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Pakistani youth favors Sharia Law over Democracy.

Ameer ul Momineen was the "title" given by Suhabas to the leader of that time-
its not necessary the title shoud be Caliph- or Ameer ul Momineen

The leader was chosen by consensus not forced on people-
Hope that answered your Calipha question-

Who are eligible for this post??

You are trusting some religious clergy here who have no idea of Governance, Administration and Management.
Systems are run by people. Bring whatever law you want. I bet you my life nothing changes. Stop comparing this country to a country that can subdue its population with happiness by giving them everything this worldly life has to offer.


what you talking about?-

Who are eligible for this post??

You are trusting some religious clergy here who have no idea of Governance, Administration and Management.

You have no idea of shariah dont you?-
To be completely fair that will depend what people want- and i am reiterating what people want- maybe not all but enough for the shariah system to be considered-
Well as you have said Democracy has given us poor economic policy- poor management- greedy selfish anpar jahil drunk leaders and army generals- and having the looks of it the next government will still be full of those type of people-
Being Fair Let give shariah a chance- the change of faces- the type of people might aswell change the future of Pakistan- :tup:-

So as you are a thinking person, it is your contention that the hundreds of thousands of youth that show up for PTI and other parties, are really insincere - and have you noticed that even JUI-F does not promise Shariah - why do you suppose that is?
And Shariah is also demand of the TTP isn't it?

So since a Western journalist interprets the desperation of Pakistani youth for meaningful jobs as a demand for shariah, everything else that you see and experience, is suddenly a lie? Imran is a lie, after ahe does not promise Shariah and Nawaz is a lie and even Diesel and Ji are liars, since neither promise shariah? I don't think you thought this through

Lab Experiment?-
The leader was chosen by consensus not forced on people-
"We the People will choose"-
Hope that answered your Calipha question-

So Shariah is actually democracy??
So as you are a thinking person, it is your contention that the hundreds of thousands of youth that show up for PTI and other parties, are really insincere - and have you noticed that even JUI-F does not promise Shariah - why do you suppose that is?
And Shariah is also demand of the TTP isn't it?

So since a Western journalist interprets the desperation of Pakistani youth for meaningful jobs as a demand for shariah, everything else that you see and experience, is suddenly a lie? Imran is a lie, after ahe does not promise Shariah and Nawaz is a lie and even Diesel and Ji are liars, since neither promise shariah? I don't think you thought this through

These things are subjective-
People of Pakistan are naive- Vote banks are still "Khandani"- If they were little bit smart we would be seeing a different Pakistan-
Pakistani youth will cling to any one who give them dream of a change-
The point being-
Given there is a consensus on choosing between Shariah system and democracy- i think no one can deny the fact what majority of Pakistanis will go for- or what they want-

We should have a vote for change of system aswell- not only leaders-

So Shariah is actually democracy??

Usual people always get confused when we say we want "shariah"- they think of it as complete opposite of Democracy-
o bhai shariah does not subjugate people basic human rights-
These things are subjective-
People of Pakistan are naive- Vote banks are still "Khandani"- If they were little bit smart we would be seeing a different Pakistan-
Pakistani youth will cling to any one who give them dream of a change-
The point being-
Given there is a consensus on choosing between Shariah system and democracy- i think no one can deny the fact what majority of Pakistanis will go for- or what they want-

We should have a vote for change of system aswell- not only leaders-

Usual people always get confused when we say we want "shariah"- they think of it as complete opposite of Democracy-
o bhai shariah does not subjugate people basic human rights-

Tell me, without getting into the whole conspiracy against Islam thing - Why do you suppose with all these political parties based on religion in politics in Pakistan, why is it that this great demand, this "consensus" as you put it about Shariah is no where except in UK government survey??? Recall I said earlier that you were a thinking person, - what do you make of this?

And to clarify - Sharia is not about HUMAN Rights, it's about the Rights of God
Lab Experiment?-
A system is failing constantly- and we should not change it?-
Switching from Democracy to Dictatorship over and over again is not experiment- its stupid and that demands Change-

My Point is that a SYSTEM to get a taste of Success needs two things - TIME & PATIENCE.

Be it Dictatorship, Communism, Democracy, Capitalism, whatever it may be, it needs TIME.

Tell me one thing, since Independence, have Pakistan trusted any one system for a good amount of time??

You have dictatorship the minute democracy tries to stand on it's feet.

65 years of Independence & PPP govt. became the first civilian govt. to complete it's full term of 5 years & people here are already talking about bringing Military back to power or bringing Sharia or what not.

In simple terms, you are just EXPECTING that other system will WORK, but you don't want it to give the necessary time to really WORK.

US has been a Democracy for more than 220+ years, but even it can't be called a PERFECT democracy, nor has India Perfected the art of Democracy since last 65 years, but the common link b/w the people of these two countries is the fact that they still haven't lost FAITH in the system.
Tell me, without getting into the whole conspiracy against Islam thing - Why do you suppose with all these political parties based on religion in politics in Pakistan, why is it that this great demand, this "consensus" as you put it about Shariah is no where except in UK government survey??? Recall I said earlier that you were a thinking person, - what do you make of this?

exactly- why would the current lot of Pakistani politicians would want to change the current system which is feeding their pockets?-
why "kulhari at own feet" why will they want to bring in the system which will just disqualify them from the contesting?-
The people owning sugar Mills- steel factories- acres of lands- people with money are in power-
thats the democracy for you as it is implemented in Pakistan-

Has any one asked the people- the people like me?- No- and never will they- why?- it is obvious-

And to clarify - Sharia is not about HUMAN Rights, it's about the Rights of God

You are wrong- Funny- not surprising though-

a simple wiki tells me-

Shari'ah law can be organized in different ways and Professor Abdur Rahman I. Doi, author of Shari'ah: The Islamic Law[77][78] has divided Shari'ah content into five main branches:

1. Family relations
2. Crime and punishment
3. Inheritance and disposal of property
4. The economic system
5. External and other relations

"Reliance of the Traveller", an English translation of a fourteenth century CE reference on the Shafi'i school of fiqh written by Ahmad ibn Naqib al-Misri, organizes sharia law into the following topics:

1. Purification
2. Prayer
3. Funeral prayer
4. Taxes
5. Fasting
6. Pilgrimage
7. Trade
8. Inheritance
9. Marriage
10. Divorce
11. Justice

Kindly explain to me "rights of God" in context- because i can see the list as the complete system focusing mainly on People-
My Point is that a SYSTEM to get a taste of Success needs two things - TIME & PATIENCE.

Be it Dictatorship, Communism, Democracy, Capitalism, whatever it may be, it needs TIME.

Tell me one thing, since Independence, have Pakistan trusted any one system for a good amount of time??

You have dictatorship the minute democracy tries to stand on it's feet.

65 years of Independence & PPP govt. became the first civilian govt. to complete it's full term of 5 years & people here are already talking about bringing Military back to power or bringing Sharia or what not.

In simple terms, you are just EXPECTING that other system will WORK, but you don't want it to give the necessary time to really WORK.

US has been a Democracy for more than 220+ years, but even it can't be called a PERFECT democracy, nor has India Perfected the art of Democracy since last 65 years, but the common link b/w the people of these two countries is the fact that they still haven't lost FAITH in the system.

excellent points- but here is my take why i want Shariah-
You see the Shariah system is not a new system- it is tried and tested and extremely successful system-
Dont know why Muslims ditched it or were forced to ditch it- big mistake-
why waste your time on making Democracy work when you have your own tried and tested established system

The golden Islamic era- yup it was the shariah system at work-
history tells us when the Muslims were dominant- prosperous and in Power it was under shariah system-
For me as a Muslim- Shariah comes natural-

Personally i would not want any other system- it is a waste-

People say "shariah" is a stone age system with no room for change- evolve-
Its completely wrong-
Has any one asked the people- the people like me?- No- and never will they- why?- it is obvious-

you are wrong- Funny- not surprising though-

a simple wiki tells me--

You get your Shariah from WIKI? Really? Our resident Muslim, Zarvan has explained that "rules" of Shariah are "extracted" from Quran, being the great commodity that the Quran is, in the hands of expert "extractors" it has proven itself a text of everything under the sun and then some, except faith in God, that is, but who needs faith when you have the book of answers to all possible questions through time, space geography and history .

Somewhere on this board there is a thread of mine, "Reason and Revelation" you may find it worth your time
Can some one please put up the question they asked for this survey cause i bet devil is in the details.

Pakistani youth would prefer Islamic law or military rule over democracy, a British Council survey suggests.

More than half of 5,000 18-29 year-old Pakistanis polled said democracy had not been good for them or the country.The survey points towards a pessimistic generation, disenchanted with democracy after five years of civilian rule, says the BBC's Orla Guerin in Islamabad.

Most of those surveyed had more faith in the army than any other institution.

So Question is about Zardari and his government performance give or take not sharia law, cause people prefer any thing but Zardari .BBC at it again trying to project pakistan as an extremist state and printing false news hiding behind fictitious surveys.
You get your Shariah from WIKI? Really? Our resident Muslim, Zarvan has explained that "rules" of Shariah are "extracted" from Quran, being the great commodity that the Quran is, in the hands of expert "extractors" it has proven itself a text of everything under the sun and then some, except faith in God, that is, but who needs faith when you have the book of answers to all possible questions through time, space geography and history .

i think me quoting a wiki was a simple respectful and generous way to say to you that you dont know about even basic things of shariah- that was suppose to be an equivalent of face-palm :D-

I do hope starting from "wiki" you will research it further-

about Quran- A Qualified person opinions or interpretations extracted from Quran should only matter- Ignore the wanabe molvis like zarvan-

Somewhere on this board there is a thread of mine, "Reason and Revelation" you may find it worth your time

thanks sir- i will read it- :tup:-
BBC call them pessimist..

"ब्रिटिश काउंसिल के एक सर्वे में पाकिस्तानी युवाओं की एक ऐसी पीढ़ी उभर कर आई है, जो निराशावादी है" From BBC hindu Site

To all

Which all country implement complete Sharia in world???
excellent points- but here is my take why i want Shariah-
You see the Shariah system is not a new system- it is tried and tested and extremely successful system-
Dont know why Muslims ditched it or were forced to ditch it- big mistake-
why waste your time on making Democracy work when you have your own tried and tested established system

The golden Islamic era- yup it was the shariah system at work-
history tells us when the Muslims were dominant- prosperous and in Power it was under shariah system-
For me as a Muslim- Shariah comes natural-

Personally i would not want any other system- it is a waste-

People say "shariah" is a stone age system with no room for change- evolve-
Its completely wrong-

Again, Just to take it a little further, are you trying to say that a new system of Governance will make all the problems of Pakistan VANISH overnight??

In India we often wonder IF we had a Chinese system of Governance or IF we had the US system where there are only 2 parties, etc.

But what we are doing necessary is that we are IMAGINING that there is heaven on the other side & just getting RID of the duties we have towards our own state.

We don't have the Chinese system or the US system simply b'coz that doesn't SUIT us, they made those systems that suited them, we made that system that suited us better.

Mate, it's not cast in stone, a system that worked well in past or is working well somewhere else, doesn't mean will work everywhere. If that was the case, than every second country would have implemented the US system as it is & would have thought to become SUPERPOWERS overnight without working for the same.

There is some reason that even after 62 years of being an Islamic State, Sharia hasn't been implemented in Pakistan & yours is just WISHFUL THINKING that even after so many years, if implemented now, it will help Pakistan achieve the same glory as it used to give the muslims of middle ages.

Again, what you are trying to do, is blame it on the system, while when you introspect, you haven't done anything for the country either. We just look out for the SCAPEGOATS in our life so that we come out CLEAN.
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