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Pakistani violent secularist groups?

Ok my previous comment was not a Joke.

Why are there no leftist (Communist) parties in Pakistan ? Communism is a strong ideology, has plenty of literature.

It will be fire vs fire, the mullahs vs the godless commies !!
There seem to be many religiously-motivated groups in Pakistan that are willing to resort to extra-judicial killing to advance their agendas. Are there secular or "liberal-Muslim" groups that might mount counter killings of mullahs and religious party leaders? Are there any armed NGO's on the other political side of this violence? Might some arise in response to what is happening? I am curious, I haven't read of any but maybe I just have missed it.

some of the armed MQM supporters have targetted religious leaders or groups they suspected of being taleban-type Islamists
A group that kills extremists mullahs and promotes secularism?

Where do I sign up?

2 wrongs dont make a right

thus far, the moderate/progressive voices in Pakistan have used reason.....unlike the extremists who use bombs and gun-attacks

however, if the former feel they are further being backed into corner than it is possible they resort to armed vigilante tactics......

MQM activists have done it in Karachi.......I appreciate MQMs clear-cut anti-terrorism anti-extremism stance but the behaviour of some of their activists has been highly questionable.

in fact, i heard cases where they accused some Sawat IDPs of being taleban and harassed a few of them
...and then all is left to allah to judge.

Except for opinions about the Prophet (so called Blasphemy) and the Ahmadis right. ....

Can't let Allah judge that because 'Muslims sentiments get hurt' and Muslims are a bunch of whiny, immature brats who can't handle simple opinions of others without resorting to killing or openly discriminating against those whose opinions we don't like.
pakistan is a good example of islamic unity,because its the only islamic nation without rifts between the sunni and shia popuation:tup:
MQM has been like this in the past and some say it still is. And, they call themselves modern and progressive. Their target has been political opponents though, not necessarily the religious ones.

Question is about attitude not of being related to a particular group. Religious groups exploit human emotions more than any other fraction of a society, history shows this.

in reality MQM is very conservative... people who constitute MQM, but i dunno y people get impression of MQM being liberal
Ok my previous comment was not a Joke.

Why are there no leftist (Communist) parties in Pakistan ? Communism is a strong ideology, has plenty of literature.

It will be fire vs fire, the mullahs vs the godless commies !!

because Pakistanis are smart enough not to fall in love with some degenerate, pathetic, failed ideology like that

and in 1970s 1980s there used to be some leftists/socialists/communists but they were often beaten up and harassed on university campuses......Pakistan saw a similar anti-communist drive as what happened in countries like Turkey.

we have had famous socialists in our history --- for example Faiz Ahmed Faiz Saab.

Nadeem Paracha the druggie journalist at Dawn is a flaming socialist
in reality MQM is very conservative... people who constitute MQM, but i dunno y people get impression of MQM being liberal

my impression was that its an openly secular party with no religious leanings; though surely some of their constituents may be conservative

kind of like ANP which technically speaking is a secular party while some of its supporters have been known to be taleban types

because Pakistanis are smart enough not to fall in love with some degenerate, pathetic, failed ideology like that

It worked pretty well for China :china:

Mao: Religion is poison

(I'm not talking about the economic aspect, clearly capitalism is better but Social aspects can't be ignored ;) )
MQM comes closest and will definitely fight in the urban areas of Sindh if the mullahs get aggressive. But that is to protect MQM's turf.
Other than that, there is almost nothing. ANP's leaders have been attacked and cowered. PPP is a ghost of its former self.
All the flavors of Muslims Leagues are largely right-wing parties with a healthy cadres of fundamentalists.
As for the 'ordinary' liberals, it is not in their nature to form militias and kill others--not much different from their counterparts elsewhere.
China is China, Pakistan is Pakistan..

the countries are different, and therefore political systems are different as well.

socialism/marxism is a cancer, a degenerate ideology. And we can see how peaceful those marxists are in the red corridor. We dont need that crap in Pakistan, enough issues already.

As long as there is good accountability and a breaking down of the feudal structure, then capitalism will continue to serve Pakistan well -there would be no need for socialism movement in Pakistan

our disdain for communism is one reason why we did not accept the soviet invaders in Afghanistan :)

then again, there are 180 million Pakistanis and therefore surely you would find a few here and there.....i've met die-hard socialists in Karachi in the past, though I did my best to ignore them :)
China is China, Pakistan is Pakistan..

the countries are different, and therefore political systems are different as well.

I gave China's example to show that in economy: Capitalism. In society: Communism. It works pretty well.

socialism/marxism is a cancer, a degenerate ideology. And we can see how peaceful those marxists are in the red corridor. We dont need that crap in Pakistan, enough issues already.

There are no Marxists in the red corridor, those are Maoists. The Communist Party of India (Marxist) is a legitimate party and is currently in power in two Indian states.

Anyways some members were talking about fighting fire with fire.....Communism can pretty powerful

As long as there is good accountability and a breaking down of the feudal structure, then capitalism will continue to serve Pakistan well -there would be no need for socialism movement in Pakistan

As I said, I'm not talking about economics but social aspects (Communism is socio political): anti feudal, anti religion etc etc
Except for opinions about the Prophet (so called Blasphemy) and the Ahmadis right. ....
:wave: Please feel free to enlighten yourself anytime. link
Can't let Allah judge that because 'Muslims sentiments get hurt' and Muslims are a bunch of whiny, immature brats who can't handle simple opinions of others without resorting to killing or openly discriminating against those whose opinions we don't like.
Let me remind you.
Because of Muslims Pakistan exists.
There seem to be many religiously-motivated groups in Pakistan that are willing to resort to extra-judicial killing to advance their agendas. Are there secular or "liberal-Muslim" groups that might mount counter killings of mullahs and religious party leaders? Are there any armed NGO's on the other political side of this violence? Might some arise in response to what is happening? I am curious, I haven't read of any but maybe I just have missed it.

What do you want us Pakistanis to do? Kill each other off. Will that make you happy? Pakistanis will not kill each other off to please our enemies.
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