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Pakistanis suck up to Middle Easterners

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Cant say about one state of India but on the whole its otherway round. Above all in India and Pakistan the criteria for being literate is that the one who can read or write his/her name is considered as one.

Please read the following. Its the same for Pakistan too.

Indian group presents petition to Singh

By Joe Avancena

DAMMAM – The Indian community in the Eastern Province, through the India Fraternity Forum (IFF), the largest social group supporting and providing welfare programs for Indian expatriates, has presented a 16-point petition to visiting Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.
The petition was forwarded to Talmiz Ahmad, the Indian Ambassador to Saudi Arabia. Nameer Odungat, media coordinator of the Indian Fraternity Forum, said the petition was also faxed to the PMO in New Delhi.
Some of the demands of the Indian Fraternity Forum, which has a large membership of Indian expatriates, are:
u Despite a ban on the deployment of Indian women to work as housemaids, the fake recruitment of Indian women who travel to Sri Lanka, obtain Sri Lankan passports and are then deployed to Saudi Arabia and other GCC states continues to victimize housemaids less than 40 years old. This illegal practice is perpetrated by Indian immigration officials.
u The trafficking of illiterate Indians should be stopped. Many poor and uneducated Indians are brought with the help of agents to Qatar with permanent visas and later relocated to Saudi Arabian desert areas through visit visas to work as shepherds without the benefit of a vacation for many years.
u Many Indian drivers are being forced by their employers to drive even though they do not possess a valid driving license.
u Indian embassies in the Gulf should monitor and provide legal assistance to Indian workers who have no residence permits, have not been paid salaries, and whose work permits were canceled by employers preventing them from securing other employment. The embassies should see to it that these workers are repatriated to India.

u It is a common business practice in Saudi Arabia to freeze sponsorship (Uroob). As a result many Indians cannot go to other Gulf countries. The Indian embassy or consulate should provide guidelines and procedures before a sponsor freezes his sponsorship.
u Like Indian schools, Indian hospitals should also be opened in Saudi Arabia and other GCC states.

u Suffrage should be extended to all expatriate Indians. The IFF has been fighting in Indian high courts demanding that suffrage be extended to expatriate Indians.
u Indian prisoners who have completed their jail terms should be released.
u An Indian consulate should be established in Dammam or Al-Khobar in the Eastern Province.
Basheer Engappuzha, IFF coordinator for Saudi Arabia, said Prime Minister Singh should show his sincerity in resolving these issues. – SG

Saudi Gazette - Indian group presents petition to Singh

I guess its better not to talk about Saudi Arabia, every single member will agree that it will be last place to look for job because they don't care about anyone else but only themselves there. Oh forgot to add they don't have the balls to touch an American Citizen in Saudi but will do whatever they like with a South Asian.
Over 13,000 posts i finally agree with one of your statements,the bolded part..and come on Jana you said in many posts in this forum that you guys are from Arab decedents when discussing about your Indian blood lines ..don't deny that[/B]

I NEVER SAID THAT. Prove it or take back your false claim.

when discussing about Indian roots i always said I am Pukhtuns(Pathan, Pashtun) :) and i have no Indian roots.

..and being muslim you will feel sorry for what happen in middle east..but are you sure they have the same feelings towards you?? ;)

Allah says that Muslims are like a body when one part gets hurts the entire body feels the pain. Being Muslims we do not believe in reciprocating the bad behaviour by other Muslims. Are asked by Allah and his Last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to forgive the mistakes of other Muslims or human beings.
I guess its better not to talk about Saudi Arabia, every single member will agree that it will be last place to look for job because they don't care about anyone else but only themselves there. Oh forgot to add they don't have the balls to touch an American Citizen in Saudi but will do whatever they like with a South Asian.

Same for every other third world country, You cant touch Americans no matter how much they mistreat you. Power speaks
I NEVER SAID THAT. Prove it or take back your false claim.

when discussing about Indian roots i always said I am Pukhtuns(Pathan, Pashtun) :) and i have no Indian roots.

Allah says that Muslims are like a body when one part gets hurts the entire body feels the pain. Being Muslims we do not believe in reciprocating the bad behaviour by other Muslims. Are asked by Allah and his Last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to forgive the mistakes of other Muslims or human beings.

Jana there were muslims in my place even before the pukthuns heard about what Islam was.

I have said in one of the threads that the second oldest mosque in the world is here in Kerala, which was build during the times of Prophet himself. (629 AD).

And the first Muslim in the whole of the region was a kerala Hindu king.

Only after a century did it was heard in other places during the invasions.

Cheraman Juma Masjid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Allah says that Muslims are like a body when one part gets hurts the entire body feels the pain. Being Muslims we do not believe in reciprocating the bad behaviour by other Muslims. Are asked by Allah and his Last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to forgive the mistakes of other Muslims or human beings.

all right good behavior to other agreed but that doesn't means you forget yourself & think only about your so called brothers, we need to get our house intact before seeing out towards the other problems
@ Jana
The agents are the biggest bigots, they sell their own country men to the corporations. Now here in Kuwait they have recently passed very excellent Labor laws, but then the agencies font inform the staff that they bring in and they just manipulate the poor people and exploit them to the max. Extracting what ever benefit from them that they can. Also I remember there was an incident a month or so ago, 60 Pakistani drivers hailing from KP were fired because they were lied to about the salaries and all and because they were not paid the promised amount they went on strike. And that was their fault, the agent was never dealt with, and he got off squat free.
I NEVER SAID THAT. Prove it or take back your false claim.

when discussing about Indian roots i always said I am Pukhtuns(Pathan, Pashtun) :) and i have no Indian roots.

Ok then i with drew my comments :disagree:

Allah says that Muslims are like a body when one part gets hurts the entire body feels the pain. Being Muslims we do not believe in reciprocating the bad behaviour by other Muslims. Are asked by Allah and his Last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to forgive the mistakes of other Muslims or human beings.

Yaar i am not talking about Allah or Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) ..I am asking you as a Pakistani are you sure that people from Middle east really care about your plight??
Ok then i with drew my comments :disagree:

Yaar i am not talking about Allah or Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) ..I am asking you as a Pakistani are you sure that people from Middle east really care about your plight??

Well it depends on which Arab are you looking at, while there are some who will sympathize with whats happening in Pakistan, there are some and this I am talking from my personal experience have made the whole taliban thing as a joke and a laughing matter on us. And I have been at a receiving end of it at times. But we cant generalize all of them as one.
...Given our short history it was/is very imporatant to have Islam as a binding force...If you take out Islam from Pakistan then what do a Pathan and Sindhi share in common...nothing so Islam is the skeleton of Pakistan -
How much do the French- and English- speaking populations of Canada have in common? If Pakistan concentrated on good governance rather than glory through war and wealth through corruption, who is to say that Pakistan wouldn't be as peaceful and prosperous as Canada is today?

wether an individual likes it or not ...and because Islam is so important to Pakistan speaking for poor palestinians naturally strikes the cord in the Pakistani populace...please don't forget if alot of Pakistanis are suffering in oil rich Arab states
Tayyab, the Arabs lost every conventional war fought with Israel, but they gain great wealth through selling oil. They cannot use it to buy up weapons and Western defence companies at will, but they can employ that wealth in other ways.

In exchange for support from the oil-wealthy Arabs, Pakistani leaders essentially yielded control of public education to these Arabs two generations ago. Pakistan spent money and effort developing nuclear weapons instead. The result is praise by Arabs to individual Pakistanis for making Pakistan strong and contempt for Pakistani leaders as these Arabs now believe it is they through their madrassas, not the government of Pakistan, who now control the destiny of the country.

In their view, Pakistan is valued a tool and weapon, to be employed as they will, not through the freely-exercised democratic will of the people. Are you happy with the results thus far?
In their view, Pakistan is valued a tool and weapon, to be employed as they will, not through the freely-exercised democratic will of the people. Are you happy with the results thus far?

And when in grievance , the Arabs tell them " I like the way you move ...."
I dont understand. Because the most people working in Gulf countries are from my state of Kerala and from here its usually muslims and christians who are going to there.
They form the majority of indians going there.
Out of 1.4 million Indians in the UAE, Keralites account for 50 percent so I know it better.

Every Muslim household in Northern part of my state has atleast a member of the family working in Middle east.

They go there as entrepreuners, labourers, and can be seen in all sort of work.
Total list of indian companies companies in UAE itself is 558

List Of Indian Companies - ADCB UAE Directory

People here are generalizing Indians on basis of what they hear from laborers.

The majority successful people are doing a great job and there was a refreshing news recently that the most prestigious flat( Flat number 100) in worlds tallest building burj Khalifa is owned by an Indian named Dr. Shetty.

"100, Burj Khalifa" - New Address for Dr. B.R.Shetty

I don't mind Jana generalizing Indians,... Its her job.. let her do it.

I have never figured out why 2/3 smaller motels in the USA are operated by Indians either.
:lol::lol: lolzzzzz you are even now disowning the word Bharatiya and terming it a slur ????? i can see how much happy you are with your status.

We know the way Pakistanis use the term Bharti Hindus ...so lets not go there

Indeed the word you mentioned which is banned on this forum is derogatory because there is NO Such word prevailing in Urdu for our nationality whereas Bharatiya is a valid word not coined by anyone else but Bharatiyas themselves and Bharti media is using it since long.

The word Indian is coined by the goras and not the valid one used for Bharatiyas

Again there is not word called "Bhartis" a word that Pakistanis use ....if you call me a "Bhartiya" ....I don't have a problem...just like the way you guys don't have a problem being called a Pakistani...but you don't like being called a ****.
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