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Pakistanis Happier

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Nov 10, 2010
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Pakistanis happier than Indians: Gallup survey

WASHINGTON: India has ranked 71st in happiness with only 17% people describing themselves as "thriving" in a new study of well-being that gives Denmark the top spot among 124 countries surveyed.

With Danes ranked the most contented people on the planet with a whopping 72% of residents considering themselves "thriving," Sweden and Canada followed close behind, each at 69% in Gallup's 2010 Global Wellbeing Survey.

The US came in somewhat near the middle of the pack, with 59% of Americans thriving.

A majority of Indians (64%) believe they are "struggling" while 19% think they are "suffering" according to the survey. Surprisingly Pakistanis were found to be happier. Pakistan was ranked 40th with 32% "thriving". Among other neighbours, Bangladesh was placed 89 with only 13% thriving, while China was ranked 92 with only 12% happy respondents.

A median of just 21% were found to be "thriving" in the Gallup survey polling 1,000 adults, age 15 and older, in both face-to-face and telephone interviews in each country throughout 2010.

Outside of Europe and the Americas, however, other nations fared considerably less well. A mere 12% of the population considered themselves to be thriving in Egypt, followed by 6% in Kenya and, dead last, Chad with 1%.
may be they didnt know the meaning of thriving..Chinese are not happy, Indians and BD are also not happy, what is with Pakistan that they are thriving
Pakistanis happier than Indians: Gallup survey

WASHINGTON: India has ranked 71st in happiness with only 17% people describing themselves as "thriving" in a new study of well-being that gives Denmark the top spot among 124 countries surveyed.

With Danes ranked the most contented people on the planet with a whopping 72% of residents considering themselves "thriving," Sweden and Canada followed close behind, each at 69% in Gallup's 2010 Global Wellbeing Survey.

The US came in somewhat near the middle of the pack, with 59% of Americans thriving.

A majority of Indians (64%) believe they are "struggling" while 19% think they are "suffering" according to the survey. Surprisingly Pakistanis were found to be happier. Pakistan was ranked 40th with 32% "thriving". Among other neighbours, Bangladesh was placed 89 with only 13% thriving, while China was ranked 92 with only 12% happy respondents.

A median of just 21% were found to be "thriving" in the Gallup survey polling 1,000 adults, age 15 and older, in both face-to-face and telephone interviews in each country throughout 2010.

Outside of Europe and the Americas, however, other nations fared considerably less well. A mere 12% of the population considered themselves to be thriving in Egypt, followed by 6% in Kenya and, dead last, Chad with 1%.

Pakistanis happier than Indians: Gallup survey - The Times of India
Even after so much economic crisis and terrorism..... I am surprised
Well there are more happy people in India than any other country in the world:victory:
Reaction from indian members is/will be
Areesh, I agree with you, Pakistanis are very strong resilient people. Their resilience helps them overcome difficulties that others might hard to overcome. They are extremely optimistic, simple & find happiness in the smallest of things in life. Very admirable traits.
I agree, Pakistanis are very strong resilient people. Their resilience helps them overcome difficulties that others might hard to overcome. They are extremely optimistic, simple & find happiness in the smallest of things in life. These are very admirable traits in my opinion.
They are happy because they have India as their neighbour and we are not because we have Pakistan as our neighbour. :cheers:


On a serious note, I think Indians by nature are not easily satisfied..and complaint a lot.. however on the positive note, I guess thats the nature that is responsible to some extent for India's economic growth despite corrupt politicians and all other adversities..
Pakistan= 32
India = 17
China = 12

Pakistan Wins. Hurrahhhhhhhhhhh.
we r heavy coz we have gr8 neighbor as china...whereas india have disputes with alll.

inshallah ...wat a news!!!!!

On a serious note, I think Indians by nature are not easily satisfied..and complaint a lot.. however on the positive note, I guess thats the nature that is responsible to some extent for India's economic growth despite corrupt politicians and all other adversities..

Another way to look at this is that in India, 83% people think they can do better than what they are currently doing.

As you said I think this has more to do with our burgeoning Middle class and its aspirations than anything else. If you see both the poor and the extreme rich will be happy in their own way. It is the middle class which is not.
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