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Pakistanis do not learn from history

Unfortunately, the problem here is 'denial'. Truth hurts and people don't want to face it. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it! After Bangla Desh, what next? Balochistan? :undecided:
Please do not equate Islam and Terror.. Its offensive to 180 million of my countrymen, even if you are saying it to make a point..
thats not i meant

---------- Post added at 08:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:15 PM ----------

Unfortunately, the problem here is 'denial'. Truth hurts and people don't want to face it. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it! After Bangla Desh, what next? Balochistan? :undecided:
no it might be another pakistan that will break part from india, who knows?
Your found your time with them pleasurable. What did they have to say about Israel? Or India? Or the U.S. WoT?

Did not had the time for international relations, but they did share their experience of pakistan and it was not what you are having.

Even though they had come with very mixed views, something close to yours negative ones, but they were going back with changed ones, positive ones. Still, we are not perfect and have our own flaws.
It's a waste posting this stuff at PDF. It takes a rich boy to afford internet access or travel overseas, and my suspicion is that almost all of these come from families who established or perpetuate their wealth by corruption - because in Pakistan it's impossible to get rich and stay rich while remaining honest. They hope their oppressed countrymen won't notice what's really going on until they and their relatives have robbed as much as they can and stashed the loot abroad.

Of course, I'd like the Pakistanis here to prove me wrong. How could they do that?

Well, Mr. Solomon, your first two lines are really flawed, as is the whole of the post.

My family has a gotten the wealth by serving in the army as engineers and pilots, who cannot do any corruption of any sort, but still, I have internet, and a pretty decent life.

Next time, before posting like this, try to come into Pakistan and have a ground view , the real view.
I am aware there are many admirable things about Pakistan and Pakistanis. True, I don't mention them here much. I perceive too well how outstandingly good qualities - deep friendship, love of beauty, even personal honor - have been turned to evil by personal and group selfishness justified by willful moral blindness. Too many Pakistanis in positions of power and authority are willing to let this expand and grow and pay no heed to the eventual consequences. Pakistanis lack vision untrammeled by delusions.

I just finished boning up on medieval France under Louis XIV (1648-1715). Frenchmen then had many of the same qualities as Pakistanis today. Having regained Burgundy, asserted the royal power over the provincial, and defeated a Protestant rebellion, France was practically a new country - just like Pakistan in 1948. Just like Pakistan, early in the period industrialization and centralization increased wealth greatly. (I suppose that with Pakistan agricultural improvements mattered more.) France even allied with the Ottoman Empire, as Pakistan has with the Arabs and Turks today.

Nevertheless, by the end of Louis XIV's reign population had dropped 20% due to the chaos, disease, and starvation that were a by-product of its excessive concentration upon overly ambitious wars which turned every neighbor that wasn't a satellite into an enemy and state-supported religious bigotry that drove minorities to flee to foreign lands.
Aside from the fact that the market I had planned to visit for business purposes was bombed to smithereens, aside from the fact I keep kosher (which would be a severe constraint on my diet in Pakistan), I believe that the only use in me going to Pakistan right now would be to serve as jihadi food. Until Pakistan becomes safe for proud Jewish Zionists I'll have to make to with books, personal relationships, and on-line conversations.
if U coming here on friendly trip not for any covert operation then U most welcome and we guarantee U that nobody gonna hurt u. U gonna enjoy ure stay here too.but if U tried to act like Raymond Davis then I'm sorry we won't be able to help U. But U will find out that Pakistan is a truly free country and U gonna love ure stay here...Its a free country for free people.:smokin:
if U coming here on friendly trip not for any covert operation then U most welcome and we guarantee U that nobody gonna hurt u.
I'm sorry to say this, but Pakistan has so besmirched its national honor that a guarantee from the mouth of a Pakistani is close to meaningless. Applying the stereotype to a single person may be inaccurate but it isn't unfair because the failure is collective, not just personal.
if U coming here on friendly trip not for any covert operation then U most welcome and we guarantee U that nobody gonna hurt u. U gonna enjoy ure stay here too.but if U tried to act like Raymond Davis then I'm sorry we won't be able to help U. But U will find out that Pakistan is a truly free country and U gonna love ure stay here...Its a free country for free people

what happened to Benazir?? for me it was the sadest moment
I'm sorry to say this, but Pakistan has so besmirched its national honor that a guarantee from the mouth of a Pakistani is close to meaningless. Applying the stereotype to a single person may be inaccurate but it isn't unfair because the failure is collective, not just personal.


I would recommend my pakistani colleagues to understand the term-----" the failure is collective, not just personal "-------. So my good pakistanis----just because you are good is not good enough---just because you are honest is not enough----you have to force ways to make others do the same----.

I would recommend my pakistani colleagues to understand the term-----" the failure is collective, not just personal "-------. So my good pakistanis----just because you are good is not good enough---just because you are honest is not enough----you have to force ways to make others do the same----.

You've made a great point there. Change cannot only be 'wished for' or 'hoped for'. Change must be 'worked for' and made to happen!
Ideally, change must be motivated towards; or failing that, eventually forced.
Then and only then; will a nation (any nation) seeking to forge its own destiny, be on the path to doing so.
unfortunately Cowasjee and others like him have a very small audience ... Army and politicians are equally corrupt they will never let go however i am surprised that why the urdu publications like Jang and others are not writing a thing about such issues? they are not as open as they are in english publications. Who is talking to the majority urdu audience of pakistan ? this is major miss-communication !
I'm sorry to say this, but Pakistan has so besmirched its national honor that a guarantee from the mouth of a Pakistani is close to meaningless. Applying the stereotype to a single person may be inaccurate but it isn't unfair because the failure is collective, not just personal.
Yes! I absolutely agree with u about the failure of the country as collective failure....It is due to the fact that We left the teachings of Holy Quran and Sunnah of Holy Prophet PBUH...our govt left it didn't implement the teachings/commandmends of Allah SBWT thats why we are facing collective failure. But this failure of our country doesn't create any problem for Ure visit or stay here... This world is free for everybody to live in....I guess U need to travel the world and come here and see the difference ureself.........:smokin:
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