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Pakistani violent secularist groups?

China is China, Pakistan is Pakistan..
socialism/marxism is a cancer, a degenerate ideology. And we can see how peaceful those marxists are in the red corridor. We dont need that crap in Pakistan, enough issues already.

Communism is definitely better when there is anarchy or lawlessness. The maoists in red corridor are fighting for the oppressed and not for some religious ideology. Their means may be wrong but they have a better motto.

our disdain for communism is one reason why we did not accept the soviet invaders in Afghanistan :)

Then why have friendship with China? It is nothing but geo-politics. You were friends with US and Saudi-Arabia. So you guys opposed the Soviets.
What do you want us Pakistanis to do? Kill each other off. Will that make you happy? Pakistanis will not kill each other off to please our enemies.

How do you categorize drone strikes then? As things stand today GoP approves drone strikes. So that does mean Pakistanis are indirectly killing each other to please US.
Then why have friendship with China? It is nothing but geo-politics.

Mutual interests, mutual respects. Trustworthy friend who never let us down.

It doesnt mean we follow their political setup. What works for People's Republic of China may not work for Islamic Republic of Pakistan same as what works for United States of America or Saudi Arabia may not work for Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

You have to be realistic when talking about Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Outside Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad for the most part Islamic Republic of Pakistan is a conservative country.

You can hold Islamic values and prosper as a nation at the same time.

And the secularist westernized Pakistanis (who by the way are a minority) are playing a very dangerous game. If Pakistani politicians decide to bring total secularism to Pakistan there'll be divisions and more violence everywhere in Pakistan amongst the people, divisions between the army, the provinces, in politics, everywhere in Pakistan.

So better to focus on more important issues like eradicating poverty, improving education, improving health care, bring gas to most of the country in this dead of winter, bring electricity to most of the country, help the economy, stop killings of innocent lives especially in tribal areas, and many other problems facing Pakistan.
What do you want us Pakistanis to do? Kill each other off. Will that make you happy? Pakistanis will not kill each other off to please our enemies.

But isn't that what you guys are doing already i mean with assianiation of governer and all :devil:
But isn't that what you guys are doing already i mean with assianiation of governer and all :devil:

Yes one rich governor dead who had the power to help the majority of his people but chose not to. What good did he do for his people? What good did he do for the common Pakistani person?

Why are we not giving the same attention to thousands killed by floods in Pakistan. Why not give attention to thousands of innocent Pakistanis who die because of drone strikes or hunger?

The thread starter want more Pakistanis to be violent so there is more killings in Pakistan so Pakistani ethnicity can be eradicated from planet earth.
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The thread starter want more Pakistanis to be violent so there is more killings in Pakistan so Pakistani ethnicity can be eradicated from planet earth.

That is not true at all. You have no reason to say that about me. I just wondered if only one side of this smoldering Pakistani "civil war" would forever remain passive or if there were countervailing groups to push back. From the answers above it seems that only one side is yet prepared to kill. It reminds me of my country pre-9-11-2001. Even though al Qaeda had declared war on us in 1998, and was killing Americans wherever they could, we did not react. Since 9-11-2001, however, we have been reacting. Have you noticed?

I wonder what will be the "9-11" event that will finally provoke the Pakistani majority to fight back? There have been many, many atrocities committed by the religious extremists in the past few years. Still, none have been enough, yet. How many must die in one single catastrophe to be "enough!" ?
These secular members of the country live comfortably. When they realize their comforts will be soon diminish over a period of time, they will .. they will... just pack up and leave the country and join the many other condemning the crisis that is happening in their oh so wonderful country from abroad.
That is not true at all. You have no reason to say that about me. I just wondered if only one side of this smoldering Pakistani "civil war" would forever remain passive or if there were countervailing groups to push back. From the answers above it seems that only one side is yet prepared to kill. It reminds me of my country pre-9-11-2001. Even though al Qaeda had declared war on us in 1998, and was killing Americans wherever they could, we did not react. Since 9-11-2001, however, we have been reacting. Have you noticed?

I wonder what will be the "9-11" event that will finally provoke the Pakistani majority to fight back? There have been many, many atrocities committed by the religious extremists in the past few years. Still, none have been enough, yet. How many must die in one single catastrophe to be "enough!" ?

That will not happen. You see the only secularist group in Pakistan is MQM, which is a Mohajir party. Mohajirs are those people who migrated from India to Pakistan during partition. They make only 7% of Pakistan's population. The majority of Pakistani members in this forum are Mohajirs. The Pakistanis who are pro-secularists in this forum are all Mohajirs. You will not find any of Pakistan's major ethnic groups (Punjabis, Pakhtuns, Kashmiris, Sindhis, and Baloch) as determined as Mohajirs are for secularism.

Therefore you're dream for violent secularist groups will not come true because we know how to handle these secularist Mohajirs ;)
That will not happen. You see the only secularist group in Pakistan is MQM, which is a Mohajir party. Mohajirs are those people who migrated from India to Pakistan during partition. They make only 7% of Pakistan's population. The majority of Pakistani members in this forum are Mohajirs. The Pakistanis who are pro-secularists in this forum are all Mohajirs. You will not find any of Pakistan's major ethnic groups (Punjabis, Pakhtuns, Kashmiris, Sindhis, and Baloch) as determined as Mohajirs are for secularism.

Therefore you're dream for violent secularist groups will not come true because we know how to handle these secularist Mohajirs ;)

Not necessarily, I'm a liberal muslim and I'm from Punjab, similarly, Pushtuns are now some of the most liberal people in Pakistan after they saw the effects of extremism first hand when the Taliban marched into their areas and beheaded all who resisted.
Not necessarily, I'm a liberal muslim and I'm from Punjab, similarly, Pushtuns are now some of the most liberal people in Pakistan after they saw the effects of extremism first hand when the Taliban marched into their areas and beheaded all who resisted.

Oh come on. Most Pakhtuns will leave Pakistan if Pakistan becomes a secular state. A few Punjabis are secularists but not the majority.

The only thing holding Pakistan is Islam.

The very foundation of the creation of Pakistan was Islam.

Each ethnic group of Pakistan has different language, culture, and history. Islam is the only thing holding us together, if there was no Islamic Republic of Pakistan then you will hear many Pakistanis questioning the existence of "Secular Pakistan".

That is the reason why I think MQM and most Mohajirs are secularists because they want Pakistanis to question the existence of Pakistan so they can merge with india. MQM's leader even called partition a blunder and begged india to take him back when he went to Delhi.
That is not true at all. You have no reason to say that about me. I just wondered if only one side of this smoldering Pakistani "civil war" would forever remain passive or if there were countervailing groups to push back. From the answers above it seems that only one side is yet prepared to kill. It reminds me of my country pre-9-11-2001. Even though al Qaeda had declared war on us in 1998, and was killing Americans wherever they could, we did not react. Since 9-11-2001, however, we have been reacting. Have you noticed?

I wonder what will be the "9-11" event that will finally provoke the Pakistani majority to fight back? There have been many, many atrocities committed by the religious extremists in the past few years. Still, none have been enough, yet. How many must die in one single catastrophe to be "enough!" ?

What you are saying could work in remote tribal areas. Otherwise the Pak Army is there to protect the people. I personally feel vigilante groups will only create anarchy. If their army and intelligence are sincere , that will be their best defense.
A group that kills extremists mullahs and promotes secularism?

Where do I sign up?

...and the MODs have a blind eye on this statement, even one of them has thanked him too for this statement. Hypocrisy at its utter best... Wasn't the members suppose to get banned who ever support terrorism?

Oh I get it - terrorism only relates to religion on PDF.
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The point is not who died or who did not do what for his people -- the point is the way he was killed and now the support his killer is getting from people of all walks of life and the the supposed reason for his killing.

The country is going to the dogs and intollerance is at its highest -- the liberal forces need to join hands and steer this country out of this tail spin otherwise we are in deep doo doo.

If the Mullah has his way - we would be riding camels, chewing Miswak, and herding sheeps and indulge in smuggling in the name of trade.

I apologise to all and sundry for my remarks -- might be hurting and a little melodramatic but the fact remains -- if we do not checkthis in the name if Islam -- there will be no Islam in Pakistan very soon but a bigoted, twisted, and tribalized version of it.

My 2 C worth from where I sit.

My condolonces to the Taseer family -- he did not deserve to die like this -- he had faults as we all do but the guy had guts and was better than most of us in a lot of things -- I know this since he was closely linked with industry I work in and had the chance to interact with him and his close associates on a number of occassions as a competitor. He was a fair man -- atleast he came accross as one. But thna it is my opinion.
Oh come on. Most Pakhtuns will leave Pakistan if Pakistan becomes a secular state. A few Punjabis are secularists but not the majority.

The only thing holding Pakistan is Islam.

The very foundation of the creation of Pakistan was Islam.

Each ethnic group of Pakistan has different language, culture, and history. Islam is the only thing holding us together, if there was no Islamic Republic of Pakistan then you will hear many Pakistanis questioning the existence of "Secular Pakistan".

That is the reason why I think MQM and most Mohajirs are secularists because they want Pakistanis to question the existence of Pakistan so they can merge with india. MQM's leader even called partition a blunder and begged india to take him back when he went to Delhi.

That is why I did not use the word "Secular" I said "Liberal". The Pathans will leave Pakistan if it becomes secular but not liberal. We were liberal in the 60s nobody left. We were happy, prosperous and on our way to a better future. 80s screwed us good and are continuing to do so till today. If extremism prevails then the most heinous crimes will be able to go unpunished, disguised in the veil of religion(The warm welcome Tasseer's murderer comes to mind).
...and the MODs have a blind eye on this statement, even one of them has thanked him too for this statement. Hypocrisy at its utter best... Wasn't the members suppose to get banned who ever support terrorism?

Oh I got it - terrorism only relates to religion on PDF.

Buddy, it's a sarcastic comment, he didn't mean it in it's literal sense.
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