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Pakistani youth favors Sharia Law over Democracy.

Everyone needs to understand the difference between earning money in a country and sending money to a country. You are using your education to further another country and powering their system and economy by creating ideas materializing into jobs among other things. What you send is more like "Pittance" of what you could do in the country you love. Being honest with yourself would be important in all further discussions as well as brief knowledge of how world economies work and how it affects us.

Lets be brutally honest-
What do you want us to do-
come to Pakistan and sit at home useless?- thus contributing "Nil"- as compared to peas that i am already contributing right now?-

such a nice idea that is to divert the topic from general to individual-
first talk to the flag than talk about the person- fcuk the topic-
since we are at it-
tell me about your brilliant contributions while living in Pakistan?- apart from taking part in IK Jalsa or breaking few public properties in riots or burning few christian homes- Tell me?-

I am being very general about Pakistanis living in Pakistan as you were to expats living abroad-
Lets be brutally honest-
What do you want us to do-
come to Pakistan and sit at home useless?- thus contributing "Nil"- as compared to peas that i am already contributing right now?-

such a nice idea that is to divert the topic from general to individual-
first talk to the flag than talk about the person-
tell me your brilliant contributions while living in Pakistan?- apart from taking part in IK Jalsa or breaking few public properties in riots or burning few christian homes- Tell me?-

I am being very general about Pakistanis living in Pakistan as you were to expats living abroad-

Okay .. lets do that for a second. Be brutally honest.

Are you useless enough to be doing anything? - How did you come up with the figure of 0?

I havent gone to an IK jalsa or gone to pick up musharaff from the airport. I have never once suggested that politics or religion is the answer to this plague.

If you want to see my contributions since i left my 80k a year job in the states and a culdersack home to a 10k rupee paying job in karachi with a white wife and a child, I have come pretty far in the last 3 years. Your pride would rather have you earn 0 then actually struggle for something. I worked for a business and against all odds with the past political setup and also started my own in renewable energy, for which i had no experience. Now I have 3 different ventures other than that one which are in in its infancy and should mature in the next 5 years.

The system you are so comfortable with in KSA will never ever come to Pakistan. Uneducated population that burns christian homes + no money = disaster.
If iI am not wrong, expat Pakistanis have done more for Pakistan. Except few cases they haven't brought bad name for Pakistan. On thee contrary they are facing problems due to work of Pakistanis back home.
I am sure we also need Sharia for Indian Muslim as well...

As you said, Sunni state for sunnis, Shia for Shia?

I am all up for it bro
They dont want it. There was an attempt to declare ahmedis non muslim. Court threw case out. Forget Sharia. Never gonna happen.
IF it's true then i still have hope for a better Pakistan ! masha'ALLAh nice to heard this good news !
Okay .. lets do that for a second. Be brutally honest.

Are you useless enough to be doing anything? - How did you come up with the figure of 0?

Is there a job waiting for me?- No- Opportunity?- No-

nor i hear good vibes coming out of Pakistan that people are investing or government is creating opportunities for young educated Pakistanis to get them settled- jobs?-

Nor i have any uncle- chacha- on high position- nor i am connected to upper echelons that can do "sifarish"- I will completely fail on that merit- So the figure of "Nil" is valid-

I havent gone to an IK jalsa or gone to pick up musharaff from the airport. I have never once suggested that politics or religion is the answer to this plague.
But yet you readily doubt the intentions of an expat and mix his intentions with his other flag-

If you want to see my contributions since i left my 80k a year job in the states and a culdersack home to a 10k rupee paying job in karachi with a white wife and a child, I have come pretty far in the last 3 years. Your pride would rather have you earn 0 then actually struggle for something. I worked for a business and against all odds with the past political setup and also started my own in renewable energy, for which i had no experience. Now I have 3 different ventures other than that one which are in in its infancy and should mature in the next 5 years.

great success story- :tup:-
at 24- I dont earn 80k a year- nor i have the money yet to invest or even start my own business in Pakistan-
Maybe the contribution story your are looking for will come later down the years- when i am matured and established enough to finally make a move back to Pakistan and start my own business- which i will- No Pakistani stays in Saudi Arabia for ever- eventually they have to move back-

The system you are so comfortable with in KSA will never ever come to Pakistan. Uneducated population that burns christian homes + no money = disaster.

It will have to other wise the equation will remain the same-
"Uneducated population that burns christian homes + no money = disaster"
Is there a job waiting for me?- No- Opportunity?- No-

nor i hear good vibes coming out of Pakistan that people are investing or government is creating opportunities for young educated Pakistanis to get them settled- jobs?-

Nor i have any uncle- chacha- on high position- nor i am connected to upper echelons that can do "sifarish"- I will completely fail on that merit- So the figure of "Nil" is valid-

But yet you readily doubt the intentions of an expat and mix his intentions with his other flag-

great success story- :tup:-
at 24- I dont earn 80k a year- nor i have the money yet to invest or even start my own business in Pakistan-
Maybe the contribution story your are looking for will come later down the years- when i am matured and established enough to finally make a move back to Pakistan and start my own business- which i will- No Pakistani stays in Saudi Arabia for ever- eventually they have to move back-

It will have to other wise the equation will remain the same-
"Uneducated population that burns christian homes + no money = disaster"

I walked into offices with what I had learned and was hired after interviews with 3 companies. I had no friends or family who gave me any support other than asking me to move back. Sifarish works when you know you cant produce results. Any private company that hires on that basis doesn't survive. And since I wasn't trying to work for a government institution I wasn't all that worried about work. Right now my major problem is hiring because of skilled labor. You think I am the only one?

My parents spent too much money on me to get the right education not just to be used in specific countries. Thats the difference between education and getting a degree. With education you are never scared anywhere in the world. So the figure of Nil is not valid from where I am.

Expats need to realize that what they are trying to do is bring change which they probably never get to use. It should be the right of only the people who are in that system to decide. So if you say you want Shariah law in this country you might have to be a member of that system to not be hypocritical or actually count towards it. I hope you do not want to spread "Shariah" like America spreads "Democracy"? Or is one persons interest in pushing their agenda greater than others?

I am not old as dirt, and I wish I had come back when I was 25.
yup thats exactly what i thought- i wanted to hear it from his mouth-

Piece of Advice-
He should talk to the individual not the 'other' flag he is carrying- :pop:-

Baat to sahi hai yar, but some times I can't help myself... main bhi kya karuun, oopar wale itna intelligent banaya hai ki smartness overflow hoti rehti hai :P
Okay, thats fair if I was you. But how will you make the Taliban understand that what you say in Quran and Sunnah is correct? Isnt that what the war is right now? It has been tried but in the end everyones goal is not islam but power and money.

we will bring biggest ulemas and tell them most will listen and few who will not they will be taken out by tribals
So the Taliban are innocent? Is that what your are trying to imply here? Since the people the army killed were 98% Taliban.

sorry sir before 2007 their were no Taliban in our tribal area but arms was killing tribals since 2003 and by 2007 they had killed thousands of innocent women children and tribal men and even after 2007 most who are killed are not Taliban most are innocent people
Come take a trip with me to at least swat this november. Talk to the people there face to face. Ask them what army was there when they took over the outlying towns and cities in the name of islam and how happy they were when that happened. They all thought they would get free electricity, new roads and god knows what else. what they got was Paksitani and sometimes Afghan taliban breaking into their houses, taking away their food, jewelry and even their adult children all in the name of islam. I could go on with the stories of the hangings and killings but I want you to go there and see what these people have to say. The same people dished out unimaginable revenge on these conquerors once the army opened a front. The outlying areas were not as lucky, but i truely believe that once people see shariah law, this is what will happen. Still a win win situation for me because that would be the last I see of this country as all my excuses would have run out.
How about it, Zarvan? You talk-the-talk, will you walk-the-walk, and on forcetrip's terms?
If the leadership and people are educated and reasonable...any form of government will work!!
It's odd that Pakistanis are arguing over the extent sharia exists or should exist in Pakistan whereas very few talk about the false nature of Pakistani democracy. In my opinion Pakistani elected officials see themselves as functionaries who serve at the pleasure of the military-ji hadi complex. After all, if a Pakistani is elected who the ji hadis don't like then that person is assassinated (with little if any ill consequences for the militants), and if the military doesn't like a politicians then they can be removed by the COAS' insistence or even a coup. And if reporters dig too deep into the military-ji hadi complex they can be killed as well, via orders originating from the COAS' office (as Admiral Mullen accused over a year ago.)
I think it should be implemented ASAP.

I say let them have it.. Everyone thinks that SA is the best welfare system in the world and once it is here we all get to do nothing and sit back and eat our lives away. I want to see how any other country pulls it off by not having that oil money. Especially Pakistan which dwarfs SA in population. It will be a free for all in no time .. Plus after being driven out in droves from SA they wont have anywhere to escape either, this definitely reminds me of swat and its high time it actually happens so we can move on from this infatuation with religion being the answer to our worldly struggles. Only struggle is the answer to this world and following whichever religion you practice as free men is the answer. Be honest with yourself and others, gain skills and implement them to earn money. Nothing else to it.

The RIGHT thing is not always what most people want. If people in Pakistan want Sharia then they should have it. Its a Democracy after all.

I am sure we also need Sharia for Indian Muslim as well...

As you said, Sunni state for sunnis, Shia for Shia?

I am all up for it bro

Those in Indian muslims who want to live under Sharia can go to Pakistan. Waise I don't think anyone will go. They had a choice between Islamic and secular country and they chose a secular state. Those who wanted Sharia/Islamic nation went to Pakistan. So Pakistan should have implemented Sharia at the time of independence itself. But its better late then never.
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