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Pakistanis Fed up with Army/ISI putting Politicians in Power & Removing Them

Why is he talking to an Indian journalist about problems in Pakistan?

These idiots need to get their head checked.

During their careers, they tamper around the political landscape like it’s their wives boobies, and then have the gall to act all self righteous. This is what happens when an institution operates with 0 accountability.

Kaha se aaye hai ye log bhai.

very interesting choice of words there.
Where is the gheirat in these people to talk about these issues on Indian platforms?

There wasn’t any of that to begin with.
It’s a prerequisite to become an East India Company executive.
If they are going to intervene then atleast put someone in thats good for the country instead of recycling the same faces from the 90s.
Pakistanis Fed up with Army / ISI putting Politicians in Power & Removing Them and then Caging TV Media Journalists in Pakistan

Pakistanis 220 million not about Imran khan but generally fed with Pakistan Army role in stagnating Economy and putting curbs in different Pakistan institutions !

Oh yes PAKISTAN's enemies biggest desire for all time (Pakistan people Vs Army) it will never happened INSHALLAH...
The Army broke Pakistan in 1971 but never learnt any lessons. Now they have bought the
most corrupt people of Pakistan and imposed them on this poor awaam. Another 6 months
of this PDM and Pakistan will default.
I am fed up for sure of the self tap on back and high fives

1- Messed up in 1952 delay in constitution setup the first generation of JANRAIL were being trained on how they are above the law and better the civilians

2- Civilians were denied control for quite some time after the 1947 hand over

3- Military -Civilian relations tussle since early days of Pakistan

4- Questionable deaths of Liaqat Ali and Mohammad Ali Jinah
The trained military heads were busy planing how they can be in power and benefit from relations with Superpower politics

5- 1967-1970 again tussle between Army and People of Pakistan formation of Bangladesh

6 - Military again involved in Afghan fiasco

7- No border with Afghan side military opposed any borders large immigrant migrations

8- 80's again Marshal Law and no real progress (All people studied Engineering and ended up going to Middle east for working)

9 - No real progress in Pakistan in 90's except for emergence of Rock/Pop music and private channel (Everyone called it progress)

10 - 2001-2010 War on Terror and Military involved in mess in Afghanistan
Everyone started to study Computer and Business , again moving out of Pakistan
Only solution for jobs was go out of country

11- More none sense 2008 allowed corrupt politicians to return

12- 10 Years of Corrupt rule over Pakistan Military getting their own Cut to get richer

13 - 2022 Attack on own government and Toppling reminding us of 1947-1952 period

14 - Attack on own civilians who protested for Elections (2022 May)

A) If you question the illegal wealth accumulated by Military officials, people are beaten
The court orders the beating , how absurd is that ?

B) If you question their illegal act of kidnapping then the person gets kidnapped

c) If you reminded them elections are right of Pakistani people and your job to secure a fair election they claim we are neutral

d) I look at Military officials homes , very luxurious homes , what war have they "Won?"

Army's Job = Secure Border = Fail
Army's Job = Build solid border wall = Fail
Army's Job = Win Wars reclaim lost land = Fail
Army's Job = Set example of High Morals and Character = Border Line Fail
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This is our country and belongs to all of us. No sane person is against the Army /ISI other then the treacherous sold out with colourful character generals who think they are above the law. Their job specification is to uphold the constitution not to alter it to suit themselves, defend the country not to take the country hostage, keep stock of the equipment and ammunition not the accounts in their off shore accounts. The same people who pay taxes for these brat's wages and privileges are looked down by these ignorant. These overfed idiots think they are somehow superior then rest of us while their performance shows otherwise. The same stick they are using on common people must be used to put them in line and once for all nailed them down to their oath while they get kicked and scream.
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If people have problems they should air them in Pakistan and through Pakistani media.

But we have IK praising India and other traitors joining hands with enemy nations like India.

These scum are just taking advatage of the situation for their nefarious activities against the state of Pakistan.

These people should be stoned in public.
General Bajwa in Hot Shots 2

Lets say this was true - supposedly Pakistanis are fed up

Per https://www.scientificamerican.com/...oes-a-minority-have-to-be-to-reshape-society/

The tipping point for systematic change is 25% of the population. “At and slightly above that level, contrarians were able to “convert” anywhere from 72 to 100 percent of the population of their respective groups”

@Irfan Baloch - I dont see it
the third ri
Lets say this was true - supposedly Pakistanis are fed up

Per https://www.scientificamerican.com/...oes-a-minority-have-to-be-to-reshape-society/

The tipping point for systematic change is 25% of the population. “At and slightly above that level, contrarians were able to “convert” anywhere from 72 to 100 percent of the population of their respective groups”

@Irfan Baloch - I dont see it
the 3rd riech was allegedly only 10% of German politics but it enforced its will on entire population. that sentence is just a place holder.

I will have to read in detail to respond to this discussion
please bear with me.
Pakistanis Fed up with Army / ISI putting Politicians in Power & Removing Them and then Caging TV Media Journalists in Pakistan

Pakistanis 220 million not about Imran khan but generally fed with Pakistan Army role in stagnating Economy and putting curbs in different Pakistan institutions !

Pakistan Army is getting fed up of corrupt politicians and should set up anti-terror courts to give the corrupts swift justice.
If people have problems they should air them in Pakistan and through Pakistani media.
It may point to some problems with the credibility or uprightness of Pakistani media that famous newsmakers like to seek out channels outside the country to air their heterodox views. First question to ask: Is there an interviewer similar to this one. who can ask questions that are taboo inside Pakistan. Many journalists who ask difficult questions routinely get disappeared or otherwise neutralized. So a person may feel he or she needs to go outside the house to slaughter the Sacred Cows.
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