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Pakistan's Elite Class - Defenders of the Establishment

I am no expert in Pakistani politics. Why should liberal elite class defend likes of Imran Khan when Imran Khan never stood for them against the military ? It seems like you are asking for too much.
This rascal is buisy begging pardon from establishment these days, while PTI pajeets are about to bring French style revolution in Pakistan :lol:
This rascal is buisy begging pardon from establishment these days, while PTI pajeets are about to bring French style revolution in Pakistan :lol:

Ik himself is part of the elite. This is a joke.

Look everyone.


You can tell they didn't understand the video. Too busy being chutiye Faujeets and patwaris.
Sometimes the similarities are uncanny between PTI and the Tea Party. Unfortunately I would have to repeat myself here when stating that PTI was engineered and installed to replenish the status quo in Pakistan.

One of the hardest realities for an average Pakistani is to come to terms with how status quo gained from strength to strength during the fog created by PTI.

The way the workers of the party have been thrown under the bus at the expense of elite members of the organisation is a bigger tragedy than even 9th May or 12th May for Judiciary or 12 October for democracy.
You guys are upset because your rozi roti is threatened since the Great Kanjar can’t do jalsas :lol:
We earn halal, our rozi roti is not linked to it. But you haramis prefer corrupt leaders because you earn yours through such means. We aren't the ones supporting the likes of Sharifs and Zardaris, the certified choors.
Surely you jest!

If was the elite-class DHA snowflakes and rich snobs who were seething the most with rage back in 2013.

The lowly working-class Lahoris like me didn't give a damn.

Sometimes the similarities are uncanny between PTI and the Tea Party. Unfortunately I would have to repeat myself here when stating that PTI was engineered and installed to replenish the status quo in Pakistan.

One of the hardest realities for an average Pakistani is to come to terms with how status quo gained from strength to strength during the fog created by PTI.

The way the workers of the party have been thrown under the bus at the expense of elite members of the organisation is a bigger tragedy than even 9th May or 12th May for Judiciary or 12 October for democracy.

Describing the Establishment at its lowest point of popularity in our history as a "position of strength" would require intentional delusion. A million-strong colonial army armed to the teeth, backed by another million equipped civilian goons, openly acting like thugs to maintain control is a different thing.

And it is an exceptional display of hypocrisy for a supporter of PDM like yourself to argue that the PTI has strengthened the Establishment. The undeniable truth is that the PDM, consisting of opportunists with criminal backgrounds from different regions of Pakistan, has united with the purpose of evading justice for their own crimes and corruption. It is the PDM that is actively assisting the Establishment in undermining the already fragile state of democracy in our country.
Youthia ho aur Gand mouh na ho

Man, I'm getting tired of destroying Youth Pity Party with facts and logic, heh!

Every day they make up so called "facts" out of their arseholes, posting a bunch of pro-PTI propaganda and fake Tweets as "proof."

Then they just run away and hide when I counter their arguments with "real proof" and knowledge, as opposed to fan fiction.

Let them live in their social media bubbles and echo-chambers. Only if they stop whining like a bunch of sissies on public forums. They can make private WhatsApp groups or something and give each other BJs all day for all I care!

Oh look faujeet is back

Unfortunately... for you.
Describing the Establishment at its lowest point of popularity in our history as a "position of strength" would require intentional delusion. A million-strong colonial army armed to the teeth, backed by another million equipped civilian goons, openly acting like thugs to maintain control is a different thing.

And it is an exceptional display of hypocrisy for a supporter of PDM like yourself to argue that the PTI has strengthened the Establishment. The undeniable truth is that the PDM, consisting of opportunists with criminal backgrounds from different regions of Pakistan, has united with the purpose of evading justice for their own crimes and corruption. It is the PDM that is actively assisting the Establishment in undermining the already fragile state of democracy in our country.

You may understand that the so called establishment goes through motions or mood swings, I have understood the matter as a constant. Now provided my position is delusional, but it dwarfs when compared to your grandiose plans of a revolution for which both inside and outside the box approach have been tried to exhaustion.

I stated that it's a harsh reality and a sour pill to swallow but the fact remains that people and businesses related to what one considers establishment thrived and gained strength in monopoly during PTI tenure. My postulation is that it happened by design.
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