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Pakistan's allegedly Vindictive Judges' Relentless Pursuit of Musharraf

His real strategy in coming to Pakistan may not be the elections since his party never stood a realistic chance. He may be a useful Trojan horse for his comrades-in-arms after all.

The article squarely puts him in the same insignificant category as TuQ; political fodder.

Yet I don't see the military returning to politics anytime soon against anyone. Will the population accept another military rule or will the country fall into greater chaos and rise up against it's general ?? Musharraf's previous encounter with (supposedly) democratic forces was not what an army man would have expected.
The article squarely puts him in the same insignificant category as TuQ; political fodder.

Yet I don't see the military returning to politics anytime soon against anyone. Will the population accept another military rule or will the country fall into greater chaos and rise up against it's general ?? Musharraf's previous encounter with (supposedly) democratic forces was not what an army man would have expected.

Returning? Our military never left! Their behind-the-scenes stranglehold over foreign, fiscal and security policies will continue, no matter what happens on May 11th. Gen Musharraf is just one of the pieces pre-positioned on the board.
Returning? Our military never left! Their behind-the-scenes stranglehold over foreign, fiscal and security policies will continue, no matter what happens on May 11th. Gen Musharraf is just one of the pieces pre-positioned on the board.

If it is, then who's at fault? Should we expect the likes Dasti to be able to come up with sound economic policies? Or did we consider Gillani to be a brilliant statesman? And Raja Pervez Ashraf ....... ?

How will Musharraf's presence affect the future in your view? Will the PA interfere for an ex-General when public opinion against such a move is already well-known?
If it is, then who's at fault? Should we expect the likes Dasti to be able to come up with sound economic policies? Or did we consider Gillani to be a brilliant statesman? And Raja Pervez Ashraf ....... ?

How will Musharraf's presence affect the future in your view? Will the PA interfere for an ex-General when public opinion against such a move is already well-known?

I don't assign faults to anyone since I am more interested in what each side says and does without judging anybody.

Gen Musharraf's role will depend on who wins the election. If the Deep State favored blue-eye buy wins, then he will be allowed to fade away and leave the country. If a less favored alternative wins, then a major tussle will start to put pressure to get them to behave, or else, using him as one of the pawns. Our history tells us that nobody cares about the public opinion in such matters.
I don't assign faults to anyone since I am more interested in what each side says and does without judging anybody.

Gen Musharraf's role will depend on who wins the election. If the Deep State favored blue-eye buy wins, then he will be allowed to fade away and leave the country. If a less favored alternative wins, then a major tussle will start to put pressure to get them to behave, or else, using him as one of the pawns. Our history tells us that nobody cares about the public opinion in such matters.

Musharraf wa already going to get away. There have been guarantees from international partners in this regard. And the military may not allow a former general to be treated this way.

I would support a fair trial and even the PA would stay away from that, but the level of prejudice the lawyers/judges have shown to Musharraf have really changed things for him and others.
Musharraf wa already going to get away. There have been guarantees from international partners in this regard. And the military may not allow a former general to be treated this way.

I would support a fair trial and even the PA would stay away from that, but the level of prejudice the lawyers/judges have shown to Musharraf have really changed things for him and others.

There can be no fair trials with the present lot of judges, generals and bureaucrats. Gen Musharraf will get away, but at the right time.

Latest news, Breaking News | Daily Jang
For six long months, Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry of Pakistan knew that his son was on the take from a notorious property baron Malik Riaz Husain, and yet he did nothing to stop his son's illegal activities. Mr. Chaudhry was too busy settling personal scores with others.

Haq's Musings: Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry Should Resign

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Here are excerpts of COAS Gen Ashfaq Pervez Kayani on Martyrs Day today as reported by News Tribe:

.... The conduct of General Elections is not an end per se, but is surely an important means towards delivering us from our present sufferings. To bring an end to our tribulations, it is also imperative to foster a profound understanding of our national ethos and aspirations. The General Elections will provide us the foundation. To build on this foundation, we would have to find answers to many questions; war against terrorism being one of these questions.

The menace of terrorism and extremism has claimed thousands of lives, including those of the Army, Rangers, FC, Police, Frontier Constabulary, Levies and innocent people of Pakistan. If we include the injured and affected family members of the martyrs, the numbers increase manifold. Our external enemies are busy in igniting the flames of this fire. However, despite all this bloodshed, certain quarters still want to remain embroiled in the debate concerning the causes of this war and who imposed it on us. While this may be important in itself but the fact of the matter is that today it is Pakistan and its valiant people who are a target of this war and are suffering tremendously. I would like to ask all those who raise such questions that if a small faction wants to enforce its distorted ideology over the entire Nation by taking up arms and for this purpose defies the Constitution of Pakistan and the democratic process and considers all forms of bloodshed justified, then, does the fight against this enemy of the state constitute someone else’s war? Even in the history of the best evolved democratic states, treason or seditious uprisings against the state have never been tolerated and in such struggles their armed forces have had unflinching support of the masses; questions about the ownership of such wars have never been raised. We cannot afford to confuse our soldiers and weaken their resolve with such misgivings. Every drop of blood, shed in the national cause, is sacred and no one can better understand its value than the families who are present here today; because their dear ones have already made the ultimate sacrifice. We must not hurt the sentiments of these saviours of the Nation through our words and deeds.

We sincerely desire that all those who have strayed and have picked up arms against the Nation, return to the national fold. However, this is only possible once they unconditionally submit to the State, its Constitution and the Rule of Law. There is no room for doubts when it comes to dealing with rebellion against the state. Towards this end, while truly acknowledging the national aspirations and value of our martyr’s blood, we as a Nation need to forge consensus towards evolving a clear policy through mutual consultations. Considering this war against terrorism as the war of the armed forces alone can lead to chaos and disarray that we cannot afford...

Pakistan Army chief General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani speech on the Eve of YAUM - E - SHUHADDA
Maulana Tahir Ashrafi has issued a Fatwa (edict) through a consensus among 27 different religious organisations in Pakistan on the ‘right’ to vote. He has been hailed internationally for this effort. In the 40-page booklet philosophising the importance of democracy and elections, he has proved ‘voting’ to be a compulsory act enjoined by Islam on the Muslims, both man and woman. In other words, he has backed democracy and rejected militarism or dictatorship. However, he does believe that Pervez Musharraf has been a good dictator, who should have been given an opportunity to prove his innocence either by allowing him to contest the polls or putting a neutral judiciary overlooking his cases.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Tahir ul Qadri's Questions: Why is Musharraf the only one disqualified to run for elections? Why not the sectarian terrorists, tax dodgers, loan defaulters, electricity thieves, fake degree holders?
TuQ is a joke. Musharraf broke the constitution and should be hanged (or exiled with Govt confiscating all properties in Pakistan) with all the cronies who back-stabbed the Pakistani nation by becoming part of an illegal, unconstitutional operation.
Tahir ul Qadri's Questions: Why is Musharraf the only one disqualified to run for elections? Why not the sectarian terrorists, tax dodgers, loan defaulters, electricity thieves, fake degree holders?
1-Fake Degree Holders list has been published on ECP's website
2-Parliamentarians whose degrees were considered genuine
Election Commission of Pakistan
3- NAB,SBP and FBR reports of contesting candidates
A-General Candidates
Election Commission of Pakistan
B-Reserved and Minorities
Election Commission of Pakistan

I hope next time you'll do some research before musing
1-Fake Degree Holders list has been published on ECP's website
2-Parliamentarians whose degrees were considered genuine
Election Commission of Pakistan
3- NAB,SBP and FBR reports of contesting candidates
A-General Candidates
Election Commission of Pakistan
B-Reserved and Minorities
Election Commission of Pakistan

I hope next time you'll do some research before musing

Publishing lists? Is that enough?

Let me give me you a few examples of who is considered "qualified" by ECP and Pakistan's bigoted judges:

1. Jamshed Dasti lied about his degree and he is now a "qualified" candidate in Punjab.

2. A number of LeJ's sectarian killers are candidates under the banner of ASWJ in Punjab.

3. A man charged with murder and currently in jail is a candidate in Lyari.

I could go on and on.

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