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Pakistan's Blunder Of Not Joining The Yemen War:---

Sailing in one ship. It depends what you call a ship? Is politics your ship or ideology your ship?

i have presented both in complete harmony.

present me yours starting from that picture you shared
So admission to the war as a bargaining chip?!


Actually we did not even start to bargain---they gave us everything that we would have wanted and more---.

You cannot imagine what was on the offer table---. It is beyond comprehension---.

If you have any doubts---@Khafee is here to vouch for me---.

Start of Yemen conflict was an extremely perilous time for the gulf states---. Never a threat so severe did they ever face---and the threat was not from one side but from multiple sides---.

That was the first true fearful moment for the gulf countries in their history of existence---. Yemen on one side and isis on the other---. They were ready to give their 'firstborn' to pakistan---.

We did not need their first born---they are our brothers---you don't take the brother's first born---but I would have at age 8-10 if I had a military type school in pakistan---and educated and trained them---.
Dear friend but how will a base in Yemen and a base in GCC will help us?

Plus $10 billion is nothing and will not mean anything. We got much more money from China for CPEC and that never helped us.

If GCC want to give us something it is not $10 billion but only sell oil in PKR to everyone. @Indus Pakistan what do you think of my proposed deal?

@CHACHA"G" Saudis have army from Africa a lot of men are there to fight for them. They have weapons from USA Canada and Europe. They also have our general at their top position what else do GCC needs for Yemen. If these things cannot win them war what will? I fail to understand by having so much in their hand why is there still need for more?
If they need men to fight they can buy from Africa if they need weapons they have whole world to sell them. A Pakistani gen is already there to fight the war so what is lacking in this war that Pakistan will bring to the table?
Ohh Dear @BHarwana … I've been to last 5 pages of this thread and reading all your post …. You are as I said running in circles and making no sense (by any means) .. Is this because you are not able to take off Sectarian glass ??
I answered your question but you did not did what you said( you said you will tell in detail about Yemen war ).
@Dubious , @Khafee . Are here as witness ..
You are asking so many irrelevant question here and their but Why you are not answering very valid questions ..
  1. What is Iran doing in Yemen?
  2. Why is Iran in Yemen? (you already admit Iran is in Yemen Don't tell me that truth start hunting you)
  3. What Sect of Huties ?
  4. Why Iran and Iran's 5th gen war machine making Huties Shias ?
  5. Do you know and understand strategic location and importance of Yemen ?
  6. Why you keep comparing Pakistan and Pakistan Army with afrians ?
  7. Why are you against Pakistan Army going into Yemen (when conflict started) settling the issue and coming back?
  8. What neutrality brings for Pakistan ? Iran still anti Pakistan ! Iran top command still issuing war threats ! Iran still recruiting Pakistani Youth

My dear answer above questions and please put some light on Yemen war (your on point of view , you promised it lol).
@zulu , @MastanKhan , @Retired Troll
Ohh Dear @BHarwana … I've been to last 5 pages of this thread and reading all your post …. You are as I said running in circles and making no sense (by any means) .. Is this because you are not able to take off Sectarian glass ??
I answered your question but you did not did what you said( you said you will tell in detail about Yemen war ).
@Dubious , @Khafee . Are here as witness ..
You are asking so many irrelevant question here and their but Why you are not answering very valid questions ..
  1. What is Iran doing in Yemen?
  2. Why is Iran in Yemen? (you already admit Iran is in Yemen Don't tell me that truth start hunting you)
  3. What Sect of Huties ?
  4. Why Iran and Iran's 5th gen war machine making Huties Shias ?
  5. Do you know and understand strategic location and importance of Yemen ?
  6. Why you keep comparing Pakistan and Pakistan Army with afrians ?
  7. Why are you against Pakistan Army going into Yemen (when conflict started) settling the issue and coming back?
  8. What neutrality brings for Pakistan ? Iran still anti Pakistan ! Iran top command still issuing war threats ! Iran still recruiting Pakistani Youth

My dear answer above questions and please put some light on Yemen war (your on point of view , you promised it lol).
@zulu , @MastanKhan , @Retired Troll


He is doing it intentionally---playing ignorant---trying to look clever---.
Questions should be what the hell are both Iran and Saudi doing in Yemen?

Saudi's neighbour in that sense they feel more paranoid abt that border but Iran is thousands of miles away ...why?

This would force us to go thousands of miles away since we told our friends Saudis to help them...

So why is Iran in Yemen? How is that not answered here? Let Saudi and Yemen play it out like neighbours....I am sure Iran would be upset if Saudi came over (not covert ) to Afghanistan. ...would Iran not flex muscles?
Questions should be what the hell are both Iran and Saudi doing in Yemen?

Saudi's neighbour in that sense they feel more paranoid abt that border but Iran is thousands of miles away ...why?

This would force us to go thousands of miles away since we told our friends Saudis to help them...

So why is Iran in Yemen? How is that not answered here? Let Saudi and Yemen play it out like neighbours....I am sure Iran would be upset if Saudi came over (not covert ) to Afghanistan. ...would Iran not flex muscles?


After Libya was decimated---iran knew that its turn is coming soon---. Then came syria---iran did its utmost to keep the syrian conflict alive and keep Bashar in power---. As long as Bashar stayed in power---the conflict will stay away from iran---.

Now if Bashar had any tact and foresight---he would have left immediately---and waited for the coming govt to fail---and then taken over---.

It is very clear from past experiences---that new govts cannot run---govts that came after dictatorships---. So the dictator has a better chance of regaining his position if he played his cards right---. Tunisia---.

So---Iran has tried its best to keep conflicts alive in different areas so that it does not become the american target---but alas---.
I think a lot of you are over-complicating the intention of this thread. The intention of the thread has more to do with the fact that there was an opportunity created due to a conflict in Yemen and if Pakistan would have 'obliged' then it would have gained huge REGIONAL INFLUENCE in the Middle East. The 2nd point being mentioned is about Iran and so on.

1- Firstly, If Iran is the problem then Pakistan does not to need to go to Yemen to do take care of the problem. Iran is Pakistan's neighbor, and if Pakistan wants, it can take care of Iran literally within days. Forgot about all the propaganda and other nonsense about how great Iran is and other nonsense being spread. Just PAF can wipe out Iranian AF within 24 Hours. Try giving retarded excuses but this is the fact. Militarily Iran does not stand a chance against a Nuclear Power Pakistan who can literally annihilate Iran within hours. Iran knows this as well so please stop this nonsense of somehow Iran has a super duper military. Iran's specialty is the use of sectarian cards and proxy wars.

2- Secondly, although there was a chance of regional influence in Middle East, Pakistan deliberately didn't get involve in Yemen because Pakistan knows that its future is NOT in the Middle East but its future is in CENTRAL ASIA and EURASIA. You guys need to understand what CPEC really is because you are not understanding the basics of CPEC.
By taking on the CPEC project, Pakistan declared that its future is Central Asia.

3- Pakistan knows about the Risk Matrix of the region, and knows very well that sending troops to Yemen and to get involved in Middle East would have militarily STRETCHED it. In WW2, the Germans were a fantastic military, the best in Europe. But they made the fatal mistake of OVERSTRETCHING which resulted in the destruction of Germany.

As arm chair generals here, as internet trolls here, we are have ZERO exposure to intelligence and analytical information which the Pak Military has access to. They know what they are doing. And we DO NOT.
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I think a lot of you are over-complicating the intention of this thread. The intention of the thread has more to do with the fact that there was an opportunity created due to a conflict in Yemen and if Pakistan would have 'obliged' then it would have gained huge REGIONAL INFLUENCE in the Middle East. The 2nd point being mentioned is about Iran and so on.

1- Firstly, If Iran is the problem then Pakistan does not to need to go to Yemen to do take care of the problem. Iran is Pakistan's neighbor, and if Pakistan wants, it can take care of Iran literally within days. Forgot about all the propaganda and other nonsense about how great Iran is and other nonsense being spread. Just PAF can wipe out Iranian AF within 24 Hours. Try giving retarded excuses but this is the fact. Militarily Iran does not stand a chance against a Nuclear Power Pakistan who can literally annihilate Iran within hours. Iran knows this as well so please stop this nonsense of somehow Iran has a super duper military. Iran's specialty is the use of sectarian cards and proxy wars.

2- Secondly, although there was a chance of regional influence in Middle East, Pakistan deliberately didn't get involve in Yemen because Pakistan knows that its future is NOT in the Middle East but its future is in CENTRAL ASIA and EURASIA. You guys need to understand what CPEC really is because you are not understanding the basics of CPEC.
By taking on the CPEC project, Pakistan declared that its future is Central Asia.

3- Pakistan knows about the Risk Matrix of the region, and knows very well that sending troops to Yemen and to get involved in Middle East would have militarily STRETCHED it. In WW2, the Germans were a fantastic military, the best in Europe. But they made the fatal mistake of OVERSTRETCHING which resulted in the destruction of Germany.

As arm chair generals here, as internet trolls here, we are have ZERO exposure to intelligence and analytical information which the Pak Military has access to. They know that they are doing. And we DO NOT.
Good points!!! Pak and Turkey will do get involved in the heart of the Muslim World and the ME!!! But it’ll be the decisive round....
The ultimate looser of this refusal has turned out to be Nawaz Sharif. The opporunity was provided to him on platter yet he refused it. I can bet, had he said yes to the Saudis, he wouldn't be sitting in jail now rather than had won the elections last year possibly. So if he is still thinking about 'mujhey kyon nikaala' in jail room, he should be reminded about this thread.
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South Western border doesnt care about our interest! EVERYONE for themselves! Pakistan should stand up to its own interest...If its interest to go for war outweighs the feelings of South Western border so be it! However, S.W border shouldnt influence us based on their sentiments coz so far they havent cared about outs and it is a fact!

THAT is the prob it shouldnt! Pakistanis should learn to stand WITH Pakistan no matter what Pakistan chooses! No matter which side our country chooses shouldnt be reacted to by ripping the country apart as a hostage!

Keep it CIVIL please!


@BHarwana @MastanKhan @CHACHA"G" thread is up and running...

I havent fully cleaned it but it will do for now :)
There is a big difference between what should 'be' and what 'is'.
The ultimate looser of this refusal has turned out to be Nawaz Sharif. The opporunity was provided to him on platter yet he refused it. I can bet, had he said yes to the Saudis, he wouldn't be sitting in jail now rather than had won the elections last year possibly. So if he is still thinking about 'mujhey kyon nikaala' in jail room, he should had been reminded about this thread.

It was parliamentary decision. Nothing to do with Nawaz Sharif. Parliament pass resolution on this topic. Now if someone go against this is actually going against parliament decision.

And it was correct decision to not join any war but only provide protection to Makkah and Madina.
It was parliamentary decision. Nothing to do with Nawaz Sharif. Parliament pass resolution on this topic. Now if someone go against this is actually going against parliament decision.

And it was correct decision to not join any war but only provide protection to Makkah and Madina.

The biggest mistake that bhuddo (idiot) leader did was to take the decision to the parliament where pro Iranis crooks from ppp made him said no. Strategic decisions are always avoided to be discussed openly especially in our shirty parliament.

Going to Yemen would had addressed our financial needs. See now, we have not achieved anything rather still begging for money to these same Arabs and they are kind enough to deposit $6 billions into your account and oil on deffered payment for next 3 years despite of saying no to them. Just now assume what we could had gained from them had we said yes to them earlier.
I think a lot of you are over-complicating the intention of this thread. The intention of the thread has more to do with the fact that there was an opportunity created due to a conflict in Yemen and if Pakistan would have 'obliged' then it would have gained huge REGIONAL INFLUENCE in the Middle East. The 2nd point being mentioned is about Iran and so on.

1- Firstly, If Iran is the problem then Pakistan does not to need to go to Yemen to do take care of the problem. Iran is Pakistan's neighbor, and if Pakistan wants, it can take care of Iran literally within days. Forgot about all the propaganda and other nonsense about how great Iran is and other nonsense being spread. Just PAF can wipe out Iranian AF within 24 Hours. Try giving retarded excuses but this is the fact. Militarily Iran does not stand a chance against a Nuclear Power Pakistan who can literally annihilate Iran within hours. Iran knows this as well so please stop this nonsense of somehow Iran has a super duper military. Iran's specialty is the use of sectarian cards and proxy wars.

2- Secondly, although there was a chance of regional influence in Middle East, Pakistan deliberately didn't get involve in Yemen because Pakistan knows that its future is NOT in the Middle East but its future is in CENTRAL ASIA and EURASIA. You guys need to understand what CPEC really is because you are not understanding the basics of CPEC.
By taking on the CPEC project, Pakistan declared that its future is Central Asia.

3- Pakistan knows about the Risk Matrix of the region, and knows very well that sending troops to Yemen and to get involved in Middle East would have militarily STRETCHED it. In WW2, the Germans were a fantastic military, the best in Europe. But they made the fatal mistake of OVERSTRETCHING which resulted in the destruction of Germany.

As arm chair generals here, as internet trolls here, we are have ZERO exposure to intelligence and analytical information which the Pak Military has access to. They know what they are doing. And we DO NOT.

Cpec and everything else are just excuses the reality is Pakistani generals are khasi
@MastanKhan what else could Pakistan offer GCC in Yemen? Weapons are coming in from whole world. Army is there from 51 Islamic countries only thing GCC lacked was top military brain for operation and we have given them that. Now there is nothing what we can offer them that they already don't have. So how have we not helped
But why do they lack it?
They have men weapons and our general to guide them what else Pakistan can practically bring to the table?

I mean they have so many man power available in Africa to train them and use in war they have F-15 and other European jets and missiles.
They have best Pakistani gen with them.
Why they still need Pakistan.

@Khafee (brother please answer this question without bringing in any hate)
@Indus Pakistan

I fail to understand this why is Pakistan needed there at all? Can anyone explain.

There is nothing left to take to war in Yemen.

They don't have army and will who are always ready to take someone who is 6 times more in man and fire power. They don't have power and will to shoot down enemy planes in broad day light when been threatened only a day back. They don't have similar power to reply a country 6 times bigger than them and gave straight warning that if single missile is fired to them, than their reply will be thrice as deadly in similar nature to their enemy. They don't have similar power to take on super power just 3 decades back. You are just underestimating our fighting skills perhaps the only thing which we are good at.
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