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Pakistan's Biggest Threat

Who do you believe is Pakistan's Biggest Threat

  • India

    Votes: 20 19.6%
  • Afghanistan

    Votes: 3 2.9%
  • Tehrik-i-Taliban

    Votes: 46 45.1%
  • America

    Votes: 33 32.4%

  • Total voters
I guess there should have been posted a choice "None of the Above."

The one I think isn't in the list.


so tell us thats why I've asked in the thread for your personal opinion, i might consider it.. if it's an imminent threat ?
I think that militant Islam is a big threat to Pakistan but an even bigger threat is the inability of our society as a whole to accept this and to find a refuge under conspiracy theories to explain all the bad around us is part of some grand design hatched by yahood and hanood.

Solution to a problem comes only after its acceptance as a problem.
I think the taliban are the biggest threat that pakistan faces today. the good thing is that the people know recognize that fact and are actually working to correct the situation. But i think one other threat that should have been listed there should have been the amount of conspiracy theories that are spewed and believed in Pakistan.
Please add one more option to the list above - Pakistan.

Yes, I seriously believe that. Pakistan (and India too, for that matter) is a nation which has a potential beyond imagination. If Pakistan decides to do a thing, nobody can stop it.

But unfortunately, as it seems, Pakistani leaders have decided to screw the country.

Moreover, it has got an exceptional geo-political placement in the world map. One of best sources of natural resources.

So, IMHO, it is only Pakistan who can kill Pakistan easily.
Pakistan's biggest threat is the lack of mass education and enough innovations to have garnered faith in the system for a long time.
we all in this part of the world have seen enough of this...but here in India inspite of the massive poverty and $h!t...we did manage some cool innovations in education..agriculture etc...standard basic stuff...but good enough to keep the faith in it all...hence some hiccups but no coups d'etats...
out of the options...
you'd always have India...so make peace with us...
ye'd have them crazy battle-crazed afghans...
Amrika is here to stay...
and so would the TTPs and STDs...
hope builds a nation...the way I see it...you have plenty of reasons to tap it.
TTP without any doubt.I mean India i believe is not that big of a threat as long as we have nuclear weapons and strong army.It'll keep them in check.They can't do **** then but TTP is destroying us internally so we have to finish TTP!
well, i think USA is the only biggest threat to pakistan in the list, because of them Pakistan is now facing Indian support to TTP, or BLA, because of them we have these corrupt politicians ruling us. Because of them terrorism grow in this region. Because of them everyone is confuse and worried about his/her future.

I also believe above things wouldn't happen if pakistani politicians were loyal, but again they came because of USA agreements, involvement in pakistani politics & internal affairs. Its hard to point out now, who is bigger threat, politicians or USA, from the list no doubt, USA
I Think The most dangerous Threat to Pakistan is " Zionist state of Israel " as it is the headquarter of the propaganda being done against Pakistan.

2nd most dangerous threat to Pakistan is Its own Political system & its foreign policy which needs immediate Change.
TTP without any doubt.I mean India i believe is not that big of a threat as long as we have nuclear weapons and strong army.It'll keep them in check.They can't do **** then but TTP is destroying us internally so we have to finish TTP!

Who's training the TTP providing funding, ammunition and logistical support to these terrorist.

The mode of suicide bombing was conceived by R&AW which was employed by their proxies in Sri Lanka

Remember the Soviet Union collapsed without the firing of a single bullet...
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