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Pakistan's ecomoy going up ??

Some people just hate to accept the truth.
I know..i have come across many like them.
Nope we hate to educate illiterate trolls again and again and again and again and again.....

But i typed in earlier post...we are dying and will be divided in 2012 (The orignal plan was 2008 by NYT but was later delayed to 2012) ....So be happy....and believe what you want to believe.

Let us analyze this question with some thought.
The main problem with pakistan is the arbitrary manner in which things are done. We have no sense of identity , no sense of direction, no national aspirations, no governance , no set system in place. From the looks of it, we are doomed. However, a couple of things which give us hope are as follows.
Firstly, the Army inspite of adequate reason has steadfastly refused to step in and let this "angra loola" system run its course. I know things are not ideal but we need to decide what system we are going to adapt in running the country. If it is to be democracy, in the shape of Parliamentary or the presidential system, let it be that system, but for heavens sake let it run its course.
The second ray of hope is the free press, which inspite of its political affiliations, bunch of blackmailers , and nasty characters, in generally has been reasonably on the ball, in highlightingthe problems that the country faces. It is still going strong and projects things from the peoples point of view in most cases. It does need tightening and a bit of control, but that will come with time.
The third ray of light is the supreme court. Inspite of its suo mottos and looking out for its own interests, the stigma of dishonesty has not touched this august body and therefore , by pakistani standards, this is an achievement and a half. Ch. Iftikhar, may have his faults but dishonesty is not one of them. He has highlighted quite a few issues which affect the daily running of lives of the common man, and I can sincerely say that people have more respect for this judiciary than anyother set of judges before.
So where do we need to go from now?.We now need to set a direction along which we are going to run. Whether we do it on a secular basis, or adhere to our Islamic roots, is for the people of pakistan to decide, but it must be decided once and for all.This will prevent yo-yoing of directions which is the worst thing that can happen to a country like Pakistan. Secondly, we need peace on our borders. We need to resolve the differences with our neighbours and try and settle all disputes once and for all. If it means giving up some of our stated aims, so be it. But we cannot hope for progress while being in a constant state of war.
Thirdly, we need major reforms in the taxation system, including taxation on the elite land owners based on their incomes. This may mean instituting a system where they have to have their incomes audited, and enter their returns. Non compliance should result in confiscation of their properties and lands to pay the taxes. We need this to generate taxes laocally for our needs rather than going out with a begging bowl.
Fourthly we must educate the masses. This means a lot of resources and perhaps novel ways of education, but there is no denying the fact that education is the only way out of our troubles.
lastly we need to initiate more industries nad ask foreign vendors to establish industries in pakistan and produce wares here for sale , and stop importing items. There should be strict rules about progressive expansion in capabilities so that in 10 yrs time, we should have all cars being built locally. The employers should be responsible for the education of their employeesand anyone who is not progressing in education, should be shown the door.
Lastly we will need a better means of enforcing law and order. The enforcement agancies need to be modernized on the basis of education and science. I would recommend that the task of training be undertakebuoys shuld bepicked up at 8th class level and trained for 6 yrs while doing their graduation. They would be answerable to the Law department and held under the jurisdiction of the judges. Education should continue as they go up the ranks, and exams become as necessary as progression in the job.
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Just have faith in God and wait.....We'll show the world how great Pakistanis are and to what extend we can reach to help our fellow brothers. If you dont know, Imran Khan foundation has collected Billions!
and a few days ago,
Shahbaz Sharif claims that he will biuld 6000 Villages out of the money that he collected in Aid!

we hope that you will come out of it ...but i always hear this same old arguement all the time but no significant results have been produced so far......i do think that the reason for this is because your people are satisfied with short term goals ...your policy makers never have long term goals...plz dont start of with corruption and politicians....we do have a fair share of them but we are going ahead...its you who elect them and hence are responsible for their actions
we hope that you will come out of it ...but i always hear this same old arguement all the time but no significant results have been produced so far......i do think that the reason for this is because your people are satisfied with short term goals ...your policy makers never have long term goals...plz dont start of with corruption and politicians....we do have a fair share of them but we are going ahead...its you who elect them and hence are responsible for their actions


They are here from illegal votes!
And, for whom we vote (Gen.Musharraf),
they are sent away due to propagandas !

But Inshallah we will have a bright future! :yahoo:
Well I know for a fact that huge developments are happening in Karachi. Every street you go, you can see a high rise being in construction. Similar stuff is happening in Islamabad as well. Our GDP was expected to grow by 4-6% but due the floods it will be more around 2-3%. But by 2012 and on we can have the same economic situation we had during Musharraf's rule.
Well I know for a fact that huge developments are happening in Karachi. Every street you go, you can see a high rise being in construction. Similar stuff is happening in Islamabad as well. Our GDP was expected to grow by 4-6% but due the floods it will be more around 2-3%. But by 2012 and on we can have the same economic situation we had during Musharraf's rule.

We will be the Pakistan that our Quaid wanted!:pakistan::yahoo:
One thing our Indian friends do is that they unite us all together even though our opinions might be poles apart . Anybody who believes Pakistan's economy is improving is on drugs or is too naive to understand 'economics' .
If Pakistan's economy was improving the national statistics office would not have forecasted a zero percent growth rate , with doubts on how to proceed with interest payments on massive foreign debt in a few months time . Add to it the fact that federal government has frozen all development expenditure (i-e infrastructure development...roads, bridges,hospitals etc) and goes down the drain any chance of economic development . A building/skyscraper under construction in a city does not mean 'economic development' on a macro level rather it means development in that specific area /city .
Havinga postivie image heart will make it posible soon...
not a looooooooooooooong way, maybe 5-6 years or so....Inshallah!

Hey kid wats ur age?????

miracles will change economy ........total BS :hitwall::hitwall:

even a guy of 10th slandered will have better knowledge of economics than u...........

Just look around China which did economic reforms in 1978 got results in 90s ....same with India which achieved its present growth rate a decade after reforms ........
araz sir has posted a well articulated post. we should talk about the current mess high inflation, high external debt, low gdp to tax ratio, low fdi etc. a wave of reforms need to bring in a very honest way. but surely it will take some 20-25 years. my POV
araz sir has posted a well articulated post. we should talk about the current mess high inflation, high external debt, low gdp to tax ratio, low fdi etc. a wave of reforms need to bring in a very honest way. but surely it will take some 20-25 years. my POV

This is preciselty hte point I have been trying to get across. Setting up of systems and educatiing the work force does not happen overnight. Similarly, settling disputes at the borders will nbot happen in a yr or 2. We need to give things time, keep focus on achieving one goal at a time and progressing from there. If you take too many giant leaps, you will fall. Pakistan is not going to stabilize overnight. if it does, it will need the will of the internal forces, and their utmost co-operation to pay taxes, and see tangible progress in the nation.
high inflation is the cancer of all things. it sucks you. even in india, inspite of having a high growth rate, we are too much worried about inflation. PoI first priority should to bring it back at comfort level.
Hey kid wats ur age?????

miracles will change economy ........total BS :hitwall::hitwall:

even a guy of 10th slandered will have better knowledge of economics than u...........

Just look around China which did economic reforms in 1978 got results in 90s ....same with India which achieved its present growth rate a decade after reforms ........

it's very unlikely but not impossible. remember Germany from 1920-1933 from zero to an emerging power.

One thing I don't like about some of my fellow countrymen is...they wait for a miracle. God gave us brains and hands to do the work ourselves, asking for God's blessing is all right but expecting him to do it for you is wrong.
There is a strong hope that economy of Pakistan will get improve
just the completion of BHASHA dam will have a lot of effect
we should also pray to Allah for help and perform at least our duties with full honesty
I just said that i had a feeling...
We have developed our self from a scratch to be one of the greatest armies and dfence systems in 60 years!
but mate wat happened in 1971(bangladesh),1965,1999,Siachin,tiger hill...where did the greatest armies go..?
if pakistan call itself as a greatest army,the wat should the army be called who have defeated the greatest army in all above mentioned events??
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