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Pakistani youth favors Sharia Law over Democracy.

People love magic solutions. Neither sharia nor democracy is magic solution however.

I,think in the case of Pakistan its our youth's disillusionment with the democracy itself more than love for Sharia'a. Democracy has failed to deliver completely in Pakistan,our youth sees our leaders being installed by the US for last 50 years or so and they wonder why is it called democracy when our leaders are rubber stamped by the white house?
Is there a job waiting for me?- No- Opportunity?- No-

nor i hear good vibes coming out of Pakistan that people are investing or government is creating opportunities for young educated Pakistanis to get them settled- jobs?-

Nor i have any uncle- chacha- on high position- nor i am connected to upper echelons that can do "sifarish"- I will completely fail on that merit- So the figure of "Nil" is valid-

But yet you readily doubt the intentions of an expat and mix his intentions with his other flag-

great success story- :tup:-
at 24- I dont earn 80k a year- nor i have the money yet to invest or even start my own business in Pakistan-
Maybe the contribution story your are looking for will come later down the years- when i am matured and established enough to finally make a move back to Pakistan and start my own business- which i will- No Pakistani stays in Saudi Arabia for ever- eventually they have to move back-

It will have to other wise the equation will remain the same-
"Uneducated population that burns christian homes + no money = disaster"

I just wanted to add that if i remember correctly not too long ago when I was your age I wouldn't have been half as smart or capable to ask the right questions. Even if we differ on some issues it is commendable that you have the ability to discuss and force yourself to learn in a respectable manner. I did not have that when I was 24, I could have cared less about someone elses point of view. So if I can do something today you are capable to do at least 5 times more than I have tomorrow. We need everyone like you in this country, its a goldmine for new ideas and is the only way to bring change, and god willing you will.
After speaking to Pakistani youth brothers here, I was shocked to read this. Has sharia type laws ever helped any country around the world today? You guys are in the minority in your own country man. And you are our brothers. What can we do to help?
When democracy fails, it's not the failure of the system. It's the failure of the people because “Democracy is the government of the people, by the people, for the people”
Hey guys, very nice thread.
My take as to why democracy fails to deliver in Pakistan or elsewhere in the developing world would be the lack of institutions that act like checks and balances. Namely an anticorruption commission that cannot be obstructed politically, which has access
to all procurement data and an independant court which is also safe from pressures from the current elite.
Without these democracy is nothing more but hoping you did not vote a thief into office and it provides no tangible benefits over totalitarianism and/or sharia.
I say let them have it.. Everyone thinks that SA is the best welfare system in the world and once it is here we all get to do nothing and sit back and eat our lives away. I want to see how any other country pulls it off by not having that oil money. Especially Pakistan which dwarfs SA in population. It will be a free for all in no time .. Plus after being driven out in droves from SA they wont have anywhere to escape either, this definitely reminds me of swat and its high time it actually happens so we can move on from this infatuation with religion being the answer to our worldly struggles. Only struggle is the answer to this world and following whichever religion you practice as free men is the answer. Be honest with yourself and others, gain skills and implement them to earn money. Nothing else to it.

So you think Pakistani youth prefer Shariat because of financial reasons and not religious reasons?

I also support Sharia for Pakistan. It should be declared Sunni State for Sunni, Shai state for shia....
best of luck..:tup:

I also support a nice name for India, especially to suit your type.

If they so demand it, they shall have it.

The only piece of thought they need to exercise is that Sharia is not a democracy. So once Sharia is enacted, there will not be any such surveys on what they want and what they don't.

It is a one way route - there's no coming back.

The destination, intended by Shariat, is a place from which none would want return
Pakistan can't apply Sharia because of the Suuni Shia conflict, wait until the Assad falls, so the Gulf region can invade Iran. Everything will be in peace because if Iran is invaded then it is all over for Shia, we can wipe them off from this Earth. Not a Pakistani, but Shia are hella annoying in the Mid East.
If the majority want it, it is their right and it should be done. May be this would be better for Pakistan.

However, if it does not work, do not blame the zionists then.

The same youth should also accept the Taliban rule, why fight with them?

Majority of those favoring must be from Punjab.

Good luck to them.

The real Talibaan are indeed in the struggle to implement Shariat in Afghanistan. But why does one has to join anybody to support the correct way? Perhaps, Pakistan can even be the lead.
The real Talibaan are indeed in the struggle to implement Shariat in Afghanistan. But why does one has to join anybody to support the correct way? Perhaps, Pakistan can even be the lead.

Like I said, make your way down here and I will go with you to vote for your Shariah. Dont want to leave a non-Shariah country and want me to live in one? Not going to happen.

The intended shariat you want is not what is going to happen, or probably does not exist. You want to mix and match sitting down with the taliban with the do's and dont's? Probably not. If you do .. Lets vote it in .. more power to you.

The demographics of the survey would be interesting...

If you have survey in Defence, the numbers would come down drastically, have it in a slum, and everybody will be up for Shariah.

Secondly the problem is that people do not think of democracy as bad (they don't even think about it seriously while giving answers), rather they equate this government with democracy which is clearly not the case.

Half of these wouldn't even know what Shariah is except knowing that it has something to do with Islam and that's good enough for them.

The same demography would highlight disturbing other facts as well. Most importantly, it will highlight the injustice in the justice system. Only those, who are suffering from evil, want goodness and not those who are evil themselves. My post does not necessarily mean that people who live in defense are evil. However it does intend to state clearly that those who oppose Shariat are most definitely not on the right path.
Why should they have it in a Hindu majority population..... Those people who love Sharia law can emigrate to the countries :-)

What is Sharia law's stand on women education and women rights? Kindly explain on these areas!

Islam clearly states that education is compulsory for both men & women. As for rights, they are defined in details, not just as a woman but as a mother/wife etc.

By the way what is Hinduism stand on women education an women rights? Please also explain the cast system in Hinduism.
The same demography would highlight disturbing other facts as well. Most importantly, it will highlight the injustice in the justice system. Only those, who are suffering from evil, want goodness and not those who are evil themselves. My post does not necessarily mean that people who live in defense are evil. However it does intend to state clearly that those who oppose Shariat are most definitely not on the right path.

I oppose shariah law because it does not work with our demographics. From the evil elites who splurge of the poor and the poor who consider their condition to be gods gift and burn any other religion because of frustrations. Everyone can comfortably live in a system based on equality for all religions. Not one religion over all others. More like a system you are currently in.
I bet . There is nothing called Jiziya as well in that happy universe and you can have all idol worshipping and propagating other religions freely .


I truly hope that happens in Pakistan . :cheers:

There's also nothing called 'intelligence' in some brains but should it become the benchmark for us all?

Jizya or tax on non-Muslims provides benefits to those non-Muslims as then they have state protection, freedom and equality plus they do not have to join Holy wars or pay Zakat etc. to the state. On the other hand, Muslims are not exempt from those things.

It is not a one way street in Islam, mate.

Who is creating hurdle for the implementation of Sharia in the land of 97% Muslim since the proposal was given just after the creation of Pakistan.

The 3% elite, who have had the run of the country since forever.

Pakistani youth ka dimagh kharab hai...

I mean by saying that they are giving Shariah a bad name - this youth, which has no shortage of mobile chor, gun violence, jhoot, no interest in education, etc... If they want Shariah, toh you can imagine what good name they are giving to Shariah.

Ask these Shariah young people to talk about Islam when they stop their **** obsession, when they stop blurting out MC, BC in every sentence and when they stop polluting the environment they live in.

They can't do basics of good moral behavior but want religious police running after them.

You just slapped the silent majority who does nothing of the sort you have posted above.
We don't kill them cause America calls them terrorists.

World does.

Just look at amount of killing, raping, kidnapping they do.
They don't even spare children.

And you have the gall to not call them terrorists?
Are you human or not?
You cannot figure out who is terrorist and who is not From daily suicide bombs blasts in Pakistan?

You know that suicide is forbidden in Islam... Right?


And by your logic, no media outlet should be trusted, right?


Lol even Bin Laden put his wife INFRONT of him to shield himself during raid...
What a coward terrorist.


TTP sympathizer & TTP should be hung in public.
I swear I will never rest until each and every TTP bastard body is given a dogs death

You really need to look at Talibaan threads and understand the difference b/w Talibaan and TTP.
... However it does intend to state clearly that those who oppose Shariat are most definitely not on the right path.

Nor are those who favor it...

I am thinking about this survey's result as a no confidence in democracy rather than support of Shariah. Because of the lack of a better alternative and the equating of this government to democracy, people chose Shariah. If you would have given them some other third option, they would have taken that as well IMO.
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