espionage against each other. This war game must end right away. Every country's interests are inter-woven with each other's. Nobody can afford war, hence this non-sense needs to stop. Let peace and love win. Instead of involving in bigger wars, we can easily continue this intra-agencies cooperation to find these "extremist" elements. Looks like someone up in the ladder lost his/her sanity.
This is so non-sense whenever I see people using emotions to stir up anything between USA and Pakistan. Pakistan Armed Forces are "part" and "parcel" of US Armed Forces. They are one and same. And Taliban are essentially the product of such a marriage between two nations. Whatever war you see now-a-days, it is an endless war against extremists. These extremist elements (whoever is now-a-days sponsoring them) are the very reason that all these forces everywhere in the world are fighting against them. Unfortunately, the bitter truth could be that all of these nations are involved in some sort of dirty tactics of espionage against each other. This war game must end right away. Every country's interests are inter-woven with each other's. Nobody can afford war, hence this non-sense needs to stop. Let peace and love win. Instead of involving in bigger wars, we can easily continue this intra-agencies cooperation to find these "extremist" elements. Looks like someone up in the ladder lost his/her sanity.

Your speech is noble but hollow, it has no touch with the ground reality. Everybody like you talks of peace but no one shows a logical and just way to achieve it. Not until you can convince the war mongers in Washington or Tel Aviv not to wage wars in order to continue their hegemony will there be peace. People like netanyahu of israel talk about peace and at the same time expand the illegal settlements in Palestine. After that when people like you talk of peace it sounds like you're trying to make fun of the miseries of the oppressed people.
Your speech is noble but hollow, it has no touch with the ground reality. Everybody like you talks of peace but no one shows a logical and just way to achieve it. Not until you can convince the war mongers in Washington or Tel Aviv not to wage wars in order to continue their hegemony will there be peace. People like netanyahu of israel talk about peace and at the same time expand the illegal settlements in Palestine. After that when people like you talk of peace it sounds like you're trying to make fun of the miseries of the oppressed people.

Since you started addressing me directly via "you" comment, hence I'd at least expect you to say "hi", if not a "Salam". The path to peace is simple and straight forward. Simply give up the arms and migrate to a land where you can gather enough strength to counter missiles with missiles, instead of the Palestinian stones countering the Israeli tanks. I'd never let my family live in such a hostile environment. We can rather request the neighboring Muslim countries to take all those Palestinian refugees and let Israel have its own "moment". I'm not trying to make fun of the miseries of oppressed people you fool. I'm trying to come up with some sort of a saner and more common-sense option to live.

Does it ring any sort of "realistic" bells in your head? :)


aatayyab... actually this is what will solve the problem... only when Israel is matched by Muslims with might that this problem will be solved once and for all inshaAllah
Since you started addressing me directly via "you" comment, hence I'd at least expect you to say "hi", if not a "Salam". The path to peace is simple and straight forward. Simply give up the arms and migrate to a land where you can gather enough strength to counter missiles with missiles, instead of the Palestinian stones countering the Israeli tanks. I'd never let my family live in such a hostile environment. We can rather request the neighboring Muslim countries to take all those Palestinian refugees and let Israel have its own "moment". I'm not trying to make fun of the miseries of oppressed people you fool. I'm trying to come up with some sort of a saner and more common-sense option to live.

Does it ring any sort of "realistic" bells in your head? :)



No one is suggesting to the Palestinians that they battle the Israeli tanks with stones. However, suggesting that they migrate to other Muslim states and spend their lives as refugees doesn’t sound like ‘realistic bell’ but sounds more like an israeli tune to me. BTW would you please mention which Muslim state has that utopian atmosphere where the Palestinians can concentrate on building missiles for countering the Israeli missiles? Are you from Mars? What’s on your mind, wiseguy?
we want this soon

if we had this ICBM operational

USA would not even dare to attack us like they are scaring from North korea.north korea missile can reach north america

we need this ICBM to be operational soon
we want this soon

if we had this ICBM operational

USA would not even dare to attack us like they are scaring from North korea.north korea missile can reach north america

we need this ICBM to be operational soon

I believe Pakistan has a window of opportunity to test its ICBM. If it cannot produce one within a year Pakistan should get some from China. I don't think america is going to wait long before they try to neutralise Pakistan's nukes.
Question is... Is anyone sincere to our land and people who can do something about this reading our discussion here?? Will they be doing anything about it??

We should ve grown some sense long time ago and worked on our ICBM tech along with the nukes...

At least for me personally we wont have The America can bomb us to Stone Age nonsense flown in my face, any time I talk about the Caliphate..

What a relief that would be...
Question is... Is anyone sincere to our land and people who can do something about this reading our discussion here?? Will they be doing anything about it??

We should ve grown some sense long time ago and worked on our ICBM tech along with the nukes...

At least for me personally we wont have The America can bomb us to Stone Age nonsense flown in my face, any time I talk about the Caliphate..

What a relief that would be...

Forum like this is part of the wider electronic mass media and those who have doubts about the impact of it should look at what happened in Tunisia and Egypt. You have to have faith in Allah and do what you can and He will do the rest; He will make them listen to what you say. Why do you think the americans and indians are so active on this forum? It's because they know the impact of it but don't expect them to admit that to you. To you they will say that you're waisting your time and energy but you won't see them staying away from it.

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