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Pakistanis have more confidence in military than in current government

First Off topic rant on India.
Most patriotic and Incorruptible ?
Who gave you the gift of Islamic Extremism ?
Who killed millions of its own people in East Pakistan. May be MB did too, but PA was instrumental in that.
Who can't control cross border incursions but regularly bomb Tribal areas with Jets and Gunships on its own people which is known to cause more Collateral Damage.
Who pushed Pakistan in WoT ? TTP is creation of Pakistan's support in WoT.
Whose policy gave India a chance to get back in Afghanistan ?
Who allows drones to kill Pakistanis especially Children ?

Most patriotic and Incorruptible ?
Yes, Pak Army is the least corrupt of all the institutions in Pakistan. It is not perfect by any means, but it is still better than anything else.

Who gave you the gift of Islamic Extremism ?
USA and Saudi Arabia planted the seeds of extremism in Pakistan to defeat USSR in Afghanistan, and then left it to deal with the aftermath without any support for over a decade.

Who killed millions of its own people in East Pakistan. May be MB did too, but PA was instrumental in that.
Millions? The casualties were only a few hundred thousand, and most of the them were the work of Mukti Bahini.

Who can't control cross border incursions but regularly bomb Tribal areas with Jets and Gunships on its own people which is known to cause more Collateral Damage.
To be fair the answer is ISAF and the Pak Army. Nobody can control the border areas due to the difficult terrain and the fact that the same families and tribes are present on both sides. At least the Pak Army is doing all it can to make sure that the terrorism does not spread to the major cities by keeping it confined to the tribal areas.

Who pushed Pakistan in WoT ? TTP is creation of Pakistan's support in WoT.
It was the ultimatum by George Bush that pushed Pakistan into the war on terror. Pakistan did not join it by choice.

Whose policy gave India a chance to get back in Afghanistan ?
USA policy has given India that chance in Afghanistan.

Who allows drones to kill Pakistanis especially Children ?
Just like the war on terror, the drone attacks are forced on Pakistan. Nobody "allows" them.
@Argus Panoptes

USA and Saudi Arabia ? Mess after Cold war was used by Pakistan Army to send them to Kashmir. Entire world knows that. You don't admit the Zia and his gifts ? Wow. Just WoW. Taliban is recognized by Pakistan. Why you supported it. Instead of killing them that time, you are now killing your own people.

Who killed millions of its own people in East Pakistan. May be MB did too, but PA was instrumental in that.
PA didn't do any war crimes ? Its well documented fact. Accepted world wide. Even PA officers says so.

Who can't control cross border incursions but regularly bomb Tribal areas with Jets and Gunships on its own people which is known to cause more Collateral Damage.

So when we kill terrorists and there are collateral damage in Kashmir, why you blame India. Aren't we trying to contain Islamic terrorism the terrorism at border and in Kashmir.

It was the ultimatum by George Bush that pushed Pakistan into the war on terror. Pakistan did not join it by choice.
You always have a choice. You made Afghan Taliban your friend which were killing ISAF. Safe Havens in Pakistan made ISAF to strike inside Pakistan. Al Qaeda terrorists just killed today in Drone attack.

Just like the war on terror, the drone attacks are forced on Pakistan. Nobody "allows" them.

So drones coming in and bombed and PAF can't bring them down. Your Parliament called it Wrong but where is the action.
Actions matter not just mere words.
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@Argus Panoptes

USA and Saudi Arabia ? Mess after Cold war was used by Pakistan Army to send them to Kashmir. Entire world knows that. You don't admit the Zia and his gifts ? Wow. Just WoW. Taliban is recognized by Pakistan. Why you supported it. Instead of killing them that time, you are now killing your own people..................

Zia was unleashed only after the billions of dollars from USA and SA flowed into Pakistan on their way to Afghanistan. Otherwise, he would have remained just another dictator in Pakistan's unfortunate political history.

Please don't forget that the Taliban were recognized by three states: Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and UAE. And we know just how much SA/UAE influenced that decision for Pakistan.
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our democratic system is not actually democratic..it is a bunch of rich fudul families ruling us one after another...our leaders still have an imperial mindset and when the get a seat they think they become kings....we are yet to see a government that comes from the people a president who comes from the middle or lower class. this could have been possible if Imran Khan had not gon on a shopping spree of LOTAS.
any way it is no secret that our political system sucks and that is y ppl look up to only power that can and has protected them.
Please don't bellyache. It's YOU guys who've voted your politicians to power. Not the Martians. So blame yourselves. Let's see whom you guys vote for in the next elections that are round the corner.
Why don't Pakistan try to set up communist regime? Ask help from China and be as prosper as China is?

We would prefer that, but the word communist is a boogeyman from the afghan days.

Thats quite understandable . Who would ever want a government led by Zardari ?
They had no option but to turn towards the military . Hope a sincere and a far much better government arrives in Pakistan after the 13 elections .

However we also have zardari's in our Congressey government :D

No Indian, not even hitler or Stalin, will ever have the raw genius of zordari no matter how evil sick and twisted he may be one must acknowledge the brainpower of this guy
Zia was unleashed only after the billions of dollars from USA and SA flowed into Pakistan on their way to Afghanistan. Otherwise, he would have remained just another dictator in Pakistan's unfortunate political history.Please don't forget that the Taliban were recognized by three states: Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and UAE. And we know just how much SA/UAE influenced that decision for Pakistan.
This is your fault. Equally Responsible for terrorism in Afghanistan coz you supported Taliban, made LeT, JeM.

Terrorists are attacking you because they used to be your friend and now you have chosen US over them. If you hadn't made them friends at first place, you wouldn't have these problems.

You are blaming a TTP leader who gave orders while ignoring those Terrorists who Do the actual Crime who attack your people. They are equally responsible.
The people who rallied for them to save the country from corrupt, incompetent rulers

Isn't it ironic that the voice of the people is heard not by those who should, but by those who shouldn't? There is something very wrong with this picture. What do you think?
Please don't bellyache. It's YOU guys who've voted your politicians to power. Not the Martians. So blame yourselves. Let's see whom you guys vote for in the next elections that are round the corner.

i am not belly aching i am just stating the facts about the demographics of our society...and y r u indian guys always so angry and offensive towards us...get a grip on son.
@Argus Panoptes

USA and Saudi Arabia ? Mess after Cold war was used by Pakistan Army to send them to Kashmir. Entire world knows that. You don't admit the Zia and his gifts ? Wow. Just WoW. Taliban is recognized by Pakistan. Why you supported it. Instead of killing them that time, you are now killing your own people.

Who killed millions of its own people in East Pakistan. May be MB did too, but PA was instrumental in that.
PA didn't do any war crimes ? Its well documented fact. Accepted world wide. Even PA officers says so.

Who can't control cross border incursions but regularly bomb Tribal areas with Jets and Gunships on its own people which is known to cause more Collateral Damage.

So when we kill terrorists and there are collateral damage in Kashmir, why you blame India. Aren't we trying to contain Islamic terrorism the terrorism at border and in Kashmir.

It was the ultimatum by George Bush that pushed Pakistan into the war on terror. Pakistan did not join it by choice.
You always have a choice. You made Afghan Taliban your friend which were killing ISAF. Safe Havens in Pakistan made ISAF to strike inside Pakistan. Al Qaeda terrorists just killed today in Drone attack.

Just like the war on terror, the drone attacks are forced on Pakistan. Nobody "allows" them.

So drones coming in and bombed and PAF can't bring them down. Your Parliament called it Wrong but where is the action.
Actions matter not just mere words.

KRAIT bhai,

What's this.

Ground hog day for you.

Most of the stuff you write is what extremists Jih@dis of Pakistan and extremists Hindus in India say.

And you go on and repeat all these fallacies even when we in the past have agreed are indeed fallacies.

Ground hog day indeed.

Ground hog day. Please come out and see the realities.


p.s. For those who are not into hollywood movies. Ground hog day is about a hero who wakes up to see the same old world over and over and over and over again.
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@FaujHistorian Tell me what are fallacies ? Read the question of the post I replied to.

I just pointed out that Military is equally responsible for bad state of Pakistan.

I would rather like a to the point reply than a condescending answer comparing my views with Jehadis and Hindu extremists.

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@FaujHistorian Tell me what are fallacies ? Read the question of the post I replied to.

I just pointed out that Military is equally responsible for bad state of Pakistan.

I would rather like a to the point reply than a condescending answer comparing my views with Jehadis and Hindu extremists.


May be they are, may be they aren't.

Why any sane Indian has to be

---- Begani shaadi main Kumar diwana

This thread is about some poll that pakistani people like Pak military.

So what.

Maybe people like military. Afterall it is their own. Our soldiers are not from Mars.

May be they are the worst in the world from a Hindu nationalist pov.

But Pakistanis like their military (and obviously they don't give two hoots to the long list of fermaishi things you have put together)

Why a sane Indian is burning his precious brain cells on this?

Thank you
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@FaujHistorian Sir, I stated about Military which even Pakistani analysts said. I just reiterated it. Every point is from Pakistani journalists and Pakistani thinkers. All respected one.

Do I blame a normal soldier, No. I blame senior most officials.

As for me posting on this thread, I won't post on any Pakistan related thread and I will act according to you, or any Pakistani senior member.

Its my fault that I talk blunt lately. I won't repeat it again.

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@FaujHistorian Sir, I stated about Military which even Pakistani analysts said. I just reiterated it. Every point is from Pakistani journalists and Pakistani thinkers. All respected one.

Do I blame a normal soldier, No. I blame senior most officials.

As for me posting on this thread, I won't post on any Pakistan related thread and I will act according to you, or any Pakistani senior member.

Its my fault that I talk blunt lately. I won't repeat it again.


nothing personal yaara.

I respect you.

And we have exchanged so many "virtual" high fives.

The list you made is a litany of things that lefties, commies used to lump in order to f@rt against the army. These days Islamists are using the same list to belittle a good force that sacrifices the ultimate to protect us.

Is that the best in the world. Off course not.

But it ain't too bad.

I wish you could spend a day in the boots of Pak generals (obviously you can't, so trust me) that they are as patriotic and as sane as any Indian General given the same situation.

What you say is the same thing islamists say these days about everything that they hate.

I have seen a senior member like you to be 1000 times better researched and well-read compared to many 2-bit Islamists on this forum.

If you want to do research about Pak army. Please do to your heart's content. But it should not be turned into an info-war and psychological war against Pakistan and Pak army.

thank you
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The Armed Forces are popular because the Average Officer and Jawan puts his *** on the line for the common Pakistani, any disaster natural or man-made - they are there, that is why with WOT and other crap, 88% approval rating.
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