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Pakistan's Blunder Of Not Joining The Yemen War:---

Is this thread asking about going to war for Iran? No. We should stay neutral between both.
Sir , you did not answer my question in the post , but instead bring in your new question.
Where did you find out this thread asking for going to war against Iran ??
This thread is about why not joined Arabs in Fighting with Arabs and bring peace In Arabs …… All Parties involved are Sunnis ….. No party shearing border with Iran.....
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Dear @ARMalik Very good post . . I agree with you partially , But I hope you will also give a read what I have to say.
No our future does not ln Central Asia …. Simple... Ask me why.. Let me tell you why.. CPEC is game changer for China . For us CEPC need 10 to 20 years before it turn any game changer . right now CEPC is only a road and a port connected to it.... We don't have industrial infrastructure and my Dear China will not allow Pakistani products in central Asia over her products ..And I also don't see any Chines industry coming into Pakistan where Pakistanis are working and earing money and Pakistan earing from export.. And Most importantly Central Asian economies are not that good either ..
I agree on Euro Asia part....
For us GCC(middle east) will always going to stay very important . we can earn billion of $$$ from hallal food trade (you name the business) with them . Can we do that with Central Asia? ….
For Pakistan and Pakistani economy good trade relationship with GCC and EU are most important things for at least next 100 years . until unless we develop industries and services sector before that with or without the help of CEPC ..

Dear moon light , this the catch 22 ,, Iran said she is not involved in Yemen and keep in mind both parties fighting in Yemen are Sunnis .. But some how some one trying her best to present huthies as Shia and as soon as Pakistan start talking about Yemen someone start crying about sectarian war in Pakistan.
Dear young lady , Iran is not our friend , just look at what iran did after 27th of Feb this year and we are neutral from last 4+ years … What that neutrality bring to Pakistan??
Now just look at what Egypt got from all this ……………….
And let me tell you we are next target of Irans proxy war ….. let those 1000s of fighter come back to Pakistan.... Let Iran finish her current wars...….
And I will say this again ,, where and when any of said have a war with Iran ? and why going into yemen means going against Iran ? and what Iran is doing in Sunni country name yemen 1000s of miles away from her borders?

Thanks for quoting my post. You have raised some very valid points. Let me elaborate on a few to clearly demonstrate that Pakistan has ALREADY DECIDED THAT ITS FUTURE IS EURA/CENTRAL ASIA.

1- When a country like China expands economically, it GDP per Capita rises every year. Recently there was a news (see link below) that China's per capita has increased to $12,000 per person. This number will keep rising every year. What this means is that individuals working in China are now getting paid well and this pay will only increase with time. As with every developed economy, the problem is the cost of producing products that are competitive because as the wages of the workers increase, the end products become more expensive to produce due to additional labor costs. So China would still need to have workers capable of accepting "low paying jobs". The Answer is moving high volume products to destinations with Cheap labor.

As per the CPEC Blueprint, which Dawn happen to publish a few months ago, the Chinese plan is to shift these industries to Pakistan. The CPEC would expedite the delivery of these products to end customers sitting in different continents.

2- China is a huge country with more than 1.3 Billion People. They need FOOD. As per the CPEC Blueprint, Pakistan's agricultural sector will transform resulting in food exports to China, Eurasia, and other regions.

3- CPEC's purpose is to elevate Pakistan to the position of ZIPPER State meaning that Pakistan's CPEC will become the Regional highway for China, Central Asia/Eurasia, Russia to connect other regions such as ME, Africa, and so on. So CPEC is just NOT for China, its intended purpose is the integration of this whole regions economies.

4- Pakistan, and Turkey will form the "front line states" to protect Central/Eurasia. According to famous Sir Halford Mackinder:
Whoever controls the Eurasian heartland will forever seek to dominate the Eurasian landmass and ultimately the world.

What most readers and posters are not understanding is that an alliance with the gulf states was for pakistan to keep its tactical assets secure & neuter india---.

If was was able to put 150K troops in the GCC 50 K in emirates---50 K in suadia rest spread in Oman---and other countries---it would have taken the fear of conflcit with india out of the equation.

But pak thought that its tactical assets are secure---and nothing would happen that would change that---. Well---technological advances had happened---Paks tactical assets were only secure for a certain period---now the only country left in the way is iran---things don't look too bright for pakistan---.

In the end pakistan would have seen far more development sooner with the dollars coming in and an industrial base being established in pakistan than thru cpec---.

Even for cpec / gwadar---pak military was extremely callous---and if posters may remember I had written many a times years ago about getting type 054's---submarines and heavy strike fighters---but pak military was living in the la la land till the indian submarine got caught in pakistani waters years ago---.

And then the pak military generals woke up---found out that they did not have any defense for Gwadar---.

Pakistanis and pak military has the habbit of finding an excuse that it will not happen till it happens---and the famous reply the great pakistani line was---as the general put it---" I did not understand it at that time "---" Hamein samajh nahin aaya uss waqt"---.


Why did british east india company come to india---the british were broke after the war---unemployment rampant---men needed jobs---they only had one skill---they were battle hardened coming out of a 100 years war---. Also the protestant church did not want the catholic church to take it all---.

So---they ventured out---they had to deal the catholic spain---and catholic france---.

Same with us---pak military is coming out of a 13 years of war with insurgents---there are job issues---there is welfare of the state issue---. Indian influence needs to be negated---.

And the biggest reason of all---the world super power has allowed pak military to proceed to the region in large numbers---.

How illogical could gen Raheel be in not accepting what was presented to him on a platter---.
Sir , you did not answer my question in the post , but instead bring in your new question.
Where did you find out this thread asking for going to war against Iran ??
This thread is about why not joined Arabs in Fighting with Arabs and bring peace In Arabs …… All Parties involved are Sunnis ….. No party shearing border with Iran.....
The question was joining the war with Saudi arabia no one said anything about iran. Opposing the yemen war does not mean u support iran.
This post proves we as majority belong to Marshall races.

I mean stop now, you are desperately moving toward money without considering the pros & cons. There are more disadvantage waiting for us if we move ahead according to your wish & why you trying to connect it with Islam btw?. For god sake let us take some break. Our jawans are not on sale.

We are facing economical critical situation & we are not a nation who can spend money on useless war which will be further resulted in chaos & over all economical loss just like in Afghan 17 years of war. Just imagine it was more then $100 billions economical loss. Do you really want the same for peanuts?
Here let me simplify this.
Pakistan enters war = angry Iran = iran does more terrorism in Pakistan = loss of life and investment = overall defeat
The biggest mistake that bhuddo (idiot) leader did was to take the decision to the parliament where pro Iranis crooks from ppp made him said no. Strategic decisions are always avoided to be discussed openly especially in our shirty parliament.

Going to Yemen would had addressed our financial needs. See now, we have not achieved anything rather still begging for money to these same Arabs and they are kind enough to deposit $6 billions into your account and oil on deffered payment for next 3 years despite of saying no to them. Just now assume what we could had gained from them had we said yes to them earlier.

This how system works, Pakistan is parliamentary system and all the decisions should be endorsed by parliament, even establishment says they will follow what parliament says.

Remove parliament or accept it, don't bring double standards.

Here let me simplify this.
Pakistan enters war = angry Iran = iran does more terrorism in Pakistan = loss of life and investment = overall defeat
Not angry Iran alone, angry Shia community which is 25% of nation, angry those who are against war. Respect the people you are living in between.

Also last not least you want to bring a new war home, which we couldn't afford when we were having success in 2015.
Ohh Dear @BHarwana … I've been to last 5 pages of this thread and reading all your post …. You are as I said running in circles and making no sense (by any means) .. Is this because you are not able to take off Sectarian glass ??
I answered your question but you did not did what you said( you said you will tell in detail about Yemen war ).
@Dubious , @Khafee . Are here as witness ..
You are asking so many irrelevant question here and their but Why you are not answering very valid questions ..
  1. What is Iran doing in Yemen?
  2. Why is Iran in Yemen? (you already admit Iran is in Yemen Don't tell me that truth start hunting you)
  3. What Sect of Huties ?
  4. Why Iran and Iran's 5th gen war machine making Huties Shias ?
  5. Do you know and understand strategic location and importance of Yemen ?
  6. Why you keep comparing Pakistan and Pakistan Army with afrians ?
  7. Why are you against Pakistan Army going into Yemen (when conflict started) settling the issue and coming back?
  8. What neutrality brings for Pakistan ? Iran still anti Pakistan ! Iran top command still issuing war threats ! Iran still recruiting Pakistani Youth

My dear answer above questions and please put some light on Yemen war (your on point of view , you promised it lol).
@zulu , @MastanKhan , @Retired Troll

My dear friend first of all you called me a sectarian just because I was against the war and going into Yemen that is strange.

Now what is Iran doing in Yemen. I have already answered your question in that but Iran is there to make sure that Yemen's civil war ends in Iranian favor.

Saudis are in Yemen to make sure Yemen's civil war ends in their favor.

Hope this answers your question.

But my question still remains which is related to the topic and that is benefits to Pakistan you have not shown me those benefits bro. Every one says there are benefits but never explains what are the benefits in detail.

I am not a kid whom you can give a lolly pop I need to know what are benefits and what are danger of this war to Pakistan. This is my question. If we walk into Yemen there are dangers as well there it is not a simple war so enliten me on them plz. Now war in Yemen is not related to us in anyway it is away from our shores. There is no Pakistani involvement there in local conflict and we are not getting any back lashes from that war till now. So we need to know what are we buy our selves before we make the payment with the blood of our soldiers. This is not sectarianism but this is Patriotism to not to sell the blood of your army for dollars. Don't you think?

They don't have army and will who are always ready to take someone who is 6 times more in man and fire power. They don't have power and will to shoot down enemy planes in broad day light when been threatened only a day back. They don't have similar power to reply a country 6 times bigger than them and gave straight warning that if single missile is fired to them, than their reply will be thrice as deadly in similar nature to their enemy. They don't have similar power to take on super power just 3 decades back. You are just underestimating our fighting skills perhaps the only thing which we are good at.

I am not underestimating anything, I want to hear it from them that what we have and what is already not there in war. I want them to praise us and recognize our extra ablity.
This how system works, Pakistan is parliamentary system and all the decisions should be endorsed by parliament, even establishment says they will follow what parliament says.

Remove parliament or accept it, don't bring double standards.

Not angry Iran alone, angry Shia community which is 25% of nation, angry those who are against war. Respect the people you are living in between.

Also last not least you want to bring a new war home, which we couldn't afford when we were having success in 2015.
Correct with everything else but in regards to the shia community. They need to answer a few questions.
1. Who are they loyal to?
2. If not Pakistan then why are they living there?
Cpec and everything else are just excuses the reality is Pakistani generals are khasi
I know who you are referring to.

After making that decision, and looking like a SAINT, that particular 4 star is raking in millions in US$, while the gullible & innocent sit and stare at the US$ shoot thorough the roof.

Anyone who is happy with Pakistan not joining the effort in Yemen, should consider this point very seriously.

What most readers and posters are not understanding is that an alliance with the gulf states was for pakistan to keep its tactical assets secure & neuter india---.

If was was able to put 150K troops in the GCC 50 K in emirates---50 K in suadia rest spread in Oman---and other countries---it would have taken the fear of conflcit with india out of the equation.

But pak thought that its tactical assets are secure---and nothing would happen that would change that---. Well---technological advances had happened---Paks tactical assets were only secure for a certain period---now the only country left in the way is iran---things don't look too bright for pakistan---.

In the end pakistan would have seen far more development sooner with the dollars coming in and an industrial base being established in pakistan than thru cpec---.

Even for cpec / gwadar---pak military was extremely callous---and if posters may remember I had written many a times years ago about getting type 054's---submarines and heavy strike fighters---but pak military was living in the la la land till the indian submarine got caught in pakistani waters years ago---.

And then the pak military generals woke up---found out that they did not have any defense for Gwadar---.

Pakistanis and pak military has the habbit of finding an excuse that it will not happen till it happens---and the famous reply the great pakistani line was---as the general put it---" I did not understand it at that time "---" Hamein samajh nahin aaya uss waqt"---.


Why did british east india company come to india---the british were broke after the war---unemployment rampant---men needed jobs---they only had one skill---they were battle hardened coming out of a 100 years war---. Also the protestant church did not want the catholic church to take it all---.

So---they ventured out---they had to deal the catholic spain---and catholic france---.

Same with us---pak military is coming out of a 13 years of war with insurgents---there are job issues---there is welfare of the state issue---. Indian influence needs to be negated---.

And the biggest reason of all---the world super power has allowed pak military to proceed to the region in large numbers---.

How illogical could gen Raheel be in not accepting what was presented to him on a platter---.
sir jiii , your thread is regard pakistan earn strategic height in middle east and it totally went different direction .. india centric ..lol... it turn into shia sunni issue... lol majority failed to comprehend what you are saying .
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@MastanKhan @CHACHA"G" @Simurgh @Boyka @Retired Troll @Salza @Tps43 @Signalian @Dawood Ibrahim @ali_raza @Mangus Ortus Novem @Wa Muhammada @*Awan* @zulu @PakSword and others

Alh This Ramadan, huge strides have been made, The Yemen conflict is very much under control, and is very close to it's objective.

Unfortunately, Pakistan missed the boat. A boat that was loaded with US$15bn+ per annum, for the next five yrs min, because it is a majority held hostage, by a minority.

While a key figure in this saga rakes in millions of US$, the country looks at the US$ shoots through the roof, and the economy in a downward spiral. It is forced to deal with the devil himself, for a measly US$6bn.

After the latest Ormara & Gawadar PC Attacks, Now would be a good time to wake up, and smell the coffee.

Best Regards
Well author has another chance

He shud put on a white uniform and big drum around his head and lead the charge against Iran under US auspices ... Meeting is on 30th pak is invited

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