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Pakistanis have more confidence in military than in current government

I think its unfair , your statements are not fully correct here are the facts

a) Army of Pakistan has educated backgound every one is educated and properly educated
not the type of education that is common in Public schools. And Military should be
congradulated that they kept their standards high and did not depend on civilian
government's education standards.

b) Every country in world, including USA , Canada , Britain the Military , gets free education and residence and pay its standard why because when things go wrong the Army , puts their lives at stake

Example: In USA , military soldiers are granted 40,000 USD for their education free higher education
In Canada sometimes soldiers are given 20,000 Siging bonus to join their miliatry
Simialarly they enjoy health benefits

Infact they even have option for soldiers to study in Special Universities for Soldiers

When Pakistan had floods , who came to help the public it was the Army , soldiers and airforce (helicopters) to some extent.

Then you claimed well the Military owns lands and that they run businesses , my dear friend is it illegal for a retired person to get into business ? During the time when Military man serves the nation he cannot take part in business however when they retire from Military they can work in civilian posts.

Traditionally , Pakistan Army has stepped up in Politics this time around they are letting Democracy take shape
they have done nothing wrong

If however Imran Khan does not comes to power then I will certainly favour Revolution or Military Law instead of seeing anything of previous leaders come back to power because they have failed

Pakistan's problem is not the Army the problem is Education level ...
75-80% graduating from Pakistani Education model are cheating their way out of exams
and this is creating a working class of horrible standard , and then they cut throat to get ahead , we see this syndrome in Politics

What has the civilian govern done in last 5 years ... FIVE long years ?

hmmm ...

The Underlaying things were Civilian government responsiblity ...


No major DAM construction
Failed rental power plant project
Failed CNG gas situation
Could not sign Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline project work (pressure from US)
Attack on Pakistani girl , for womens education
Or when they wasted whole Punjab's budget on 1 metro train in one city ?
Or when they used Government budget to buy and give out laptops ?
Did they collect Taxes from people
Increase in inflations
Sad state of "STATE COMPANIES"
Illegal Hirings in STATE companies , who were making no profits
Power shortages
Terrorism increase
No MAJOR defence purchase
Some politician's Child killed a Police DSP's son in Karachi this is standard of Civilian Leadership

Compared to Military Leadership of Musharaf Sahib

* IT reforms (Technological companies reforms) all companies have websites
* Initiatives to bring Forigners on high salary to Pakistani High End positions
* Dairy Farm Reforms which made Pakistan Top Dairy producing country
* NADRA Initiative for security and consensus , and tracking of people
* FREEDOM of press , before him there were 2-3 channels and no news on these channels
* GWADAR initiative , for second port of Pakistan
* Military Defence Deals (AWACs , F16, Missiles, Refueling Tankers, J10b , OHP , F22P frigates)
* Economic Boom before Earth Quakes hit Pakistani cities.
* Real Estate Property Boom in country new development
* Major improvements in infrastructure in Karachi (with help from other Party)
* Rasul Poor Engine Overhaul Factory , creation
* Anti Terrorism initiatives
**Pakistani Economy that was almost bankrupt in Nawaz Sharif's term
was made profitable
** Creation of HEC institute for Higher Education standard in Pakistan


When Pakistan got Floods , where was the Civilian Head of State ?
Yes he was in London , he was uninvited guest , stopped by for visiit and British press
were confused why was he in London when Pakistan was under water?

Picture from Archives when Pakistan was under flood and Leader was in UK with all his family
he abondoned his post really

I personally have tremendous respect for Armed forces and the heads who stayed out of politics
and it allowed people of Pakistan to see , HOW HORRIBLE the CIVILIAN democratic so called Leaders are ...

Day by Day I am coming to conclusion that PAKISTAN is a state , where DEMOCRACY cannot work untill the day , the Education Level of People is at least 90% rate

I feel Mr Imran Khan has some new ideas but beyond that I would prefer Mushsraf Shaib back

This current democratic system & the corrupt politicians are completely owned & run by their pimp lord Master US & Allies. These incompetent & corrupt politicians have no love for Pakistan at all. The only reason why they are in Pakistan is to rob Pakistan & to do massive corruption in Pakistan. Almost all of these incompetent & corrupt politicians are not even Pakistani nationals either they are British or Canadian or US National. So how can they be loyal to Pakistan? they never will be loyal to Pakistan, they are here to obey orders of US & allies. Kuta Nawaz is a perfect example who obeyed US order in Kargil war & just recently after meeting US Ambassador he said giving Gawadar to China is a mistake, so it is clear from these incompetent & corrupt politicians are getting their orders from.

We all know who brought PPP to powers & how well they served their masters.

As far Imran Khan goes he lacks a lot of things, he does not have the ability to make decision & in this case Gen. Musharraf was & is the best, I want to see Gen. Musharraf back in power & my vote is for him.
One thing always amaze me is the fact that even though Pakistan was created by the overwhelming support of Muslims of subcontinent yet they were not able create a working democratic setup once they came together under one shed. So what exactly went wrong? Where did all the Muslim unity that helped creating a nation vanished once the nation was created? Reasons anyone??
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